A small reunion

Julius had arrived back to the Inn where the group was staying and saw a note saying to meet up at the church. 

Julius-"Do you think it's a trap?"

Voice-"That is possible.  However, I haven't seen any evidence supporting the idea that the enemy knows who you are"

Julius-"That is true. But Adam said that he was going with Elise and Joe to the guild to ask for help. I had thought maybe they hadn't left yet.  Meeting at the church sounds strange"

Voice-"Perhaps they thought it to be a strategic meeting point in some way"

Julius-"Are we sure it's even them? This note could have been written by someone else. I don't think this is even Adam's hand writing"

Voice-"Do you know what Adam's hand writing looks like?"

Julius-"Well... No, I don't actually"

Voice-"Based on when you accepted the quest, we could see the names of the individuals who agreed to join the quest. Look back in your memory to see Adam's writing. Does it appear the same as the one here?"

Julius-"Just how he signed his name isn't much to go off of, but it's the best we've got for now. Let's go see them"

Julius left the Inn and began flying to the church. It only took him a minute to get there.

Julius-"Do you see where Adam, Elise, and Joe are?"

Voice-"I will scan the area"

Julius flew around the church scanning to see if they could locate the group.

Voice-"I have detected Adam and Elise"

Julius-"What about Joe?"

Voice-"I have not detected him"

Julius-"Where are Adam and Elise?"

Voice-"They are in the reviving room, they seem to be with five other people including Aurora, Bob and Jasmine, along with two guards"

Julius-"I'll meet up with them now"

Julius flies into the church with there being multiple church workers such as nuns and other volunteers. Julius proceeds to fly to the revival room to meet with Adam and Elise.



Voice-"You have forgotten to create your golem"

Julius-"That's right, it's been a while since I have used the golem, earth skill: boulder golem creation"

Julius creates a 2 meter tall golem around himself and then walks into the revival room. 

Adam-"Julius, nice you were able to get here"

Aurora-"I believe when you dropped them off there was another one with you"

Adam-"Joe left because he had something important to do"

Aurora-"I see, well these two have been revived"

Bob-"I'm surprised you guys were able to kill that wyvern"

Jasmine-"Thanks to you all, I'm alive now. Dying  was not a pleasant experience"

Elise-"I'm glad to see you guys are alright"

Julius-"I was very relieved when I found out there was a reviver at this kingdom"

Aurora-"Well, your group already took care of the payment yesterday so you're all good to go now"

Aurora gives a pleasant smile and waves them off. The group exits out of the church doors.

Jasmine-"So where do you guys plan on going now?"

Bob-"We can help you with the next couple quests if you want, as a thanks for the revival"

Adam-"Thanks for the offer but we're alright"

Jasmine-"Are you sure?"

Elise-"Yes we'll be alright"

Bob-"Alright then, see you some other time"

Jasmine-"There should be a guild office around here somewhere to start our next quest"

Bob-"Sounds like a plan"

Bob and Jasmine walk off to look for a guild office for their next quest.

Julius-"I'm surprised those two are already ready for another quest considering they just died on the last one"

Adam-"It's probably to keep their minds off of it"

Julius-"Is that what Joe is doing?"

Adam-"We should talk about that in private"

Adam and Elise walk off so Julius follows them in his golem. The three find an alleyway between two buildings and walk into it.

Adam-"Joe headed off to the guild headquarters to tell them about 'the thing'"

Voice-"I believe 'the thing' he is talking about is the underground arena"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah I could guess that much"

Julius-"Why are you referring to it as 'the thing'?"

Elise-"We don't know who could be listening"

Julius(in his head)-"Do you have any suggestions voice because I don't want to have to speak in cryptic sentences"

Voice-"You can either use your sound skill to stop your conversation being heard outside the alleyway or use your air skill to create a thin vacuum wall around you which would block sound from exiting as well"

Julius(in his head)-"l'll just use the sound skill"

Julius-"Sound skill: silent area"

Julius covered the area in an invisible dome that prevents the sound of their conversation from exiting it.

Julius-"I made a sound proof barrier so nobody will hear us"

Adam-"You really do have a ton of skills"

Elise-"Most people only have a couple attributes"


Elise-"I have fire skills while Adam has nature and sword skills"

Julius-"I didn't know that"

Adam-"That those were our skills? But you saw us in combat with the wyvern"

Julius-"No, that having a bunch of skills was uncommon"

Adam-"Well it is, well how did the Damion rescue mission go?"

Julius-"Not good, after we tunneled out of the kingdom walls we were attacked by somebody who was tracking us"

Adam-"How were they tracking you?"

Julius-"I don't know"

Elise-"Damion was a prisoner right? Maybe he had something on him they could use to track his location"

Julius-"Damion did have a small tracker inside of him but I removed it"

Adam-"How could they have found you then?"

Julius-"I don't know, we were traveling underground and I removed his tracker. I had also given Damion a disguise but they saw right through it"

Elise-"Where is Damion now?"

Julius-"I don't know. Some incredibly strong knight came and captured him" 

Adam-"When you say this knight was incredibly strong, do you think they were stronger than us?"

Julius-"Yes, I would say that the knight was stronger than both of you"

Elise-"That's definitely not good"

Adam-"So, do you have a plan?"

Julius-"You said that Joe is going to the guild headquarters?"

Adam-"That's correct"

Julius-"Why doesn't he just go to the guild office in this kingdom?"

Adam-"It's too risky to pass information through an office located in this kingdom, the people running that underground arena could be involved with what information goes in and out of the kingdom"

Julius-"That's true, how long will it take for Joe to get there?"

Adam-"It would take a week to get there by himself by walking but he used some of the gold we got from the quest for a travel gate"

Julius-"Travel gate?"

Elise-"Do you not know what a travel gate is?"


Adam-"Travel gates are small portals located at large kingdoms where you pay gold to go through. Therere aren't any in small towns like we were in before"

Voice-"You could have guessed that much, they are called travel gates after all"

Julius-"Won't the kingdom know he used a travel gate since he paid them?"

Elise-"The kingdom has no reason to suspect anything from an ordinary adventurer going to the guild headquarters"

Julius-"And once Joe gets to the guild headquarters he can report the underground tournament and the unfair treatment of prisoners?"

Adam-"That's the goal. But as I told you earlier, it's unlikely that Damion will be freed"

Julius-"That's why we got to set him free ourselves, I really can't thank you guys enough"

Elise-"It's the right thing to do, we should have agreed with you in the beginning"

Julius-"No, it was unfair of me to expect you guys to put yourselves on the line. Since you guys helped me out here, there's something I need to tell you"

End of chapter 24