An event of massive proportions

Julius had followed Aurora into the secret tunnel and ended up in an area that had a large pit with the three goblins that had tried to rob them.

Julius-"I thought the guards said they were taking those goblins to a dungeon, this doesn't look like a dungeon to me".

Voice-"Maybe you should look around a figure out what's happening here".

Julius-"good idea"

Julius flies around the spectating stands looking at everybody there.

Julius-"I recognize several of these people, they were in that gated community that we took Sir Williams back to".

Voice-"Do you see Sir Williams anywhere?"

Julius-"No, he isn't here nor his servant that we talked to".

Somebody walks out of a different door carrying a staff with a magic circle at the top that indicates the use of a sound skill. This is the announcer using it as a microphone.

Announcer-"Alright ladies and gentleman, welcome back to our weekly special event!"


Announcer-"This week we are starting off with these three dreadful creatures who tried to murder the nobility of this kingdom earlier today!"

Crowds-"Boo, make them dead, get rid of the monsters"

Julius-"Huh, they only tried robbing us not killing us"

Voice-"They did threaten you guys with daggers"

Julius-"I mean I guess that's true"

Announcer-"So what do you say we give them a little punishment!?"


Announcer-"How about we throw them in the dungeon!?"


Announcer-"No? What about forced labor!?"


Announcer-"No again? Well what about... a brawl!"


Julius-"A brawl?"

Announcer-"Well the people have spoken for crimes against the elite, these goblins will be the first competitors in this week's brawl!"

Crowds-"Take that you beasts, this is what you deserve"

Julius-"Ok, this is definitely messed up"

Voice-"Agreed, we might want to get out of here"

- [ ] Announcer (sarcastically) "Now as you know, that signed dreadful treaty prohibits execution unless criminals are considered "genocidal" or "enemies of creation".


Announcer-"That is why we have our very own reviver with us today which without this wouldn't be possible. Let's hear it for... (shouting) Aurora!"


Julius flies over to Aurora, she is smiling but she has a hint of discomfort at the situation.

Goblin 1 (shouting)-"Let us out of here"

Goblin 2 (shouting)-"We don't deserve this"

Goblin 3 (shouting)-"Don't do this please"

Crowds-"Be quiet, shut up, get to fighting already"

Announcer-"Time for the first round to begin!"

The crowds scream even louder this time.

Announcer-"In round one we have on the south side of the stadium, the goblin trio!"


Announcer-"On the north side, we have a recently apprehended arsonist. He was responsible for burning down an entire village!"

A gate opens up inside of the stadium allowing a 2 meter tall skinny human man dressed in torn and ragged clothes with fire coming out of his two hands.

Crowds-"woooooo, burn them to ash"

Julius continues to fly around the crowd he finds two spectators talking.

Spectator 1-"So, who you betting on for this match?"

Spectator 2-"The arsonist obviously"

Spectator 1-"I put a couple coins on the goblins"

Spectator 2-"Why would you do that?"

Spectator 1-"Everyone is betting on the arsonist. If the goblins win, I get a big payout. If they loose, it's just some chump change I lost"

Spectator 2-"Makes sense, but there is no way they will win"

Spectator 1-"One can dream I suppose"

Julius-"These guys don't care about the prisoners at all. They are even betting on who dies first"

Announcer-"Let the first round... (shouting) begin!"

The goblins scatter and run away from the arsonist. The arsonist throws fire balls at the goblins.

Goblin 1-"I have dealt with enough fire already from earlier"

Goblin 2-"Enough of this, we can take him"

Goblin 3-"Yeah get him"

The three golems run at the arsonist from different sides with their daggers.

Arsonist-"(maniacal laughter) Fire skill: engulfing flames"

- [ ] A large wall of fire surrounds the arsonist and flies out in all directions encompassing the goblins.

Julius-"This guy is a fire user like Elise although he seems weaker than her"

Voice-"Elise is level 75 while this arsonist is only level 30"

Julius-"That is still a higher level than I am"

Voice-"Indeed, you are only level 21. However, your skills are better than his"

The goblins are all on the floor.

Arsonist-"More, more, more. Hahaha, fire skill: ever growing flames"

The pit is engulfed in continuous fire.

Julius-"I have to stop this"

Julius flies down and attempts to get into the pit but the voice tells him to stop.

Voice-"There is a high level magic barrier combined with the bars"

Julius-"Am I unable to get through it?

Voice-"The barrier negates magic that touches it to keep the audience safe. However, it lets air in so you could be able to pass through but you shouldn't"

Julius-"Why is that?"

Voice-"The pit is full of fire. Your magic would be nullified the second you pass through the barrier. The oxygen molecule form would be destroyed and turned into carbon dioxide due to the fire"

Julius-"So there is nothing I can do now"

Voice-"You will have to wait for the match to end"

Julius-"Those goblins will die any second now, I have to help them"

Announcer-"That's the match, we have our winner"

Julius looks down as the fire disperses. The goblins have died and the arsonist remains.


Spectator 2-"Told you the arsonist would win"

Spectator 1-"Unfortunate, but oh well. Not much money lost it with being a light gamble"

Julius-"These people don't care at all"

Several magic circles appeared under the goblins teleporting them away.

Announcer-"Alright people are you ready now that the first round is out of the way? Our wonderful arsonist moves onto the next match. Our next opponent is someone you know, despise, and our returning champion. It's our very own (yelling) curseborn!!!"

Crowds-"Boo, how is that thing still alive? It's an insult to life itself"

Announcer-"Maybe our wonderful arsonist here will be the one to finally take him down after a full year of triumph"

Crowds-"Yeah! Take that monster down for once and make sure you don't revive him afterwards"

Julius-"They really hate this next person, I wonder what was the crime?

Voice-"The fire is finally all gone"

Julius-"You're right. Now is my chance to pass through the barrier"

Julius flies over to the barrier and passes through. People can't normally get through but air is able to get in so he can. However, the barrier negates magic. Passing through causes magic to deactivate for a few seconds.

Julius-"Alright, time to see who is this 'curseborn'"

The door opens and out walks a 2 meter tall human. He has black spiky hair and red eyes. He doesn't look very intimidating though due to him being incredibly skinny.

Julius-"Honestly, not what I was expecting"

Announcer-"Now it's time to let the next round begin"

Crowds-"Kill that creature!"

Voice-"You should probably create some matter around yourself so you don't get burned"

Julius-"You're right, earth skill: stone creation"

Julius creates a small pebble around himself small enough that nobody will notice. He keeps the rock levitated as he continues to fly around the inside of the arena.

Arsonist-"So this bag of bones is the big bad 'curseborn' I heard about. You look like you haven't eaten in a week"

Curseborn-"(yawns), Can we get this over with? I have eaten. I had a spoonful of rice yesterday"

Arsonist-"I'll enjoy burning you to ash, fire skill: fire ball"

The arsonist creates a large ball of fire and shoots it towards the curseborn human creating a huge explosion.

Arsonist-"I didn't expect too much with that frail body but with how much they hyped you up this is underwhelming"

Julius-"Is it over already?"

The smoke clears revealing the curseborn human standing up unscathed. A dark magic circle appears infront of him.

Arsonist-"You blocked it?(laughs) Well, try blocking this fire skill: dragon's breath"

A continuous flame is shot out towards the curseborn enveloping him. The curseborn can be seen inside the flames and is walking slowly towards the arsonist seemingly unfazed by the flame holding the dark spell circle in front of him.

Julius-"It has no effect on him, what magic is he using?"

Voice-"Based on the symbols on the spell circle and it's color, it seems to be dark magic"

Julius-"Dark magic!?"

The curseborn walks up to the arsonist still enveloped in the flames.

Julius flies over to inspect.

Voice-"It's risky getting closer to the flames"

Julius-"Yeah, but this is strange. The fire being created by the arsonist has a lot of heat but once it reaches the curseborn the heat is dissipated"

Arsonist-"But, but how!?"

The curseborn puts his hand up against the aronist's face while still enveloped in the flames.

Curseborn-"Dark skill: unbinding"

A second dark magic circle is created in front of the curseborn as he used another skill. The arsonist's flame stops being casted. Both are standing still.

Julius-"What skill was that?"

Voice-"I am unsure"

The crowd is silent. Suddenly the arsonist's arm that was casting the skill falls to his side, his mouth opens up, and his body crumples to the floor. His limbs bending the wrong way.

Julius-"Is he dead!?"

Arsonist-"wa de yu do tu ee? (What did you do to me?)"

Curseborn-"You'll be fine, you just need someone to heal you"

Announcer-"Once again, the curseborn is the victor!"

Crowds-"Boo!! He won again come on, this happens every time"

The curseborn walks back through the gate again.

Announcer-"Now for intermission, please return again in thirty minutes for the next match to be begin"

The crowd gets up and walks away while Aurora heads down to revive the goblins. A healer also heads down to heal up the arsonist. Julius flies over and follows the curseborn down the underground hallway through the gate before it closes.

End of chapter 10.