Abnormal Beast!

twenty-four days past by quickly withe trio hunting non-stop as they go deep into the forest. It was an adventurous event for John while it being a normal day event on Rhian's part.

But Adam felt different. He was like a coin tossed into the sea. He couldn't find himself anymore that he made use of battle a distilled spirits to clear his thoughts.

"And that's another kill. It feels nice when you aren't at the beginners ten anymore." Adam said with no expressions on his face. It had not ben long since he reached Level 15, but neither his rank noe grade improved in the slightest. His physical status and skills were the only exception.

During this period, Adam would spar with John or go hunting to test his strength and they were yet to enter an Advanced tier beast's territory until now, but here they are already looking at one.

This notification only made things worse for Adam after looking at his teammates, who also look petrified as the shivered on the spot.

"John, you said advanced tier beasts weren't too big of a probleb to you two. Then why do you both look scared?"

Adam's question only made John more nervous. Did he really have to ask such a question in the face of ominousity?

"The tiers of beasts don't tell their true strength. The tier rating only tells the order of evolution from the ecological food chain, to intelligence level. It has nothing to do with strength. What's mind-boggling is how can a bear be at advanced tier whereas they are normally at the Epic tier?"

Rhian couldn't say a word while Adam drew in air like a vacuum. This was the worst he could thin of. Was his damn system serious about surviving?


The angry giant bear raised its giant paws and smash the ground, uprooting any tree from its course and destroying the ground.

Safe for the trio, the jumped to the safe area out of instict, barely missing that catastrophic boom.

"Guys, Let's take this thing out. We do or die trying. Grrh! That shit ruined my uniform." Rhian shouted as she looked at the cut on her left arm. Her skin-tight combat uniform which was made from highly concentrated venxomorph liquids an special beasts hide for proper protection. But this didn't stop the bear from doing its deed.

1! 2! 3!

One by one, the trio launched forward in sync towards the hostile party. It was like suicide on Adam's part, but he couldn't do anything to change this, so he played along.

The metal amoured bear didn't fret at the squabble play of little ants and waited to allow their advances. Funnily enough, the trio didn't notice something weird until Adam realized something

<8cm lead body amour, High physical resistance to attacks>


It was too late to retreat now as the were an inch away from collision. This was something Adam would remember never to deem somethings insignificant.


It was like three power hammer strikes suddenly hit an indomitable amour of mysterious metals. A grin appeard on the bears amoured face as it bashed the trio from different points.

The most effective was its suprtise attack it launched was coupled with it's and<190lb fist attack>. A lot of blood spilt during this little confrontation. It was a lost cause and only Rhian still had a trump card.

"#cough# This little shit made me use this! I will not hold back anymore! Cry of the dead!"