Ms. White, Come With Me

I typed carefully on the computer, the past two months have been rough and challenging. I had to prove myself to my coworkers again. I increased productivity by twenty-Five percent! Though, All I did was fix the numbers and reported any suspicious activity.

There was a lot of suspicious activity the first month, but when I didn't sign my name on the documents, the requests stopped coming. It wasn't so bad afterwards; except my coworkers wanted to be my friend now. But to keep things professional, I kept my distance.

I heard my phone buzz against the walls of my purse, I picked it out to turne it in silence, but a text caught my attention.

Meet me at seven pm, side of the bridge; two blocks down.

- Rachel Brown

I frowned, and my heart began to best against my chest. I stuffed my phone into my purse, and continued to work.


I couldn't stop think about her.

What was she doing now? How did she like her new position? Was it to much? Not enough?

"Sir?" I heard someone call.

I looked over at Clare, my travel secretary, called. Sounding breathless. It seems that she was reaching the peak of her pregnancy. I met her husband at our last Christmas party. He was a nice guy.

Though, he made it clear he didn't like his wife traveling, that was before a baby coming. He's more adamant now.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," I said leaning forward; Tuning my ears.

"My replacement?" She called, looking tired.

"Right, well Clare you don't worry about that. It was nice having your efficiency and care. You go take of your family now," I smiled, lifting my hand to wave her bye.

She looked relived, and gave me a smile, "Thank you sir".

My thoughts drifted back to Ms. White. She was like a virus that wouldn't leave. Her soft features implanted into my memory. I frowned when I thought of the car she got into.

Did she have a boyfriend?; if so, then my thoughts of her would be inappropriate. I shook my head, not liking that for some reason.

I picked up my office phone and Dialed hiring services, " Please hire me a temp secretary".

"Yes, Sir"


"Did you hear? Mr. Donovan is hiring a new travel assistant." I heard a couple of girls giggling. I was currently on a lunch brake, still reeling from Rachel's text.

This was a nice distraction.

"I would do anything to get that position, but I would get fired for not keeping to myself," one girl said with a sigh.

"I wouldn't dare, I've seen him mad. It was...never mind," the girl stopped, probably remembering my presence.

"Did you hear about annual vacation? I heard our company may be eligible!"

"I hope we get it!"

It was when I was framed? I wanted to finish, but decided to pretend as if I wasnt even listening. Instead I tuned then out.

I peeled my orange slowly, lost in thought. Mr. Donovan returned back to head quarters the day after the incident. I didn't even get say goodbye.

Or was the bank his goodbye?

Did it matter?

My phone buzzed again, I hesitantly picked it up; looking at the message.


-Rachel Brown

Do I report this? To who? What if they use me again as a scapegoat?

I put my phone away, and began eating my orange. Should I tell him? The cops? Though, a crime hasn't been committed. I have no restraining order against her.

And I don't have his number.

I'll just ignore her, pretend as if I didn't receive these messages, or possibility file them.

I sighed.

"Ms. White, come with ne" I heard a male voice call. It was unfamiliar. I turn in my seat, the ladies had long left, and it was just me in the break room.

"Who are you," I called in a soft tone.

"I've been sent by Romeo Donovan, Louis Donovan Father," the man called.

I dropped my fruit and stood, raising my hands, "You have the wrong person" I said, my voice shaking with nerves.

"Ms. Amanda White?" He called, looking down at a printed photo.

I remained silent, my heart beating rapidly against the cage of my ribs.

"I thought so, we don't have much time. The jet leave in--" he checks his watch, "-- two hours, and we need to stop by your house".

I gulped and stood up, " Do I have a choice?"

"Do you want a job?" He frowned, clearly surprised by my reluctance.

"So, no." I sighed, looking at my shoes.

"Let's go," he called, Turing on his heels.


" I set up an employee getaway for the annual vacation. I choose the North location and south location, I need you there to show the people around," My father called over the phone, seeming a bit more adamant about my going than usual.

"Showing people around hardly requires my presence, I can hire-" I started but was cut off.

"I want you there," he said sternly, then cut the line.

I looked at the phone, what was he up to? I shook my head and set the phone down.

I looked over some papers, my thoughts drifting back to Ms. White. I frowned annoyed, I had just forgotten about her. What was so special about her?

Maybe I did need a vacation.

Maybe then I could forget about her.