Losing Hp!

[Emergency quest]

[Level: Master]

[Mission: Defeat the Giant steel bear]

[Description: Once a mighty warrior born in the universe gave rise to his own power. He shared his power with the kind just like him, evolving them into a menacing power in the universe today. Never underestimate these bears, for they are far stronger than you think]

[Reward: +2000 points, +500 potential points, +1 random skill card of your opponent]

[Punishment: System will enter down state for a month with all skills, talent and abilities sealed. Owner will return to his former state]

"Well...its both good...and bad...or worse. That guy is strong and all, but the reward is decent. I mean...eye catching and the punishment is so... awful! Well... I am gonna take it out with all I got!"

With determination, Adam was ready to fight the Bear with all his gears, but before he realized it, he saw a huge paw coming his way. The trajectory of this attack had its final landing on his chest.

"Not good! Activating power armour! Shit too late!" Adam was tapping on the the gauntlet type accessory on strapped to his left arm shakily when the attack reached him. It was already late to do anything since everything happened in two seconds.


The attack collided with Adam's chest produces a deafening sound like it was some sort of explosion. This attack sent Adam's body flying backwards without stop until it hit a solid tree.

[-1000 HP]

"Heck! I would have died just now if this craxy armour didn't work at the last nanosecond. It is destroyed in the end. What type of monsters are these bears? I'm starting to hate bears already! When will my crazy inner demon show himself? I'm about to die!"

Adam managed to equip the power armour before colliding with that attack, which destroyed not only the armour, but also the unit panel. The gauntlet device was useless anyway. Now, Adam had to rely on himself to win.

"Alright! I'm ready for the party in Clubs labyrinth! I'm gonna play with you a little and then kill you to end it. Also, I'm gonna eat some bear meat barbecue for tonight! Fufufu~" Adam felt he was behaving stupid, but he didn't care right now. All he knew was that bear would die by his hands...his weapon I mean.

The beast...well... wasn't playing either. It stood on his hind limbs like a human and used its short...not too short hand to make a slaughter sign after releasing its breath like it was smirking while saying within 'such stupid fellow. A prodigy my ass! This guy has talents, but he's like those burger and fries I ate when scavenging his kind. Yuck! I won't eat this tasteless fellow without seasonings!'

Adam, after waiting for some time, summoned his daggers. He ran a perfect circle with the bear being at the center. It was a good start in avoiding sudden attacks and gathering momentum. But he wasn't really sure of what he was doing.

The Giant steel bear just stood on his fours with a sinister look on it's face while trying to say 'oh great! This crazy guy wants to play the game of win 'n' win! Try harder kid, I'm just here to get your meat, and I will have something to test how potent seasonings are in promoting barbecue!' The bear wasn't taking Adam seriously. It was like playing a game with a child.

Adam, after running fifteen revolution per second, increased his speed to twenty revolution per second before appearing right in front of the bear. He had learnt this little trick when he applied his speed with his system ability [blitz], which made it look like he teleported. Such childish games didn't really matter in front of strong things though.

Adam launched a sneak attack on the steel bear, trying to do what he once did at training site G. If he could land a solid blow like this one, ge would reduce the bear's Hp by a stunning value. But he miscalculated in the beginning of the game.


Adam's punch indeed landed, but...He... like messed up bug time. Not only did he not deal damage on the bear, but he also suffered a recoil equal to the power of his punch, which sent him flying. "Curses! Isaac Newton just had spoil the fun with his crazy theories. Now I'm suffering."

Adam wasn't enjoying this feeling. He unequipped his daggers to deal this great damage. But he suffered all the effects. His right arm was numb and he wasn't going to feel any sensation for a long time. So ung one dagger should suffice.

The bear scratched it's head, thinking about how this guy was so dumb. This idiot saw his body was made of steel, but he foolishly struck with his hand! Does he think he's an enlightened awakened of sort who could kill with a single punch.

The Steel bear, not waiting for Adam anymore, attacked viciously with no hindrance. He targeted simple areas that wouldn't destroy his toy immediately, after all, he wanted a seasoned barbecue tonight.

Dodge! Swerve!

Adam took longer to get on his feet, but he was in time to move away from those [sinister claws] of the steel bear. "Damnit all! Why are bears this annoying? Is there no one with the patience we humans have?" Adam questioned like a dummy. This bear in front of him was no ass. It perfectly knew what it was doing.


Adam dodged another attack. Cold sweat ran down his face like he soaked himself in it. It was really...salry, but quite unique. Adam, with a smile ran opposite to the tree he got slammed earlier. What was he really thinking?

Adam was being chased by an extremely strong and fast beast. He was sure not even a normal average Elite tier beast could defeat this annoying bear. The only option left was to leave all up to lady luck.

Adam, after reaching the tree, stepped on it, using all his strength to leap upwards. He managed to land on the bear, but he forgot something important!


The steel bear landed its back on the floor, giving Adam a well thought out but rather devastating damage.

[-1000 Hp]

"I'm screwed!"

I'm sorry for the very short chapter! I'm a little in a dilemma while asleep.

I've decided to begin updating "Zathura: Birth of the morning star" by June.

Thanks for understanding