Fresh Air

I woke up with a stretch, the morning sun beaming through the curtains; piercing my eyes.

I sighed and squinted.


I sat up quickly; giving myself a whiplash. I looked to see if Mr. Donovan was still sleeping. But the couch was empty, the covers folded nicely.

I was slightly disappointed, but I couldn't tell myself why. I fell back into the pillows, the air causing a small piece of paper to fall off the side table.

The small movement caught my eye; I frowned and reached to grab it, but it was at my fingertips.

I yelped as I began to tip over. I felt the floor against my hands, then my body. 

"Ow," I groaned; rubbing my hands and bottom. My feet were tangled in the sheets; leaving me mangled on the floor. I looked around and found the paper. It landed a few more paces away.

I grabbed it and read the note, 'Thank you again. Enjoyed the snoring;)'

I paled and covered my face, I snored. My ears felt hot as I untangled my feet from the covers. Could I be any more embarrassing?


I sat in the lobby, feeling refreshed. I had gotten a new room and managed to avoid my brother.

I was working on a few assignments when a familiar figure passed, I caught a glance before they turned towards the desk. I continued to work, ignoring my suspicions. 

"Louis?" I heard a feminine voice call, it chilled my bones. and I knew who it was. 

Sandra, my ex-fiance. 


I walked down to the lobby to get breakfast, I briefly saw Mr. Donovan before he bolted to the front door of the hotel. What made him in a hurry pressed on my mind. 

I tucked my hands into my pocket and walked into the large dining area. I assumed breakfast was free. The smells, cause my mouth to water. There were deviled eggs, bacon, and pancakes...and much more. 

much...much...much more. 

" I haven't seen you here before," I heard a deep male voice say. I jumped and turned around, my heart beginning to race. The man I faced was handsome, he looked a lot like Mr. Donovan, but mean. But it didn't make him less handsome. 

"I'm here on business," I eventually called; looking around. I didn't want people to think I knew this man. 

"You're pretty," He smiled. Which made me frown, "Thanks?" I said, turning to leave; part of me had a weird feeling about him.

"Wait," He called, grabbing my arm. I cringed, the intensity of his hold. It brought back memories I wished to forget. He seemed to notice and released me.

"I'm Samuel." 

My heart drops to my stomach, this is the guy who framed me. 

and...Mr. Donovan's brother.

"I have to go," I called, rushing past him; fleeting as if someone was chasing me.


My heart beat against my chest as I steadied my breath. 

What was Sandra doing here? was this part of my father's plan? He knew how I felt about her. 

Did I still love her? It was easy to say that I didn't when she was just a memory, but seeing her now confused my senses. She was still a beauty, that didn't faze over the year. 

I leaned my head against the brick wall, I had found a small alley a few blocks from the hotel. 

" Jackson, I know you asked me not to contact you, but I need you...I had an incident--No--But--okay, sorry," I heard a voice call. It sounded like like Amanda. I frowned and looked down the alley. Her figure coming into view, she stopped just at the entrance. 

"I just...thought...sorry, I won't call you anymore. Forget I called." Amanda whispered, her voice thick as she hung up. I watched as she wiped her eyes, the cries smothered by the pressing of her lips together. She looked up, which I assumed to stop the flow of tears that poured out of the side. 

"Stupid, Stupid, Amanda why would you call him?" She grumbled, her face flushed red from crying. I felt my feet move on their own accord, it only took me a few steps before she was In front of me. 

"Amanda," I called- she was facing towards the busy street. She jumped high in the air and tumbled backward. I reach out to grab her, catching her waist. 

She looked at me wide-eyed, clearly startled. But even now, she had a certain charm. She breathed heavily as I brought her back to her feet.

"Mr. Donovan, you frightened me," She huffed, her eyes still tinged red from crying. A part of me wished I could take on her anguish. 

"Sorry, I just saw you...and," I said looking her in the eyes; As if to tell her she was safe. I watched as she gulped, lowering her gaze. My hands were still firmly placed at her waist, keeping her steady as she wavered in my hold. 

After a moment of silence, she straightened herself; and I dropped my grip. Feeling as if something wasn't right, my hands burned at the touch of her. I clenched my hands shut to ease the burning. 

"Um, I'm going to go--," She started, looking back at me. Her eyes beckoned me closer again. I clenched my hands again and told myself that she deserved better. Not a man like me.

Another part of me was angered at the thought of her finding someone else. But this was wrong, I had no right to feel for another woman and want her at the same time. 

"Okay," I called lowly; not knowing what I could say without sounding weird. She nodded, and walked past me...her scent filling my nose. It eased the tension that was bottled within my body. 

"Amanda," I called reactivly--not knowing what I was going to say next. She looked back, pursing her lips. I looked own for a second before reaching her eyes once more. I swolled the lump I had in my throat. 

"See you tonight?" I finally pushed out. She looked away for a second, " I said I would." 

I took everything in me to not take her by the hand and keep her to myself. for the whole day. She was like fresh air, air that I didn't know I needed. 

"Goodbye Mr. Donovan," She slightly smiled, before it went away. She tuned, tucking her hands into her jeans. 

I could do nothing but watch her leave.