Unwanted Encounter.

Luna's POV

Before we stepped into the party hall, I took a deep breath and adjusted my gown. I felt so uncomfortable in the dress, probably because I rarely dressed like this.

Dominick glanced at me, scrutinizing my composure. "Don't fucking mess this up, or you're going to regret it."

I wanted to yell at him to at least be nice and stop threatening me, but of course, I didn't have such guts.

"I will," I muttered, looking away, before he placed my arm under his and led us inside the hall.

We were immediately greeted by a stunning golden interior, with bright and fancy chandeliers and state-of-the-art architecture. This was expected for a billionaire family. The hall was packed with guests engaged in conversations and networking. Dominick had mentioned earlier that this party was exclusive to members of the Phoenix Dynasty Mafia.

"They're over there," Dominick's voice brought me back, and I followed his gaze, landing on his father and his wife. "Let's go greet them."

As we walked hand in hand, everyone acknowledged us with a brief nod when we passed them. Sometimes I forget that he was actually the don of the notorious Phoenix Mafia dynasty.

"Why, look who's here," Mr. Knights nodded in approval. "I'm so glad you both made it."

"Thank you, Mr. Knights." I nodded at him, my eyes wandering to Elle who was beside him. She was dressed in a lovely bodycon gown that brought out her curves.

"Nonsense," he said with a scoff, "you can call me father."

"Oh, thank you... father," I muttered under my breath, finding it totally awkward.

"Wow, I'm truly surprised you threw a party for our MAFIA without consulting me first," Dominick stated, his intense eyes fixed on his father.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it like that. It was actually Elle's idea, she wanted to use it as an opportunity to welcome Sol to the family."

Dominick's face hardened as his gaze settled on Elle, but he didn't make a response. He was treading lightly because she knew our secret. And Elle was aware of it all, in fact, she reveled in it, as per the cocky grin on her face tells it all.

"Come on, some of the elders are dying to meet you," Mr. Knights, or father as he asked me to call him, led Dominick away, leaving me alone with Elle.

"I guess it's just you and me," she smiled, taking a sip from her glass. "So what brings you here?"

"I don't understand?" I furrowed my brow, drawing a scoff from her.

"Is that so? Then how about this, where the hell is your sister?"

I pushed down the lump in my throat, tearing my gaze away from her. My heart began to pound terribly, and I wished to disappear from here.

"Am I interrupting something?" A teenage girl said, standing besides Elle. "Oh, it's you." She glared at me.

I mentally slapped myself for being in this situation because why did she just say that? Does this mean she hates Sol or something?

"That's not the way to speak to your sister-in-law. Come on," Elle scolded her, with a hint of mockery tinting her tone.

Sister-in-law? Then she must be Dominick's little half-sister Elta, and her mom being Elle. She actually did resemble her, same black hair, hazel eyes, and she was quite tall like her mom. She bore little or no resemblance to her father though.

Dominick had actually briefed me about her. She's 17 and just recently got into college. He should have warned me she didn't like Sol though.

Elta rolled her eyes, casting her eyes to Elle. "I wanted to speak with Dominick, but he's busy with other matters." She whined, squeezing her face.

"Calm down, Elta, I know you miss your brother, but he's the don now, you need to let him work."

"I know I'm just freaking bored."

"I could keep you.. company." The words left my mouth before I could stop myself. The glare from Elta's hazel eyes had me regretting it immediately.

"Sorry," I muttered under my breath, looking away.

Elta scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "What the heck is wrong with you, why are you acting all nice?" With one last look of disgust, she turned and started walking away.

"Yikes," Elle ground her teeth amused. "Elta doesn't like Sol because Sol doesn't like Elta. So quit trying."

"I...I.. didn't know."

"You'd better buckle up, or you're going to blow your cover." She shook her head, clicking her tongue. "You're so fucking bad at this. Elta, wait up." I watched in total exhaustion as she followed after her daughter.

I decided to go to the restroom to relieve myself and at least calm my anxiety down a bit. After relieving myself, I turned on the faucet, letting the warm water run through my hands before turning it off. I glanced at the mirror, glad that my hair was still neatly packed, and the makeup was still good. I took out my lip gloss and applied a little before zipping it back inside my bag.

I turned back, craning my neck to catch a glimpse of the tattoo on my back. It was healing perfectly well, but it still itched now and then. I can't believe I went through all that pain; I thought I was going to die.

"Oh Sol, where are you?" I wondered aloud, wishing that she'll just come and save me from this nightmare.

After wiping my hands, I made my way out of the restroom, freezing in spot when I sighted Damian approaching. I quickly turned, glancing around nervously for a place to hide; I didn't want to face him.

Seeing a door nearby, I reached for the handle and entered inside, eyes darting about awkwardly on seeing a man and a woman making out at the far right corner.

"I'm so sorry," I gave them a sorry glance, turning my back on them. "I'll just look away."

What they did next I wasn't aware of because I made due of my words and minded my business. I made a mistake though because I didn't realize that I left the door open until I heard his voice.

"Oh, it's you, I wasn't mistaken. I recognize that fucking tattoo anywhere." He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, causing me to jump.

"What...are... are you doing?" I stuttered, eyes darting to the confused couple in the corner.

As if noticing them for the first time, Damian craned his neck. "Get the hell out of here now." He barked at them, and they did so without wasting time.

"So where were we?" His attention was now solely on me. Before I could even utter a word, his lips came on mine in a bone-crushing kiss. I recoiled in fear, struggling to push him off, but he overpowered me, intensifying the kiss.

Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of a gunshot went off, prompting him to break off the kiss, eyes wandering about in confusion. "What the fuck was that?"

"I...I don't know," I breathed, trying to catch my breath. "I have to go." I made the move, but his hand roughly pulled me back.

"I'm not fucking done with you..." Again, gunshots sounded, followed by a series of others and screaming, but Damian was more concerned with forcing himself on me.

"Let me go..." I cried as I struggled to keep his hands from pulling the strap off my dress.

"Shut the fuck up and stop whining, bitch..."

"No...stop! Let me go," he managed to pull the strap off, revealing my boobs. My hands instantly flew to cover chest.

"Take those bloody hands off," he warned in a dangerous tone. He was about to yank my hands off when the door opened with a loud force, revealing a pissed off Dominick.