
"You seem tense," I called, nibbling on a California sushi roll. 

"I just wanted to see you, that's all," Louis called, looking at his food, ignoring his brother who took most of his space. I tensed in excitement; and chewed on a chapstick, thinking about what I should say. 

He wanted to see me?!

"Oh," I muttered...unable to think of much more. 

"Louis?" I heard a sweet voice call. I flick my eyes up to see a very gentle-looking woman who looks like she belongs in a magazine set. She was very poise and proper. I looked back at Louis, he tensed--slowly looking up. 

Did they know each other?

"Sandra, nice to see you--I guess," Louis muttered; not happy to see her, but his body seemed to be showing signs of interest. He was tilting his body towards her--almost shifting. 

I looked out the window, taking in the beautiful day. We were just friends after all, it didn't matter what or who he went out with. 

"Sandra, you have a lot of guts," Samuel said speaking up, his tone holding an unusual gruffness; almost warning. 

Micka bumped her shoulder against mine, and I looked over at her.

Who is that? Micka asked with her eyes.

I shrugged, I don't know. Ex-girlfriend maybe? I frowned. She raised her eyebrows and sipped on her drink. She was looking between the three tense people. 

I looked out the window, finding a bit of peace in the scenery. 

"I'm sorry to intrude, I just wanted a word with Louis, it's very important," She called nervously. I gulped, what if it's some long-lost kid she's been hiding? My stomach flipped at the thought. I found myself looking at the group once more

Samuel looked at Louis, who looked at the woman named Sandra, who looked between me and him. 

"Move," Louis called after a long pause of silence. Samuel frowned but stepped out. We all watched as Louis left out the from of the restaurant. We all then looked at each other. I looked at Micka, who looked at me, and then we both looked at Samuel, almost asking who she was. 

He raised his hands, "I am not telling. I have my own secrets I'd like to keep."

Micka frowned, and I raised my eyebrows, wondering what that meant. 

"Maybe we should go check out? since the mood is ruined," Micka voiced after five minutes passed. 

"That's Risky, they might still be out there," Samuel said, checking his phone. He frowned, "Never mind. We can head out."

I took a deep breath, hoping to ease some of my tension. Micka scooted out first and I followed. Staying behind the two. I put my hands into my pocket and hoped the rest of the day was going to be enjoyable. 


I have a son.

He's two years old, I was still in shock because It only happened once, I had wanted to wait until we married, but I had too much to drink that night. I felt so ashamed and vowed to do it right.

To this day I believe that is why she went for my brother, he didn't have a problem with fornication. 

Sandra sat in the passenger seat, twisting her fingers together. She bearly spoke a word since I summoned the driver to bring me a car. 

"Where is he?" I called gruffly.

"At the hotel. Louis, listen, I wanted to tell you when I found out, but you were working all the time, and I was emotional, I-I I didn't know what to do. So I ran out of the country. But now, I want to build a career...I can't take care of him anymore," She stated her fingers turning red from rubbing. 

I screeched the car to a stop, "You want to abandon him with a man he doesn't know? are you crazy?! I will take you to court," I glared at her, what was she thinking?

She looked at me wide-eyed, tears starting to brim. "Fine, I'll tell you the real reason..." She looked down, tears falling into her lap.

"I have cancer."