You've Just Been Promoted

"Let's see," The female bank teller said with a frown. She shifted on her feet and often looked at Mr. Donovan. I wanted to roll my eyes, but Mr. Donovan was hovering over my shoulder, and I couldn't shake my nerves. 

"It seems that authorization was approved by...Samuel Donovan," The bank teller said with a smile. 

I frown, Who was that?

"How long has Samuel been signing off on these?" Mr. Donovan asked, moving me aside. His hand briefly grabbed my arm, as he gently moved me aside. I felt a shudder run through me before I could process what was happening. 

The bank teller smiled and looked back at the screen, "Since August". 

Mr. Donovan looked over at me, "It seems you have been framed. I'm sorry you got caught up in this Ms. White. Trust me, Ms. Brown will be fired for falsifying documents under your name, and I hope to see you on better terms at a later date Ms. White," Mr. Donovan said, grabbing my hand in a kind jester, giving it a little squeeze before letting it go. His eyes seemed genuine and kind, different from before. 

My heart paused, before thumping against my chest at double speed. I tried my best to control my facial expression. I watched his figure disappear out of the bank before I let a stuck breath leave my mouth. I put my hand to my chest and shook my head. 

The difference was uncanny, I seldom never wanted to be on the receiving end of his anger again.

"You're so lucky," I heard the bank teller call. Her voice was sullen. 

was I?


Samuel, what have you done?

I pulled out my phone and dialed my father's number, He picked up after a ring or two.


"We have an issue, a family issue," I called, not wanting to disclose too much if I was on speaker. 

"Let's discuss over dinner tonight," He called, picking up on my lack of information on the issue. 

" I'm out of town, I'm currently at the north location. But I will fly in tomorrow," I responded, checking the time. It was three in the afternoon. I realized that I left Ms. White stranded, did she need a ride? I did meet her here, but I could at least give her a ride for the trouble. 

I turned to head back to the bank, hoping to catch her. But I soon saw her exit and get into a black car. I frowned, wondering who was in the car.

"Okay, see you then"

The line goes dead, and I put my phone inside of my pocket. 

Ms. White, who are you?


"You've Just been promoted Ms. White," one of the board members said, treating me with new kindness. I frowned, feeling awkward by the many eyes on me.

"I'm...what?" I said, by voice above a whisper. 

"Promoted," calling again; with a smile. 

A plethora of claps erupted and I jumped, touching my chest. I had a feeling many people thought I did something ungodly to get this position. 

Mr. Donovan, this is much worse than being framed. People now think I'm a sellout.