Bribery and misconduct among police officers

TL Notes: Sorry for the delay in releases guys. I wasn't feeling well a couple of days ago so I went for a simple check-up but ended up getting hospitalised. This chapter? I am still at the hospital as I am writing to you. If you go down on your knees, please say a few words for me. Thank you.


Oframasi, Police Station, Corridor

Outside the interrogation room, amidst the gathering of three police officers, loud discussions could be heard as who seemed to be the leader of the three officers lectured the other two. These three police officers were none other than Inspector Kodua, Sergeant Robert, and Lance Corporal Jude.

All of a sudden, there came a momentary silence as Inspector Kodua and Sergeant Robert stared intentively at Officer Jude. One could even hear their heartbeat without getting close to them. This stemmed from the fact that Inspector Kodua had posed a question to Officer Jude.

Not being stared at in such a manner before, Officer Jude became embarrassed and hesitant. Scratching his head, he stammered."Team leader, I think, errhm, I think....."

"What are you stammering for? How did you get recruited? Could it be that you passed through the back door because of who you know or what you have?" Praying for such a scene to occur, Sergeant Robert wasted no time as he questioned sarcastically.

How could let such a golden opportunity slip by after all the hardships and and the loss his pride had suffered?

Upon hearing Sergeant Roberts's sarcastic words, Inspector Kodua couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in disappointment as he remembered a recent topic circulating among the media and public.

Hence, even though there was sarcasm in Sergeant Robert's words, he couldn't refute it because there was some truth in what he spoke.

These days, there's been news circulating by the media outlets on the conduct of the police service personnel.

With bribery and indiscipline steadily rising in the country, there was a nationwide survey conducted by the various stakeholders and after the survey, it was reported that the police department top the charts as the profession that majors mostly in such acts.

From the survey, the citizens expressed their disappointment in the police force as they feel the recruitment nowadays is no longer based on merits but on protocol, in other words, 'Whom you know or what you have.' Which has become quite a popular term among civilians.

"No sir!" Officer Jude exclaimed as he refuted Sergeant Roberts's claims. How could he not know what Sergeant Robert was implying?

Gathering his confidence, he replied, " I think after having his crime and dealings exposed right in front of him, he'll feel more anxious and extremely nervous. Moreover, with the assurance that he might get a reduced sentence, he would be a fool not to cooperate with us."

"Excellent! Excellent!" Hearing such an unexpected answer, Inspector Kodua turned to look at the young man before him, patted him on the shoulder, and praised him. He was completely surprised as he hadn't expected such an excellent answer from him.

Sergeant Robert on the other hand had a darkened face. Detecting the look of admiration in Inspector Kodua's eyes, he was on the verge of going insane.