Emergency quest! Defeat the giant steel bear!

Adam was in the middle of a berserk fight with a horde of giant warthog-like beasts. His daggers flashed from point A to point B, only leaving the mercilessly butchered carcass of the beasts that fell to his blades. Adam was unusually very calm and collected. He was always paranoid when fighting beasts, but since the beginning of his mastery of the Aries furnace, his heart was calm and his mind remained sober at all times, he was like a stalwart monolith in this state. His dark eyes glowed abnormally crimson with touches of indigo present. His aura emanating from his body was almost condensed and chilling. He was the living epitome of slaughter.

[You have slain an Advanced tier beast:+10 points]


[Your strength grows]

[Soul fragments:120/1000]

[Vanquished foes:120/6000]

[User info]

[Name: Adam Lebron]

[Age: 18]

[Bloodline: none]

[Race: Human]

[Awakening: lightning(mutated)]

[Grade: Rare (increaseable)]

[Rank: C]

[Level: 22]

[Furnace mastery:1/7]

[Soul fragments:120/1000]

[Vanquished foes:120/6000]

[EXP: 4675/6500]

[HP: 2000/2500]

[Energy: 2250/5000]

[Strength: 100]

[Speed: 100]

[Agility: 100]

[Perception: 100]

[Regeneration: 100]

[Inteligence: 112]

[Charisma: 150]

[Free potential points: 1750]

"*Pants* Well...that was a crazy one. I never knew those beasts living in this hidden labyrinth were super strong and agile. The fought like they were almost on par with Elite tier beasts from earth." Adam sat on the carcass of one of the beasts he had slain earlier. He was a little tired due to accumulated fatigue, but he only needed to a little rest and he would be alright.

Adam was so bored and couldn't go deeper into the labyrinth until he had gained his spent energy. It was better to be cautious than being arrogant in somewhere you are a stranger to.

"Store!" Adam called out and a window opened in his view. Otwas the the system store where he purchased his dagger pair.


[System point: 35000]

[Advanced tier store »1000 points]

[Elite tier store »10000 points]

[Golden tier store »50000 points]

[Epic tier store »100000 points]

[Legendary tier store » 250000 points]

[Ancient tier store »500000 points]

[Origin tier store »750000 points]

[Unique tier store»1000000 points]

Adam wasn't really impressed by his current progress. Be had to figure out a way to level up as soon as possible, so he thought: 'If killing Advanced tier beasts produces 10 points per kill, then other tiers above it should produce more than that. But it is very risky. Or is that why th system wants me here, to earn points?'

Adam's thought was rather flawed. He was super intelligent and smart that he understood many things that the system did or anything he read in the past. He was naturally gifted with the brain, but when he thinks with his heart, his judgement of things weren't always the way it should be. He knew about this, but he didn't care.

"Fuck it for later. I need to grind harder to get more points and buy something superb, but I'll purchase something of the Elite tier first to avoid being surprised by a super strong beast."

Adam said to himself as he concentrated on the windos of the system.

[Elite tier store»10000]

[All items here are of the Elite tier]







Adam was taken aback by the new characters displaying on the window. He understood what [Weapon], [Armour] and [Tool] meant, but charm and potion sounded strange to him. 'Is this not what they refer to as mages' and alchemists' boon in fantasy novels, or am I too exposed to civilian life nowadays?'

Adam had decided to do what normal humans did back on planet earth and EARTH II, so he browsed through the network and discovered a lot of fictional novels about mages, alchemists, forgers and warriors. He even went far to research Wu Xia novels. To him, it was amazing reading about people's imaginations, but now he was caught off from connection. His nanites were jammed, thus damaged during his last encounter with a Valkyrian some days ago, which was painful to bear.

"I wonder how that elf os doing under Carla's care. I'm sure she is playing with her new toy. Such disgusting habits of those two. Fufufu!" Adam wanted to laugh, but he held himself well not to shake his resolve. He the focused more on what he intended to do.

[Elite tier store»10000]

[All items here are of the Elite tier]


[Sunset fairy]

[Description: Once the sun rises, it is bound to set. 200 years after the discovery of this precious metal, the greatest forger spent 300 years tempering and forging this weapon. It's power is immense, but with it comes great side effects]

[Enchantment: Sunday]

[Description:The heat from this weapon is equal to that of the sun from and affects the victim from sunrise to sunset endlessly until the willpower of the victim is exhausted or doubled]

[Warning: This enchantment also affects the wielder. Only a person who has an affinity with this weapon can benefit from its side effects]

"I better not purchase this one. It's death! Who the hell in their great mind forges a weapon of great power just to hurt the wielder? And it says only people with affinity? I'm gonna skip this one for now" Adam cooled his temper before moving on to the next on the list.


[Description: Aries, the student of Devrik, the great forger, was a man of compassion and a heart full of life, but evil continued to break him. With the great forger's help, he created his first weapon to judge the guilty and defend the innocent]

[Enchantment: Tribulation, Ascension, Guardian, Traveller]

[Tribulation description: This weapon deals a lethal attack when overcharged with the essence of unknown origin. This attack can destroy a moon at nascent state if the wielder possess this essence (locked)]

[Ascension description: The spells of the past are etched deep in its roots. This weapon can deal long range damage and also trap the targets in a gravity lock. It could be used as protection by wielding (locked)]

[Guardian description: The breath of Devrik, the great forger remains faint on this weapon. It can parry attacks against wielder as long as wielder doesn't run out of energy and is still focused]

[Traveller description: When the power of man leaves his grasp, he chases it. This weapon forms a link with its master. It anchors the wielder's soul to it, which allows closed range teleportation. When wielder is in danger, it teleports wielder to a relatively safe location at random]

[This weapon has great affinity with lightning]

[Warning! Using judgement without the first legacy of the owner is perilous and also deals damage to the wielder! It could cause death! So, use without enchantments]

Adam grinned from ear to ear. He wasn't expecting his luck to be this good. "A weapon with affinity with my awakened power. My powers will be amplified and consumption rate will be lower. Fuck those two locked enchantments, I'm buying this one for sure!" Adam said as he proceeded to finish his business.

[Do you want to buy Judgment]



[Judgement acquired]

Suddenly, aqua sparks appeared in thin air and a beautiful spear with shimmering long silver blade and an intricate aqua crystals at the edges of the blade. The staff was also made of sturdy and impregnable aqual coloured crystal. It had mysterious engraving of runes. This runes were in three portions, which meant the enchantments of the weapon. The shaft looked more like a normal wooden shaft of a spear if this essence its description talked about wasn't circulated through it. After a second, it looked like how it was meant to be.

"It's a good looking weapon indeed. Slash, cut, pierce and swing. It's not like a throwing spear after all. It is sturdy and sharp. I feel elite tier beasts would die even without the enchantments being used. Hehehe!" Adam commented before keeping his newly acquired weapon. He laughed contentedly as he walked further into this undiscovered labyrinth.

On planet earth, things weren't looking good at all. The intensity of the strain between the White Snow faction and the Black star faction was so high that it could topple mountains and blast small orbital satellites to bits. The war had begun on many sectors of the federation's territory.

"Has anyone from the Black star faction or Vilox faction target the other factions, most especially ours?" In a capacious but fairly lit up room, an old but agile looking man sat cross-legged at the center of the room with his eyes closed. This was Feng family patriarch and the leader of the White Snow faction. His attitude was rather calm and collected when he was speaking to his spy.

"Lord! The Black star faction have made a move. Our faction has suffered a lot of casualties from the second years. Also, the first years are being targeted. A cohort of eight C ranked superhumans with one being from the Black star faction are journeying to deal with our opposition faction ASAP !"

The faction leader chuckled after listening to his subordinate for a while, before he asked: "Anything new from Cadet Lebron's group?" The faction leader showed a hint of worry when he asked, but it was too negligible that others were too oblivious.

The subordinate didn't really know whether to smile or cry at this point. He knew this was going to happen anyway, so he sighed before answering: "Cadet Lebron rescued a second year cadet and killed about seven Black star members. The other members of the cohort left their hideout to save as many cadets they can at the moment. As for Cadet Lebron, he separated from the rest to handle something. He journeyed alone into another area we can't see or enter due to high turbulence in that mysterious energy in there."

The subordinate said everything he knew of the moment. He was really afraid of what their faction leader would do after passing such information. Leader Feng was still, like he didn't hear anything his subordinate said earlier. He caressed his long white beard while thinking.

"That's good! Keep an eye on them. Forget about Cadet Lebron's disappearance and focus on weakening the Black star faction. You can go now." Leader Feng said after letting out a sigh. He wasn't really worried about Adam. He had faith Adam could handle himself. After all, his records speak for itself. But Cadets like him only spent a month in training, which wasn't enough to cover the basics.

"As commanded, Faction leader!" The subordinate said before leaving the room. Faction leader Feng, with his eyes closed, stretched his two hands to his left and right. A powerful force exploded from his palms to both directions, causing ripples to appear visible in air like it was water. After a few seconds passed, a droplet of a very clear liquid dropped from the center of the ripples.

Faction leader Feng then opened his eyes with a smile. His elderly wrinkles started to disappear little by little, and the he said: "At last, I have grasped the essence of that mysterious energy. I guess I can die knowing I achieved it, though I know I don't have much time to live. Hehehe!"


In the mysterious labyrinth, a boy with onyx dark hair and slightly grey eyes stood in front of a tall beast. It was a bear covered in lusterless ashen grey metal plates. It was at least 8 feets tall with sharp metal claws that was covered in decayed and fresh blood of its preys. It was scarier than any other type of beast ever seen by this person.

[Name: Giant steel bear]

[Description: A specie closer to the original bloodline]

[Age: 260]

[Tier: Advanced tier]

[Level: 36]

[Bloodline: Great Grizzlies]

[Physique: none]

[HP: 7530/8000]

[EP: 9500/10000]

[Strength: 205]

[Speed: 200]

[Agility: 250]

[Defense: 650]

[Mental fortitude: ∞]

[Intelligence: 700]

[Abilities: Steel body, Impenetrable, Fire grizzly, Haul, Murderous intent, Sinister claw, Invincible, Dealers choice, Berserk]


"Hell! This dude is super strong! Is he really an Advanced tier beast? Am I going to fight something like that Lead bear again...alone?" Adam right now is not going to do this shit right? He managed to live after one bear experience, and another one?

[Emergency quest]

[Mission: Defeat the Giant steel bear]
