Chapter 14:

Oh my globb!! You know those

moments when you have something

very important to say and it's super

interesting and worth hearing!? Well

this is not one of those moments!! So

if your like me and could care less

about Author's notes then scroll down!!

Yah chapter!! Ooh and this lady is

Bella!! I can not tell you who

she is or it's a spoiler!! But ooh she a

hottie!!(; I've had a pretty constipated

head but luckily I found that pill in

the medicine cabinet and my mind,

Well, she's ready to bloww! Hahaha!

Ya .. Well again leave if you're lame!

Stay if you wanna know a secret!! Hehe

those suckers left!! But anyways!! My

secret.. Well.. I'm just sharting with

ya!! There's no secret!! Wait before

you go!! Stay... I realize that last bit

was the most pointless piece of cow

dung in the world!! (dung means poop.

I would know. I'm an expert at poop

related stuff.) well I'm on my stupid

iPod because I can't go on the stupid

computer because I'm "grounded" like whatthe fuck!? This house is perfectly clean!!

So what if we have a couple of dead

rats, and it smells like a skunk ate a

stink bomb then diarriahed it out!(i

didn't spell that right. Maybe i'm not a

professional poop scout ]: unless i did

spell it right then, what did i tell you

clowns!?) well like I was saying my

iPod is the FIRST GENERATION!! I'm not

complaining like a snobby little toilet

wipe, i'm just saying i cant type for

the sake of Willy's Walrus'!!!! I would

apologize for my long piece of crap but

since its you guys I'm hoping you wont

care. I noticed i said a lot about poop.

Yumm.. And how sanitary as well. I'm

a weird jigglypuff!! Umm.. Just read my

story already... Yeah. Should do that. Like I

said.. Bella!! AKA Mirabel Vergara!

I love saying her name! Anyone else

with me?! Hot mama!! ->

And guys there will be a lot of Spanish speaking in this chapter and well,I can't speak actually google helped you know!! Anyways enjoyy “ DISFRUTAR”.

Hailey's POV:

I woke up held in a tight grip. God.

What now!? I groaned and tried to sit

up to see what it was, but the force was

too much. I groaned again and fell back

on my bed and closed my eyes. When I

felt whatever it was holding me down,

turn, so did I. What in this Christ name

was going on here!? Oh yeah. Last night..

Ugh why did it have to be him though!

Hannah's POV:

Who the hell's arm is on me? I looked

at the arm. Ooh!! Yumm!! What?! He's

muscular! We must've fucked. Hmm.

I wonder who it is!from where i was

laying i could see dark brown hair.

Hmm. I'm usually for them blonde

haired boys. Whoever was with me

must have been pretty hott!! That's

when i realized my clothes were still

on. Well.. Thats not normal!! Did i

get dressed again after we fucked!?

Naww. That's weird. But then what!?

I squirmed in his arms hoping to see

who he was but he was too strong. Then

he turned. Wait! Hold up just a

fucking moment!!

Hailey's POV:

Wait.. I remember asking him to stay

but he's still here!? In my bed!? Wait.


GONZALEZ doing in my bed!? NO WHATS HE DOING IN MY ROOM!? SCRATCH THAT. MY HOUSE. NOO WAIT!! WHAT I HE DOING ON MY MOTHER FREAKIN BLOCK!? I ASKED HIM TO STAY, BUT I DIDNT MEAN FOR IT TO BECOME A SLEEPOVER!! I screamed. With all that is holy I screamed louder than I ever had in my entire life. Oddly though, I could still hear the faint scream of some one else. When I screamed Adrian jumped and fell off the bed with wide eyes.

"I wanted to make you scream, but

not like that" he murmured. Jackbutt.

No he's stupid and pisses me off!

jackASS! Yes ladies and gentleman, I

am bad. Who am I? Oh just little old

Hailey Rebel Love! Yup. Sounds about


Hannah's POV:

Steve Anderson is in my bed! Didn't

catch that? Here I will repeat it. STEVE


you heard what I said are you running

around screaming in a chicken outfit!?

Well I sure as hell am!!! In my mind.

What the Hell!! Did we fuck!? Shit.

I'm to drunk to remember!! Damn it!!

I'm screwed!! Hailey is gonna whip my ass!! I'm such a bitch! I and my

stupid little cunt! Teamwork? Nahh.

My vuh-jay-jay over powered my

brain!! Fuck!!! So you know. I did the

natural thing you do when your sisters

hot ex co arch nemesis is in your bed.

I screamed. I screamed on the top

of my overly high pitched lungs and

surprisingly I heard another scream

joined with mine. When I screamed,

Steve sat upright in my bed and had

his eyes open wide. Well I hope he had

a heart attack! That's what he gets for

sleeping with me. Not that I was really


Hailey's POV:

I bolted from my bed into Hannah's

room. I felt a gush of wind past me but

ignored it. I ran into her open door to

see a very shocked Steve. I screamed

yet again. I heard Hannah scream too. I

ran to the door way to see Hannah giving

me a look that was sure to mirror my


"What the hell is he doing here!?" we

both screamed at the same time, our

hands flailing the same as well."Forget him! What about the half naked

one in your bedroom!?" we said in





.POINTLESS, I KNOW!! Wrong time?

I figured..))

"Oh! I know how to make you talk!"

We both said again. I looked past her

to see Adrian with wide eyes, looking

like his eyes were literally popped

out of our head. I turned back to face

Hannah's room to see Chase with the same expression. I was beyond pissed he

was here anyways so I gave him the

hardest glare and looked at him until

he understood I was pointing my glare

at him.

"What the fuck you looking at!?" I asked.

His eyes widen more and he steps back.

Oh hell yeah. I could be intimidating as

fuck when I wanted to be. I stomped

into Hannah's room at the same time she

stomped into mine. We both slammed

the doors at the same time. I thought

up my evil plan and grabbed all her

precious hair stuff. Like straighteners,

curling irons, crimpers, and all of that.

Then I ran into the kitchen, grabbed a

pot of water and set it on the burner.

As I waited for it to heat up I turned

around to see Hannah holding my combat

boots, and I mean all of them.

"My boots!" I screeched at the same

time Hannah said "My straighteners!". I

looked over to see that our fireplace

was on, she was gonna burn my

boots!! Sure I was gonna make her

straighteners go haywire but still! My
