Who are you really?

I watch as Ms.White walked around, looking shy and confused. I wanted to help her but remembered she didn't want to be seen with me.

she looked around and caught my eye, she gave me a smile polite smile, before walking towards me. I sat up straight, my heart starting to beat faster. But She dropped her gaze, and sat a seat from me.

I bit the side of my cheek, looking back at my cup. It was water. I've never met a woman who didn't want to be with me. I guess that what's intrigued me about Ms. White, she didn't want me.

"I'll have water please," I heard her call softly. Why did she speak so hesitantly? I could tell she didn't have much confidence in herself. I almost wanted to berate her with facts of how intelligent she is.

Though, we all have a story.


I tried by best to ignore him, but he was more captivating then I would like to admit. Today was the second time he touched me, and my skin still burned.

His eyes almost beckoned me, pulled me in. But I was not his type; nor could I meet his standards. I didn't want to poison my feelings with hope and ruin my reputation by mingling with Mr. Donovan.

I swirled my water with the small back straw it came with, the ice jiggling against each other.

I jumped, when I felt my phone buzz. I frowned and checked who it could be.

You left me no choice.

- Rachel

I frowned, thankful that I was nowhere near her. This gave me some time to think things over.

Another buzz caught my attention.

Who are you really?

- Unknown

I frowned deeper, and typed back.

Who is this?


I'm the handsome man a single stood away from you ;)


I bit back a smile, but it didn't stop my cheeks from feeling hot. I tried not look over at him.

How did you get my number?


Answer my question first.


I frowned.

I don't know how to answer your question.


Then let me berate you with simpler questions, meet at this address

*Link attachment*


No one will see us, promise



Why should I? Is this appropriate? Isn't this only proving you father match making skills?

It took him a while to answer, I almost turned to him, but restrained myself.


These sound like questions that can be answer at the secret location ;)

( •_•)

/ >(\_/) *me* *you*

 ( •_•) \

 / >(\_/). \

  ( •_•) \

  / >(\_/) \

   ( •_•) \/

   / > secret location

I chuckle underneath my breath, but then thought about it. What did Mr. Donovan want with me? Did I want to start this? I sighed, typing in a string of words.

Okay Mr. Donovan.


Great! meet me at sevens-thirty tonight, a lot of these people are in bed by then.




I put my down phone and took a sip of my water. I checked the time, it was six-ten.

One hour and twenty minutes.


I left first, anxiously waiting for her. Time has never made me nervous, but waiting for her made it almost unbearable.

Would she come? Will she change her mind? Who texted her first? She never explicitly said she had a boyfriend. Would she agree to meet with a man if she did have one?

"Mr. Donovan?" I heard her voice call. Immediately soothing my nerves.

I choose the spot I always go to to avoid people, it was small spot hidden behind trees, about ten feet from the water that lined the beach.

I turned, she rubbed her arm; looking nervous. I smiled, hoping to calm her nerves, but I only cause her to look away. She walked closer, taking in the view.

The moon was shining against the water tonight.

I reached out and grabbed her soft, warm hands. She jumped, clearly startled.

"Sorry, didn't mean to frighten you," I called lowly, pulling her next to me. She bent down, eyeing be weirdly.

As if I was going to make a move.

"In here to ask questions, not manipulate you Ms.White," I smiled, letting go of her hand. Which left me feeling without.

"Ask away," she muttered, wrapping her arms around her legs.

I'll start easy.

"Where are you from?" I asked, matching her posture. I made sure to keep as much eye contact as possible.

"Florida," she said vaguely; meeting my gaze. Though her eyes were dark, her presence still captivated me.

I frowned, "Okay, are your parents still living there?"

She stiffen, her eyes growing warily, "I don't have parents. I grew up in foster care."


"I'm sorry," I said, not knowing what else to say.

"Next question," she called back, putting her head in her knees.

"What's your favorite color?"

"Black, sometimes Navy Blue," she hummed, tracing her finger through the sand.

"Favorite song?"

"I don't know, I not much of a music fan," she shrugged.

"Books or movies?" I continued.

" Neither, I like math and planning," she said softly. Looking back at me, I found my self gravitating towards her, but I restrained.

I looked down, "If you could describe yourself in three words, what would those three words be?"

She paused for a moment, "I don't know, shy, depth, and thoughtful?" She finished, sound very unsure.

"I would use, thoughtful, intriguing, and smart," I finally said. I wanted to get those words off my mind since we sat down.

I looked up at her, our gaze meeting, she looked at me as if I was strange.

Was I?

"Well, if we're using personal opinions.. I think your kind, efficient, and humours" she stated back.

Those were words I never hear a woman say to me. It was always words referring to my looks. We sat in silence for a while, before being interrupted by the buzzing of my phone.

I wanted to ignore it, but it could be important.

I fished my phone out, "This will only take a moment", "--Hello?"

"How is everything going?" I heard my father say. I glance over at Ms. White before answering.

"As good as it can, what do you want?" I called with a frown.

"I didn't sent Ms. Amanda ahead for your enhjoyment sake, I sent her ahead to level you out," my father said with a low voice.

"Level me out for what?"

"Your brother's coming on the trip, were having a family reunion."

The line went dead, before I could come back from shock.

Samuel was coming here?