
I watched as Sandra cried, her tears soaking her flower-printed dress. I felt shattered at the news.

"How much time do you have left?" I asked weakly, my body feeling numb.

"They said two, three months. Louis, I can't let my baby see me die. He doesn't deserve it. He should believe I abandoned him," she wept harder.

I grabbed her hand, but surprisingly I didn't feel anything. Yes, I felt empathy... But not attraction.

"We'll get through this, but you will not abandon your son," I frowned.

"He is yours, contrary to what you believe. Take a test, you'll see," she sniffled, reaching my eyes.

"You worry about your health, I'll figure out everything else," I muttered.


I walked around the hotel, I was bored and I hadn't seen Louis since this afternoon. I hope he was well.

I was lost in thought when I tripped over something. I Looked down and saw a small boy with familiar eyes. His hair was a floppy brown color, and he looked around two. He had tears in his eyes, holding tightly to a teddy bear.

"I'm sorry, do you know where your parent is?" I called, bending down to his level.

He shook his head, tears flowing now. He closed his eyes and walked into my chest. I wanted to react but knew I needed to be calm.

I wrapped my arms around the small boy and brought him to the couch nearby. Sitting him next to me. He gripped onto my shirt, his fingers turning white.

"What's your name," I asked, rubbing his back.

"Lou," the boy said in a whisper.

"Well Lou my name is Amanda, do you know where Mommy went?" I asked in a light tone.

"She went to find daddy, she said he was here...that he was going to take care of me now," he whimpered, tears flowing again. He tucked his face into my side.

I looked around, no one seemed to care that this child was lost.

"Where is he?!" I heard a faint cry, followed by a soft hushing. I looked towards the sound and saw Louis holding that woman at her shoulder.

I felt my stomach drop, but I looked at the boy, "is that your mommy?" I called weakly; feeling sick.

The boy looked, his lip pouted. His eyes grew wide and hopped off the couch, "Mommy!"

The woman ran out of Louis's arms and bent to pick up the boy, her eyes meeting mine briefly. I put my hands into my pocket and turned to leave.

"Amanda!" Louis called, sounding stressed.

I turned and made a tight smile. He stopped a few feet from me, looking at me with concern. He didn't speak immediately.

"Yes?" I frowned, trying not to overreact to the fact that my gut was right. That was his son, that kid had his eyes. 

"This is a lot to explain, but I promise to explain later," he fumbled, his eyes sorta pleading. I gulped but reached out to grab his hand. 

"It's fine, You do what you have to do. I'll always be your friend," I said calmly. Part of me wished it was something more to us, but nothing was right at the moment. 

Everything was Shifting.


I watched as the woman I began to love walked away. I don't when I began to fall for her, but right now...her leaving, it felt like someone was stealing my breath. Amanda, I wanted to call. But I felt paralyzed as her figure disappeared. 

"She's nice," I heard Sandra call from behind. 

I sighed, "It doesn't matter right now. We need to get to the hospital."

I looked at the small boy who clung to his mother, I couldn't see his face because it was buried in Sandra's hair. Sandra nodded and turned, the boy's eyes meeting mine for a moment. I was floored. He looked like me when I was a kid. 

I felt weak for a moment, grabbing onto the counter. Sandra noticed my lack of movement, "Are you coming?"

I nodded, forcing my legs to move. What was I going to do with a son? 


Three Years later...


"Micka what does my schedule look like today," I called walking towards my office, scrolling through my phone to find my events for today.

"We are busy today, we have our meeting with Tim know how long-winded he can make a meeting, especially because he wants to date you," Micka said with a sign. 

Three years ago, me and Micka decided to start our finance firm, we both like numbers and were good at connecting. We were now one of the top ten firms companies come to for finance management. 

I sighed rolling my eyes, "Great."

"We also, this can't be right. Mr. Donovan has made a meeting with us today," Micka said shuffling through the paper. I paused in my tracks, Micka bumping into me.

"He's coming here? Why?" I frowned, looking over at her. 

He made it clear that he didn't want anything to do with me. He said he wanted to focus on his son, Lou. He didn't want to introduce another woman to his life, which is understandable. He wanted to cut all ties, and I agreed. 

"I don't know, I'll tell Dana to cancel," She frowned as well. 

My phone buzzed and I looked down.

The safety check is completed, ma'am. - Security 

"No, just leave it," I called. 

Last year Rachel attempted to attack me with a wrench, and she also destroyed my apartment while I was away. She was put in jail for attempted battery and destruction of property. But part of me feels like she's not done. 

I sent back a short message and prepared myself for the day. He was just another client. 


I felt nervous. 

It has been three years, but she still is on my mind every day. I see her in the weekly magazines, her confidence booming. It was interesting to see her change, yet sad. I could see her becoming more emotionless. 

I had to make a hard decision, I didn't want to cut ties with her, but I couldn't lead her on. I had to focus on my son.

"Daddy!" I heard as my son ran bust through the door, I felt my heart sink; his mother passed last year. 

Lou ran into my arms, his tears soaking my shirt, "I had a dream about her." 

He hasn't said his mother's name in two years. 

"I know, it's okay," I said rubbing his back. 

"Can I stay with you? I don't want to stay with Uncle Sam," Lou sniffed as my brother came in. I glared at him, he was supposed to be at the house; Not here. He raised his hands and sat down on a nearby sofa. 

"I have a meeting today," I called softly. 

"I can go with you, I promise to be quiet," He pleaded, holding onto my shirt tightly. I sighed.

"Okay, but you have to be quiet," I said standing. I took his hand and we headed towards the door, down to the parking lot.

"Next time I'll get someone more responsible to watch after my son," I frowned, as I watched my brother close his eyes.

 "Good, I'm not a babysitter," He scoffed. 

"I'm not a baby!" My son huffed. 

Samuel stuck his tongue out at Lou, "Can't tell."

"So mature," I cut in rolling my eyes. "Let's go Lou."

It's time.