Julius undoes the silence barrier and the three walk to exit the kingdom.

Julius-"Before we start the plan, I need to unlock those support skills I was talking about"


Julius flies back into an alley again, there he finds a group of three rats.

Julius(in his head)-"So to increase strength it would make sense to give one rat more muscle"

Julius-"Special skill: atomic reconstruction"

Julius reforms the rat to have twice the muscle mass and twice the muscle density.

Voice-"New skill acquired, support skill: strength boost"

Julius(in his head)-"Now a speed boost"

Julius flies to another rat sitting next to the previous one.

Julius-"Special skill: atomic reconstruction"

The next rat has it's leg muscles's size and density increased, but also has it's bone structure in the legs changed to be better shaped for fast running.

Voice-"New skill acquired, support skill: speed boost"

The two rats having had their bodies changed through magic now scurry off together. The strength boosted rat being larger and the speed boosted rat gaining a slight lead.

Julius(in his head)-"Those two rats will probably breed a new more powerful bloodline of rats, I'm sure nothing bad will come from that"

Voice-"Are there anymore skills you wish to unlock?"

Julius(in his head)-"Yes, a durability enhancing skill would be nice"

Julius flies to the third rat, it is visually shook from seeing the previous two rats transform before its very eyes.

Julius(in his head)-"It makes me feel kind of bad seeing them surprised, but I use the surrounding atoms to create enhancements for the bodies. I also create nutrients to feed the rats during the transformation. I need to do this to make sure I can help Damion"

Julius-"Special skill: atomic reconstruction"

The rat is transformed like the previous two, its skin becomes tougher, and its bone density and muscle density is increased. The rat like the previous two rats runs away afterwards.

Voice-"New skill acquired, support skill: durability enhancement"

Julius(in his head)-"Alright"

Voice-"You have also leveled up three times and now have three skill points"

Julius(in his head)-"Put them all into mana, I'm getting really tired of running out of that stuff"

Voice-"The three points have been put towards mana and you are now level 25"

Julius(in his head)-"Nice, how much of an effect do the new enhancement skills have"

Voice-"All three skills magnify the target's corresponding attributes by 5"

Julius(in his head)-"Excellent, also how is my mana reserves right now"

Voice-"You're mana is full due to you leveling up"

Julius-"Great, now time to meet back up with Adam and Elise"

Julius flies into the air and sees Adam and Elise now exiting the kingdom. Once Adam and Elise are far enough outside of the kingdom walls, Julius meets back up with them.

Julius-"I got the new skills"

Adam-"Good, and I think I've decided on a good rendezvous point"

Julius-"Where is it?"

Adam-"See that tree there"

Adam points to a tree on top of a hill.

Adam-"We'll meet back up behind that tree, make sure Damion is out of view when we meet up. We don't want anyone that's on lookout to notice him"

Julius-"Understood, I'll be back here in under an hour. If more than an hour has passed, then assume something went wrong"

Elise-"Got it"

Julius flies back towards the kingdom and arrives above the ground on top of the dungeon.

Julius(in his head)-"The plan is ready, time to free Damion, again"

Julius-"Special skill: phase"

Julius phases through the ground and begins heading towards the dungeon.

Julius-"Almost there"


Julius stops going downwards.

Julius-"What is it?"

Voice-"There is an magic detection barrier that is invisible, it spreads into the stone as well, it seems to be coming from Damion's cell"

Julius-"I'll move around it, see what the cause is"

Julius takes a detour around the barrier entering the dungeon from another side. Julius flies as close to Damion's cell as he can without entering the detection barrier.

Julius-"It's that same knight from earlier, and Damion is no where around here"

Voice-"It seems that this was intended to be a trap"

Julius-"But how could they have known I would come back to help Damion again?"

A flashback occurs showing the knight arriving at the castle infirmary with the captor on their shoulder and Damion still inside the barrier sitting outside in the hallway. The captor is set on top of a large stone with a green glowing healing circle carved into it. The captor begins to wake up.

Captor-"What happened?"

Barrier knight-"I am unsure. I found you unconscious. I didn't notice any injuries'

The barrier knight then removes their helmet, revealing their face to be a woman with long deep dark purple hair and dark green eyes.

Barrier knight-"I was worried about you"

The captor removes their mask revealing a male with cat ears on top of their head and ragged black hair on their head along with their yellow cat eyes.

Captor-"Thank you, there is something important I need to tell you"

Barrier knight-"What is it?"

Captor-"The curseborn had an accomplice"

Barrier knight-"I didn't notice anyone when I was there"

Captor-"I believe they have invisibility and phase skills to hide their presence, along with gravity, light, earth, and wind skills"

Barrier knight-"Those are a lot of different skills"

Captor-"It's likely that it was multiple people, but I have a feeling that it was just one"

Barrier knight-"I see"

The captor sniffs the air.

Captor-"I can tell by the smell that the curseborn is outside this room"

Barrier knight-"I have them contained, I will be returning them to the dungeon"

Captor-"It's likely that the accomplice will try to free him again"

Barrier knight-"I'll be standing guard, waiting for them to appear"

Captor-"And I'll be there to help you"

The barrier knight nods in agreement and places her helmet back on. The captor wraps their mask back around their head as well. Both are about to exit the door when they both suddenly stop while looking intimidated.

Captor-"This smell"

Barrier knight-"This overwhelming magic presence"

A person is revealed walking towards the infirmary. It is a male with hair that is a light brown with yellow tips. They have bright golden eyes. And are covered in yellow regal clothes and expensive jewelry. The barrier knight and the captor exit the infirmary and walk in front of Damion and bow before the incoming person.

Captor & Barrier knight-"Good morning, Prince Magnus"

Prince Magnus gives a smile to the two.

Prince Magnus-"I see that you two managed to capture the curseborn"

Captor & Barrier knight-"Yes my lord"

Prince Magnus-"You two are such hard workers" 

Captor & Barrier knight-"We will do anything to serve the kingdom my lord"

Prince Magnus-"Of course you will"

Prince Magnus's smile fades into a look of disappointment.

Prince Magnus-"But it did take you a long time, not to mention the damage that was caused. It should have been much easier to capture a petty criminal like this"

Prince Magnus lifts his foot above the barrier containing the unconscious Damion and his foot begins to glow and easily smashes through the barrier to step on the side of Damion's head.

Prince Magnus-"Now tell me, how did this piece of trash manage to escape from my dungeon"

Prince Magnus proceeds to grind his shoe on the unconscious Damion's head.

Captor-"The curseborn had an accomplice, a powerful one who possessed a lot of rare skills"

Prince Magnus-"And where is this accomplice?"

Barrier knight-"We were unable to capture them sir"

Prince Magnus-"I see, so you two failed my kingdom"

Captor & Barrier knight-"We are sorry sir we will never fail you again"

Prince Magnus-"Well the accomplice will probably try to save him again. You there; the knight, return to the dungeon and await for the accomplice to return while we watch over this curseborn creature"

Captor-"Yes sir, I will not allow the curseborn to escape again"

Barrier Knight-"I swear to you my lord,  I will capture the accomplice and bring them to justice"

Prince Magnus gives a smile again, this time tilting his head to the side.

Prince Magnus-"Very good, I expect you two to succeed this time"

Prince Magnus picks up Damion by the arm dragging him along the floor with the captor following behind him. The barrier knight returns to the dungeon to capture the accomplice(Julius). 

Prince Magnus-"To think I had to involve myself, the people of this kingdom truly are useless"

End of chapter 26.

(For those who don't know, BBEG stands for Big Bad Evil Guy)