A start to something big

The group continues walking towards the church away from the gated community.

Joe-"That was way creepier than it should have been walking through that gated community"

Elise-"Agreed, something was up there"

Julius-"Well, we were a group of people they have never seen before carrying two dead bodies and a bunch of gold coins"

Adam-"Julius has a point, them being suspicious of us made sense in context"

Joe-"Let's just get this over with I'm tired just like Sir Williams"

Adam-"We all are, we just have to give the bodies and gold to the reviver then we will be done"

The group walks up to the church building at the center of the commoner portion of town. The church is dozens of times the size of any of the houses nearby.

Julius-"No guards this time so we just walk in and tell them we need people revived?"


Julius-"You don't know, you've known everything so far"

Adam-"Most of the stuff I've told you is semi common knowledge, besides I have never been here before"

The group opens the doors and walks into the church building.

Priest-"Hello travelers, I assume you are here for a revival"

Julius-"How did you know?"

Priest-"Just some divine intuition"

Elise-"Or the dead bodies Julius is carrying?"

Priest-"Yes, that too. Do you have the gold to pay for the revival?"

Adam-"Yes, it's right here"

Adam gives the one thousand gold coins to the priest. It weighs him down but he carries it over to the desk for other church members to carry off.

Joe-"One thousand gold pieces gone just like that, it almost brings a tear to my eye"

Elise-"We had it for like three minutes after Sir Williams gave it to us"

Priest-"You may see the reviver now"

The group follows the priest into a room further into the church. They find a woman sitting down praying.

Julius-"Is she the reviver?"

Priest-"Yes, her name is Aurora"

Aurora-"Hello there, I assume you're here to get some people revived"

Adam-"Indeed we are, Julius set Jasmine and Bob down"

Julius set their bodies down in front of Aurora.

Aurora-"When did they die?"

Julius-"Just a couple hours ago"

Aurora-"What killed them?"

Julius-"A lightning wyvern"

Aurora-"Well their bodies are complete so this should be pretty simple. Were they important friends of yours?"

Julius-"We only just met"

Aurora-"It's surprising you spent so much money on their revival then"

Adam-"It was the nobleman who hired us who paid for it"

Aurora-"Which nobleman was that?"

Adam-"Some guy named Sir Williams"

Aurora-"Really, I'm surprised my father would pay for this. He normally isn't so kind"

Adam, Julius, Elise, and Joe-"HE'S YOUR FATHER!?"

Priest-"Quiet down"

Adam-"Apologies sir"

Aurora-"Is it really so surprising? Did he not say I was his daughter?"

Julius-"When he was talking to a servant, they said that his daughter was working at the church. We didn't expect you to be the reviver"

Joe-"Hold on, if he is your dad then why did he still need to pay for the revival?"

Aurora-"Just because he is family doesn't mean I can make exceptions"

Elise-"Not even with him being your father?

Aurora-"Why would I? He can afford easier than most people can anyway"

The whole group in their head-"This girl is greedy"

Voice-"That's just cold"

Julius in his head-"Wow, even you agree"

Voice-"There is being sarcastic and rude, then there is downright cruelty"

Aurora-"Well I'll get started now"

Aurora stood up.

Aurora-"Holy skill: resurrection"

A bright golden circle surrounds Bob and Jasmine making them glow golden.

Priest-"This will take a couple hours, you should all return back tomorrow morning"

Joe-"Where do we even stay for the night?"

Elise-"There are some hotels around here to stay at for now"

Adam-"Let's just look around, I'm sure we can find somewhere cheap for the night"

Julius-"Lead the way"

The group exits the church while Aurora continues to revive Bob and Jasmine.

Adam-"This seems like a fine place for today"

The group walks into a large inn and checks in at the desk.

Inn receptionist-"Hello there travelers, is this all of you that will be staying here?"

Adam-"Yes, it's the four of us"

Inn receptionist-"Four? So where is the person controlling the golem then?"

Julius-"Oh I'm a fairy, I'm inside the golem"

Inn receptionist-"Very well and how many rooms will you be renting?"

Adam-"What is the cost?"

Inn receptionist-"It's one gold piece for thee days"

Adam-"That's good but what if we were only staying one day"

Inn receptionist-"Then it would still be one gold piece"

Adam-"Well do you guys think we should rent out the rooms for the full three days incase we end up staying here for longer"

Julius-"Might as well"


Elise-"Sounds like the right call to me"

Adam-"Alright, Elise and I will share a room to not waist money, Julius and Joe are you guys sharing a room?'

Joe-"You don't snore do you?"

Julius-"No, I don't snore but I'm a heavy sleeper so you probably won't be able to wake me up"

Joe-"Fine by me then, you paying?"

Julius-"I'll pay for the room but just know you owe me in the future"

Adam and Julius hand over the two gold coins. The Inn receptionist inspects the coins to ensure their authenticity.

Inn receptionist-"Looks all good, here are your room keys. They are numbered rooms 15 and 16. Also, fairy in the golem, make sure you don't scratch up the floors"

Julius-"I promise I won't"

Adam and Elise walk over and unlock room 15 while Julius and Joe walk over and unlock room 16 on the other side of the hallway.

Elise-"See you guys in the morning"

Joe-"Hopefully the revival is done by then"

Everyone heads into their rooms and close the door.

Joe-"Alright I'll take the left bed and you take the right bed sound good"


Joe-"I'm guessing you're not sleeping inside of that golem right?"

Julius-"No, I won't"

Joe-"Well, goodnight"

Voice-"He will probably see you deactivate the golem and see nothing there"

Julius in his head-"You're right I didn't think about that"

Julius looks over at Joe seeing that he fell asleep the moment he laid down in bed.

Julius-"Well that solves that problem"

Julius undoes the golem. Leaving a lot of rocks on the floor.

Julius-"Special skill: molecular deconstruction"

The rocks undergo sublimation and turn from a solid to a gas.

Voice-"Your body does not require sleep"

Julius-"I'm aware of that. It's time to go around exploring now, being with the group I've had to keep myself tethered to that golem"

Julius now being a regular molecule again flies out underneath the door, the slight raise of the ground being a massive opening to him.

Voice-"You could have just phased through the door with your phase skill"

Julius-"Yeah but it's more fun to explore this way"

Julius is out in the hallway now.

Julius-"Where to go now?"

Julius flies down the hallway and out of the inn.

Voice-"What if the group ends up looking for you because you're not in bed?"

Julius-"I'll just say I was flying around the kingdom exploring, I wouldn't be lying"

Voice-"What about why you weren't sleeping?"

Julius-"I'll just say I wasn't tired"

Julius flies over to the church building. This being way faster than when they had to walk there.

Julius-"I hated having to walk around in the golem for so long, flying around like this is so much better"

Voice-"You used the golem so you could interact with people"

Julius-"Yeah, but it's nice to get to choose between the two options"

Julius flies into the church building with nobody noticing him due to the incredibly small size.

Voice-"What are you doing back here again?"

Julius-"Just checking in to see how the revival is going"

Julius flies into the back room and sees Aurora reviving Bob and Jasmine.

Julius-"It's a shame that takes hours like the priest said"

Julius turns to leave but as he does the revival spell stopped.

Aurora-"All done"

Julius-"What I thought that was supposed to take all night, that was only about thirty minutes"

Bob and Jasmine are about to wake up but Aurora uses a sleeping skill on them to keep them asleep.

Aurora-"You two are staying here for the night until your friends come to collect you"

Julius-"I feel like I flew in on something strange"

The priest walks in.

Aurora-"Lead the way sir"

The priest bows and the two of them walk over to a wall.

Priest-"Earth skill: open stone wall"

A hidden door is revealed showing a staircase downwards.

Priest-"(bows) Good luck madam"

Julius follows Aurora through the hidden door as the priest closes it behind them.

Voice-"This is certainly something strange you ended up finding"

Julius-"You got that right"

Aurora shows up at a different door. She makes two quick knocks then a pause and then she makes three quick knocks. The door opens revealing a guard.

Julius-"Hold on I feel like I recognize him"

Voice-"That is the same guard who took the goblins away at the gate"

Julius-"You're right"

Voice-"I'm always right"

Julius-"Then why is he here"

Voice-"Well I don't know everything"

Guard-"You're late madame Aurora"

Aurora-"Well the tournament hasn't started yet has it?"

Guard-"It's starting right now, follow me mam"

They walk through the second door with Julius again following unnoticed. A large underground stadium is filled with people watching on the bleachers. With a large pit in the ground bars over the top of it separating the pit from the bleachers.

Aurora walks over and sits down on the bleachers. The guard stands by at the door. Julius flies over the bars and looks down seeing three people in the pit.

Voice-"They appear to be-"

Julius-"It's the three goblins who tried to rob us"

End of chapter 9.