The truth revealed

Adam-"You need to tell us something?"


Julius(in his head)-"Do you think it's a good idea to tell them?"

Voice-"There could have been a better time, but the only negative I see with telling them now is that you'll have to explain a lot"

Elise-"I assume it's the plan to save Damion"

Julius-"That too, but first..."

Adam-"Are you sure we have enough time to continue talking like this?"

Julius-"It's important, I've lied to you both about something"

Elise-"About what?"

Julius-"The truth is, I'm not a fairy"

Adam-"You're not a fairy?"


Adam and Elise look at Julius's golem with confusion.

Elise-"So, are you a... pixie then?"


Adam-"Maybe a... mouse beastfolk?"

Julius-"A what?"

Elise-"Well, we know you're tiny. We saw your blurry glowing form flying around super fast against that wyvern. We also know you're small enough to fit inside that golem"

Julius-"These are true"

Adam-"So what are you then?"

Julius-"I am, a living atom"



Julius-"What? No"

Adam-"You said you're a living Adam?"

Julius-"No, a living atom. (Julius speaks each letter individually) A, T, O, M"

Elise-"...I don't know what that is"

Julius-"You don't?"

Adam-"Are you, not normally alive then"

Julius-"Not usually, as far as I know"

Elise-"So are you like, a possessed object?"

Julius-"That's close I think, but I reincarnated as an atom"

Adam-"So what is an A, T, O, M"

Julius-"Well, I'll show you, Light skill: illuminate"

Julius undoes the golem causing it to crumble to the floor and reveals a tiny glowing spot hovering in the air"

Elise-"This is really you?"

Adam-"You're much smaller than a fairy"

Julius-"Yep, unfortunately"

Adam-"Why are you using a light skill to make you glow?"

Julius-"So you can see me"

Elise-"We wouldn't be able to see you?"

Julius-"Atoms are too small to be seen with the human eye, or in this case elf eyes"


Julius-"Yes, I'll show you"

Julius turns off his light skill. Once the light fades, Adam and Elise can no longer see Julius.

Elise-"You really expect us to believe you're that small?"

Julius-"Well it's the truth"

Adam-"If I focus right on the spot he was at I can sense a tiny bit of mana, but it's very faint. If wasn't looking right at him, I wouldn't notice"

Julius-"That's how I was able to sneak into the underground dungeon to free Damion"

Adam-"If you're really an atom why would you tell us you were a fairy?"

Julius-"When I joined the guild I had to tell them what species I was and it was just more convenient to tell them I was a fairy, then I just kind of stuck with that"

Elise-"I'm guessing it was more convenient because otherwise you would need to explain yourself like you are now"

Julius-"Yes, I just didn't want to go through all of the trouble of explaining it to the guild"

Adam-"So now that is taken care of, why does this matter for the mission?"

Julius-"Being basically a speck of dust means I can just sneak into the dungeon again"

Elise-"Damion will probably be monitored now since he escaped"

Julius-"That's true, plus that captor and the knight could be there too"

Adam-"And like you said, that knight is probably too strong for us to defeat"

Julius-"And that there leads to the first part of my plan"

Elise-"What is it?"

Julius-"Since the people we are up against are so strong, we need to get stronger"

Adam-"And how do you plan to do that?"

Julius-"So you know how I have a bunch of skills right?"


Julius-"The way I got those skills is that by using my skill molecular manipulation I can duplicate a lot of skills and that gives me that skill, and it also levels me up"


Julius-"Earlier when I got that support skill stamina replenish, I got that skill by experimenting on a rat"

Adam-"I don't think stamina and healing skills are going to be enough to even the odds"

Julius-"I'm aware, so I'm going to gain some enhancement skills, such as speed and strength enhancements"

Elise-"Those would be helpful, but how do you plan to get them?"

Julius-"I'll experiment on the rats again"

Adam-"That seems kind of, unethical"

Julius-"Well one of the rats will have more muscle power and the other will be able to run faster, I think that's a bonus for them"

Elise-"That's true, I guess"

Julius-"The plan is obviously to get Damion out of there without having to fight. But if we do end up fighting, I want us to win"

Adam-"That's pretty obvious"

Julius-"True, that part of the plan is self explanatory"

Elise-"So what is the plan for getting Damion out of there"

Julius-"I'm assuming I won't be able to tunnel him out of there again like I did before, since they saw me do that already, so instead I will use a combination of my shrink skill, phase skill, and gravity skill"

Adam-"With that combination, I'm assuming you plan to shrink him, make him phase through the ground, and then use your gravity skill to levitate him out of the ground while he is phasing"

Julius-"That is correct"

Julius(in his head)-"I guess I should have checked, the shrink and phase skills do work on other people right?"

Voice-"Yes they do, but since it's skills that directly affect another person they only work if you are either more powerful or they are willing to let you use it on them"

Julius(in his head)-"Okay that's good"

Elise-"You said that you removed the tracker from Damion right?"

Julius-"That's correct"

Elise-"But they were still able to find you, that means they have someone who must have a skill to locate people"

Julius-"The one person I would think of would be the ninja like captor who attacked us"

Adam-"Well they will probably be able to track you down again"

Julius-"I did knock them unconscious but they will probably be healed when they get back to the castle"

Elise-"How did you knock them unconscious? I assume you just hit them pretty hard"

Julius-"They have an auto teleport skill to remove them from danger, so instead I flew into their brain and made a light shock"

Elise-"You can... do that?"


Voice-"Maybe not the best thing to tell them"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah I realized after I said that"

Adam-"Well if you can do... that, why didn't you do the same to the knight?"

Julius-"The knight has a focused anti magic barrier around himself at all times"

Adam-"Can you tell me everybody's abilities please, so we can be prepared for a fight if it comes to it"

Julius-"Yes I can, there is the captor. He has an auto teleport skill that responds to danger by teleporting them a short distance as well as a intentional teleport that is a longer distance. There is the knight who can create barriers such as solid barriers or anti magic barriers. The captor is level 70 and the knight is level 100"

Adam-"If the knight is level 100 we should avoid fighting them if possible"

Elise-"Alright let's do this"

Julius-"I'll fly back into the dungeon"

Adam-"Elise and I will be heading outside the kingdom to meet up with you"

Julius-"This time for sure. We'll get you out of here, Damion"

End of chapter 25