Ms. White

I tapped my chin as I sat at my desk. Looking over some financial overviews. I've noticed over the past couple of reports money has seemed a bit inconstant. Though, my job was to check for spelling errors in the top review sections; I could not help but do the numbers. It's what I love.

Today was a special day, my coworkers have been buzzing about it all day. I wish I could say I had a friend here, but I don't. Rachel makes sure that people don't talk to me. Ever since I got here, I've been treated like the bottom of a shoe.

"Amanda!" I heard a familiar voice call.

I jumped and dropped my pen. My heart began to race as I turned in my chair. Rachel had a furious look on her face. I frowned, not understanding what I did.

"How does Mr. Donovan know your name?" She hissed, folding her arms. I paled, and gulped; My mouth running dry.

"I-I don't know," I lied. Hoping this won't be my last day here. I have nowhere else to go.

"You liar!" She huffed, throwing her hands in the air. "He wants to see you," she mumbled before walking away.

I let out a shocked breath, feeling as if someone punched me in the stomach. He wants to see me? Mr. Donovan?

I shakily stood up, ignoring the eyes that looked at me. I gulped again, forcing my legs to move. I felt slightly numb, but not numb enough to get rid of the rippling anxiety I felt. I slowly made my way to the meeting hall, just a few turns from where I sat.

I licked my lips as I approached the clear glass door, seeing Mr. Donovan sitting at the head of the table. His face was serious, almost a scowl.

I opened the door, making my presence known. The eyes of the board found mine. I felt as if I was going to collapse where I stood.

"You called for me?" I shakily said, I tried clearing my throat.

"Yes Ms. White have a seat," Mr. Donovan said with a serious voice. Not like the calm tone I heard on Christmas day.

I hurriedly moved to the empty seat; it was plush, yet it brought no comfort.

"It has come to my attention that someone has been stealing from my company," Mr.Donovan started, his eyes piercing mine. My hands tightened and I realized I still had papers in my hands.

"...And your name is on the papers that were signed to authorize the transactions."

I pale once more.


I looked at the frightened woman in front of me, who looked as if she was going to pass out. A part of me hoped this innocent-looking woman didn't commit these crimes, but considering her late stays and broad knowledge of the company, I could only assume it was her.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I would never do that Mr. Donovan," the fright Ms. White called after a long silence.

Prove it, I thought.

She looked down at the papers she was holding, then looked at me, "I have original copies of everything I signed, as per policy." She handed me the crumpled papers in her hand.

"I was going to file these today, I can show you everything," Ms. White breathed heavily. I took the papers from her hand and glanced over them. It was slightly different from the paper shown to me. Her signature was moved.

I looked back at her, "I need more proof," I called. Papers can be fabricated. She licked her lips and then bit the side of her cheek.

"Have you done a thorough investigation? I have nothing but these papers and my reputation. I'm not put in charge of much, just checking for spelling errors... Though... never mind, I'm already in too much trouble," She spoke, her head cast down.

"Excuse us please," I called to the board. They immediately departed, casting curious looks.

"Continued Ms. White," I called, once the room was cleared. She looked even more terrified.

Was I that intimidating?

She swallowed, "Well, I've noticed that the reports have been unusual in the technology department, which I don't have access to. I can't sign off on things that are above my authority, but Ms. Brown, Rachel Brown, has been giving me more work with the technology."

"So you think Ms.Brown has been embellishing this company?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I'm saying, I don't have the authority to sign off on money transactions. Not unless a higher authority agrees, in that case, their name has to be signed...manually!" Ms. White stood, her eyes wide. "Let me see that paper!"

I handed it to her, surprised by her sudden attitude shift.

"See! Bank of Tressland, thats how I'm going to clear my name," Ms. White said, walking away. She turned back to me with a wry look, "Aren't you coming?"

I smirked, "Yes, Ms. White"