A small investigation

The gate closed behind Julius as he followed the curseborn human through the tunnel. The tunnel lead to a prison cell with guards standing beside it.

Guard 1-"Get back into the cell"

Curseborn-"Yeah, yeah I know"

The curseborn walks into the cell but was then shoved to the ground inside the cell by the guard. The guards then close and lock the cell and leave.

Voice-"So what is your plan"


Voice-"Your plan, the reason you followed him down here"

Julius-"Curious is all, everyone in the stands hated him but something was weird"

Voice-"What was weird about it?"

Julius-"When the goblins came out the announcer said they tried to rob and kill nobility. When the arsonist came out the announcer said that he burned down a village. But when this guy came out he didn't say what he did"

Voice-"The announcer said the curseborn is a returning champion so maybe everybody already knew what he did"

Julius-"And that's the other thing, what even is a curseborn?"

Voice-"I am unsure"

Julius-"Why don't you know?"

Voice-"I only know absolute facts about things in the world. The title of curseborn must be some label thought up by the people"

Julius-"When I first heard it, I assumed it was a different species but from what I can tell he is a normal human. Maybe I should get a closer look"

Julius flew over to the curseborn and flew close enough to look at their DNA.

Julius-"Yep this is normal human DNA"

Voice-"What do you think it could mean then?"

Julius-"Well I do have one theory"

Voice-"What is your theory?"

Julius-"Aurora is known as a holyborn because she was born having holy magic"

Voice-"And you believe this curseborn title means the same thing"

Julius-"Yes, I believe it was probably dark magic"

Voice-"Why is that"

Julius-"When he used that skill on the arsonist he called it 'dark skill', is dark magic a thing?"

Voice-"Yes, dark magic does exist in this world. It is normally obtained through a ritual but I suppose there is a chance somebody could be born possessing it"

Julius-"Mystery solved then, but there is one more question"

Voice-"How many times are you going to make me ask what or why, just say your whole thought process already"

Julius-"Sorry, I was wondering what he did to get locked up here. It must have been pretty bad if the whole crowd was cheering for an arsonist who burnt down a village to kill him. Especially since he doesn't seem like a bad guy"



Voice-"Are you trying to make me ask why again?"

Julius-"This is a regular conversation structure, don't make it into a big deal"

Voice-"I don't like having to repeat myself but fine, why do you think he's not a bad guy"

Julius-"When he used that skill to take down the arsonist, he left him crippled and said he could simply be healed. Plus, the arsonist was trying to kill him even though he knew that they would have simply revived the arsonist. However, he still didn't want to kill him"

Voice-"An interesting observation"

Julius-"It just makes no sense, supposably he must have done something really bad to get all those people to hate him so much. Yet,he didn't want to kill the arsonist. Can you think of anyway to figure this out"

Voice-"This place functions as a dungeon, so there should be some information on the prisoners somewhere around here"

Julius-"You're right, I'll take a look around"

Julius exits out of the cell.

Julius-"These bars seem enchanted to be stronger but they don't have a barrier on them like the arena would which is strange"

Julius continues to quickly fly throughout the dungeon looking for a room that may contain information on the prisoners. Julius eventually goes up a flight of stairs and finds a wooden door with a guard sitting outside of it.

Julius-"This looks like it could be the place"

Voice-"Why are you so curious about this?"

Julius-"It just caught my attention is all. Now, let's see what's on the other side of this door, special skill: phase"

Julius phased through the door and entered the room seeing a desk in the center with some paintings of royalty on the walls and cabinets in the back of the room.

Julius-"Jackpot, the information must be in there"

Julius flies over to the cabinets and through the opening because while it may seem closed to a normal sized person it is a massive opening to a molecule like Julius.

Julius-"Pretty dark in here, light skill: illuminate"

Julius creates a small light and now he flies between the papers and reads through them all, being able to fit in between the tiny space between the stacks of paper lying on top of each other.

Julius-"I can't find him anywhere"

Voice-"There may be a reason for that"

Julius-"What is it?"

Voice-"You don't know his name"



Julius-"(shocked yell) How did I forget that, we have been referring to him as the curseborn this whole time it hadn't accured to me that we didn't know his actual name"

Voice-"I don't know why you said 'how did I forget that' when you answered it right afterwards"

Julius-"You know for a while there you were being quite helpful and then you went back to to being rude again"

Voice-"We were in a situation where you could have gotten yourself killed. It was more important at the time to focus on being helpful"

Julius-"So as long as I'm in a life or death situation you won't be insufferable"


Julius-"Noted, and besides even if we don't know his name we should be able to find him still"

Voice-"Even without finding his name on the paper?"

Julius-"These papers all have the species, gender, and appearances on them so all I have to do is look for a paper that describes a human male with black hair and red eyes which should narrow it down"

Voice-"That should work, black hair with red eyes isn't a very common look"

Julius continued moving between the cabinets looking at papers in order to find one that matched the description.

Julius-"Going through these papers it just gets worse and worse"

Voice-"Are you seeing worse crimes that were committed?"

Julius-"No, well I'm seeing some bad crimes. But, a lot of these are minor stuff. Like this one where a dwarf mother tried to steal some bread for her children and was sentenced to three years in prison. That was a whole year ago I hope her children are still alive somehow"

Voice-"It seems their justice system is very strict"

Julius-"You would think so but look at this. Another dwarf was proven cruel to her maids and yet she simply received a small rine"

Voice-"It doesn't seem fair does it?"

Julius-"No, not at all"

Julius continued looking through the papers and found one that matched the description listing a human male with black hair and red eyes.

Julius-"Finally, I found his paper"

Voice-"What does it say?"

Julius-"Well, it seems like his name is actually Damion, and we were correct he was born with dark magic"

Voice-"Find out what crime he did so we can get out of here"

Julius-"Under crimes it says 'possesses dark magic'"

Voice-"What did he do with it"

Julius-"Nothing, it's just the fact he has it"


Julius-"So for just being born with dark magic he is that hated are you joking with me"

Voice-"I'm not joking with you, this isn't a humorous situation"

Julius-"Thus is the worst one here I mean for the other over punishments at least the committed a petty theft or something but he did nothing and was given a life sentence"

Voice-"There must be quite the hatred towards dark magic"

Julius-"I can understand that for when someone does some ritual for it but just being born with it he had no choice in it"

Voice-"You seem quite angry about this"

Julius-"That's it I have made up my mind"

Voice-"About what?"

Julius-"I'm freeing all these innocent people including Damion, and I'm putting a stop to this fighting arena!"

Voice-"And how do you plan on doing that all by yourself"

Julius-"I'm gonna have to get some help and I know exactly who to ask"

End of chapter 11.