

I ran my hands through my hair, feeling a wave of stress overcome me.

"What's wrong Mr. Donovan?"

I had almost forgotten Ms. White was here, she didn't deserve this drama. But if she was going to be affected, she had a right to know.

"My brother, he's coming here," I sighed. Looking ahead, the waves dribbling closer to the shore.

"Oh," she said, her voice thickening.

"You're right to stay away from me," I mumbled, not able to look her in the eyes.

"I'm right about a lot of things, but I not be right? Your actually nice, many men with power aren't. And It feels...nice. To talk to someone," she whispered back, clearly uncomfortable.

I fixed my gaze on here's, her words bring me more comfort than I'd like to admit. My father frequently tried to set me up, with the elite, models, Royal... But this time. He might have gotten it right.

She held her gaze, not looking away like normal.


My heart beated against my chest like a pack of while horses. He was closer than I think he realized.

Over the course of our conversation, I watch him unknowingly move closer. As if I was a magnetic and he was a piece metal.

His eyes trapped me, I felt warmth. It was something foreign to me. I was so used to harsh, cold words.

But this...was something different.

I almost craved it.

I took a deep breath, pulling myself from his gaze. The water touched my toes, the tide was rising.

"I should probably leave, the tide is rising," I said, regretting the words already.

He stood, and I looked up; he held out his hand and I hesitantly took it. Afraid I might do something stupid, or allow for something stupid to happen.

Once I was up, I took my hands from his; feeling them cool immediately.

"Thank you," I said, meeting his gaze once more.

"See you tomorrow?" He said in a hopeful tone.

I bit the inside if my cheek, "Okay, but I should warn you, I'm a lot to deal with" I joked. But was secretly hoping he'd listen.

"Probably not as much as you have to deal with my issues," he smiled, though he still seemed stressed.

"I guess...we can try to be friends?" I shrugged.

His smile faltered before regaining its intensity, "sure, we can try."


I don't want to be your friend.

I wanted to say as I watched her leave. I wanted to be much more. Ever since the framing incident I knew it was something about her.


I laid my head down against my pillow, my thoughts traveling back to Mr. Donovan. He was gentle and kind. Unlike any man I've met.

But I have to much baggage, I'm an orphan. I have no inheritance, no status; I had nothing that would keep him next to me.

Could I like a man I just met? Could I love him?

What was love?

Was this is? Or was I doing what I feared? Hoping.

"Hush, don't cry. It'll be over by sunrise...keep holding on till then," I sang- it was a melody that often helped when I was stressed, or emotional.

It grounded me.


I heard a soft voice echo through the wall. I had my hands behind my head; Listen closely to the voice.

Was that her? What this another puzzle piece that helped complete her picture?

I heard a knock at the door, I lifted my head. Was it her? I flipped back the covers and quickly made my way to the door.

I opened the door, and a scowl immediately covered my face, "Samuel."

"Is that how you talk to your older brother?" He smiled devilishly. His dark brown hair falling into his eyes.

"Get lost," I grumbled, closing the door. But his foot stopped me.

"Father said we share a room," he winked, pushed the door back open; walking past me.

"Isn't it bad enough that your here?" I frowned, my face feeling warm.

"Your still mad over that? She was just another chick," he said, looking around the room.

"She was my fiancé," I growled.

"She wasn't for you, I was just proving that. Your welcome," he scoffed.

I took a deep breath, "do what you want, I'm leaving." I went to my bed, packing my clothes. I hadn't upacked much, which I was greatful for.

I didn't spare him another glance as I walked out the hotel room, it was to late to get another room. But, I was not stay in the same room with him.

Once I was in the hall, I looked over to the room next to mine. Would she allow me to sleep on the couch for tonight? I knew it would be considered inappropriate.

I shook my head, I didn't want to soil her reputation. I sat my bag down and sighed. Just then I heard a small click a door.

Amanda peeped her head out of the door, looking at my door, before finding my gaze. Her face turned a deep red. I almost wanted to laugh, but I was far to upset.

"I didn't mean to be nosey," she said in a low voice. I shook my head.

"I was pretty loud," I whispered back.

"Your brother?" She asked, opening the door more. She wore and oversized shirt and stripped pj pants. She looked rather attractive.

"Do you have another room?" She frowned, her eyes landing on my bag.

"Not till the morning, but don't worry about it. I'll survive the night," I joked, captivated by her presence. She had a sense of peace.

"You can sleep on my couch, till the morning," she said, her cheeks turning red.

"Its okay," I smiled, leaning my head against the wall.

"I insist, come," she said swinging her door open.

Well if she insisted.

I grabbed my bag, and slowly entered after her. Taking a look around. It seems she didn't upack much either.

"Here's a comforter," she called, bring my attention back to her.

I sat my bag down, and took from her, "Thank you, for everything." I made sure to look into her eyes, to show her I was serious and truely greatful.

She gulped, "no worries, let me know if you need anything else."

She turned in her heels and climbed into the bed, I unfolded the banket and laid my tall, lean body on the smaller size couch.

It wasn't a king size bed, but it will do. I put my hands behind my head, and drifted to sleep. Knowing she was a meer ten feet from me.