A little assistance

Voice-"Who do you plan on asking for help?"

Julius-"Isn't it obvious? I'm asking Adam, Elise, and Joe"

Voice-"What makes you think they will help you here?"

Julius-"Well, we are friends aren't we?"

Voice-"Yes, but you would he asking them to effectively commit treason on this kingdom by freeing prisoners"

Julius-"True, still they need to at least know what I'm doing and then they can help if they want to"

Voice-"So you plan on manipulating them by making it seem like you aren't asking for help in order to make them feel like the decision to help you was all on their own"

Julius-"Why are you making it sound like I'm doing something wrong?"

Voice-"Just pointing something out"

Julius-"I need to head back to the hotel"

Julius begins flying back to the door.

Voice-"You know there is a much faster way of getting back"

Julius-"There is?"

Voice-"Simply phase through the ceiling and fly up through the ground. It will also allow you to know where this place is located underground once you surface"

Julius-"You're right, that's much better than flying back through the hallway!"

Julius flies up to the ceiling.

Julius-"Special skill: phase"

Julius phases through the wooden ceiling getting to a layer of bedrock then stone and dirt until he reaches above ground. Julius then flies higher into the air to see where he ended up.

Julius-"This seems to surface inside the shopping district"

Voice-"What's the plan?"

Julius-"We can hide inside one of these stands and secretly dig a tunnel down towards the dungeons to allow some of the prisoners to escape"

Voice-"Only some of them?"

Julius-"Well, not all of them are innocent. There are plenty of people down there who are real menaces to society like that arsonist"

Voice-"Yes, but do you plan on letting the tournaments continue using those prisoners"

Julius-"True, I will have to think of someway to stop those underground tournaments from continuing. First I must get back to the Inn and tell Adam, Elise, and Joe about this"

Julius flies back to the Inn having gone this entire trip unnoticed due to his infinitesimal size. Julius gets to the Inn and returns back to his room and sees Joe sleeping.

Julius-"Due to how eventful the past day has been, it would be rude to just wake him up since he has only really gotten like twenty minutes of sleep so far"

Voice-"Well do you plan on waiting until tomorrow to make this rescue mission"

Julius-"On one hand I want to stop this terrible thing as soon as possible. On the other hand, we can't be too impulsive. We have to fully create our plan, and on the other other hand I have to make sure nothing happens to Bob and Jasmine since they are still at the church"

Voice-"You don't have any hands let alone three of them"

Julius-"I know I don't have any hands how many times are you going to point out my figures of speech"

Voice-"As many times as I want"

Julius-"Alright, well I can't just sit around for now so how do I wake them all up while keeping them all well rested"

Voice-"Looking through possible skills there is a support skill called stamina recovery which allows a full 8 hours of sleep to be completed in only five minutes"

Julius-"Do I have that skill?"

Voice-"No you don't, but you could unlock it like you have many other skills"

Julius-"Ok, so I just need to replicate the sleep cycle very quickly"

Julius flies next to Joe and thinks of what to do.

Julius-"Ok, so there are many steps to the sleeping cycle"

Voice-"You do realize that Joe could be very angry with you if he finds out you experimented on him while he was asleep?"

Julius immediately stops.

Julius-"Ok, yeah you are correct sometimes my mind gets a little too scientific. I should probably just experiment on a smaller creature instead.

Voice-"That sounds more reasonable"

Julius flies away from the Inn again and finds a small rat moving around outside sleeping.

Julius-"Should be simple enough"

Voice-"Are you going to use a mix of skills to replicate the sleep cycle"

Julius-"That was the original plan. Heal the muscle tissue, regulate it's body temperature and moisture levels then use a soothing rhythm on the brain"

Voice-"If that was your original plan what is your current plan"

Julius-"I'll just use my molecular reconstruction skill to rebuild the rat just awake and fully rested"

Julius flies next to the sleeping rat.

Julius-"Special skill: molecular reconstruction"

The rat is shining brightly as all of its atoms are split apart and then remolded almost the exact same as before but with the sleep cycle now being fully completed.

Julius-"All done"

The rat wakes up. It's a bit confused for a moment why it's still dark out but then scurries away.

Voice-"You have unlocked the support skill: stamina recovery and grew to level 22"

Julius-"Put the skill point towards mana, and it seems a bit vague to call it stamina recovery when it's more than that"

Voice-"The skill is pretty broad"

Julius-"Yeah, hmmm"

Voice-"What is it"

Julius-"Did I kill that rat?"

Voice-"You have killed plenty of creatures over the past couple days"

Julius-"Well yeah, but it's more so I don't know if I did or not"

Voice-"It looks alive to me"

Julius-"Yeah, but it's more of a ship of Theseus thing"

Voice-"The ship of Theseus is when the ship is completely replaced with all new materials. The rat is made of the same atoms as before"

Julius-"It's all the same atoms in the same order but it's technically a bit different. I mean it was taken apart at the atomic level"

Voice-"Most importantly it's soul is still in the same body"

Julius-"True, the soul is the same so I guess your right"

Voice-"Just focus. You have the skill so now you can wake up your companions"

Julius flies back to the inn and next to Joe.

Julius-"Earth skill: golem creation"

Julius creates a large boulder golem next to Joe and shoves him awake.

Julius-"Joe wake up this is important"

Joe-"Is it morning already?"

Julius-"No, it's still night but the sun will rise in an hour or two"

Joe-"How long have I been asleep for?"

Julius-"About twenty minutes or so "

Joe-"I'm going back to sleep"

Julius-"I said this is important"

Joe-"I said I'm going back to sleep"

Julius-"I can use a stamina recovery skill on you to wake you up"

Joe-"I can't just go to sleep instead?"

Julius-"With how early it is, you'll gain more energy from my skill then if you went back to sleep"


Julius-"Support skill: stamina recovery"

Joe's energy rises and feels well rested.

Julius-"There that should be the same as a full eight hours of sleep"

Joe sits up on the bed.

Joe-"(yawns) Alright so what is so important"

Julius-"I found an underground fighting arena where prisoners are forced to fight to the death"



Joe-"You found a what?"

Julius-"I found an underground fighting arena where..."

Joe-"That doesn't mean say it again!"


Joe-"You don't tell somebody that after just waking them up. Dude, what is wrong with you"


Joe-"Ugh ok, just give me a second to process this"

Joe and Julius sit in silence for a moment.


Julius-"Is it processed?"

Joe-"Yea, so underground fighting arena"


Joe-"Full of prisoners"


Joe-"They are forced to fight to the death"


Joe-"I see, uh have you told Adam and Elise yet?"

Julius-"No, I'm telling you first"

Joe-"Why me?"

Julius-"You were the first who came to mind"

Joe-"Alright, let's wake up Adam and Elise before we talk more about this"

Joe and Julius walk out of the room and knock on Adam and Elise's door.

Joe-"(knock) (knock) (quietly) Adam, Elise, you guys awake"

Joe knocks again. The sounds of somebody getting out of bed. Elise opens the door wearing pajamas.

Elise-"Joe? Julius? What do you guys want?"

Julius-"It's something really important, we need you and Adam"

Elise-"We have barely gotten any sleep"

Julius-"I can use my stamina recovery skill to make you well rested"

Elise-"Since when did you have that?"

Julius-"Since now"

Elise-"Fine "

Julius-"Support skill: stamina recovery"

Elise gains her energy back.

Elise-"(yawns) Welp guess I'm awake now, I'll go get Adam"

Elise closes the door.

Elise-"Adam wake up"


Elise-"I guess Julius and Joe have something important to talk to us about"


Adam gets out of bed and walks to the door and reopens it.

Adam-"Can you be quick (yawns) I'm tired"

Julius-"Can I wake you up more with a support skill?"

Adam-"Um sure, healing?"

Julius-"Support skill: stamina recovery"

Adam also feels well rested now.

Adam-"Welp, guess I'm not tired anymore. You have a stamina recovery skill too?"

Julius-"Yes, sorry but this is important"

Adam-"What is it?"

Julius-"Follow us"

Adam and Elise follow Julius back into Joe and Julius's room.

Julius-"Now listen carefully"

End of chapter 12.