The battle begins

Julius hands the masks back over to Adam and Elise who proceed to put the masks back on.

Julius-"Okay so the plan is that I will use a shrink skill to make you smaller. Then, I'll use a phase skill for the three of us to go underground to the dungeon. Once there, you two will wait close by for me to talk to the knight and if they refuse to help us we'll attack them"


Elise-"I'm ready"

Julius-"It's time to do this, shrink skill: shrink others"

Adam and Elise reduce in size to a foot tall.

Adam-"I figured we would be smaller"

Julius-"This is just a small step of the plan not worth using more than a small amount of mana for"

Elise-"Where will we hide?"

Julius-"Behind some trash can or some other object, just make sure you are hidden and out of the knight's mana detection barrier"

Elise-"Ok, you ready Adam?"



Elise-"I was saying Adam as in the name not as in referring to you as an atom"

Julius-"I know I was just saying I was ready too"


Adam-"Were you really or are you just pretending you didn't misinterpret what she said"

Julius-"It's like I said, I knew what she was saying I was just letting her know I was ready too. It had nothing to do with the fact she said 'Adam' alright?"

Adam-"Alright, I understand"

Julius-"Let's just get this going, phase skill: phase self and others"

Julius, Adam, and Elise all phased into the ground sinking towards the dungeon.

Voice-"You totally thought she meant 'Atom' and were just too embarrassed to admit that you were wrong"

Julius(in his head)-"You can read my mind so you more than anyone should know that's not the case"

Voice-"Who said I can read your mind"

Julius(in his head)-"You're a magical voice in my head of course you can read my mind, now let me concentrate I have to deactivate the phase once Adam and Elise enter the dungeon or else they will phase through the floor"

Voice-"Very well"

Julius, Adam, and Elise phase through the ceiling of the dungeon close to the wall.

Julius-"Phase skill deactivated and now gravity skill: lower gravity"

Julius weakened the gravity around Adam and Elise so that they wouldn't make a loud sound when they hit the ground. Adam and Elise quickly hide behind a trash can in the corner of the hallway.

Julius(whispering)-"I'll go talk to the knight now"

Adam(whispering)-"Be careful, there is a higher likelihood they will just attack you on the spot instead of talking to you"

Julius(whispering)-"You have a point, I'll be on guard"

Julius flies in the direction of Damion's cell to find the knight still sitting there patiently.

Voice-"Once you cross the barrier the knight will know you are here"

Julius(in his head)-"No point in slowly floating in there then, I'll just fly right to them"

Julius passes through the magic detection barrier. The knight continues to sit still.

Julius(in his head)-"Did they not detect me"

Voice-"They are likely pretending they don't know that you are there since they probably presume that you are unaware of the magic detection barrier"

Julius(in his head)-"They are probably waiting till I get closer then to attack"

Voice-"That is the most probable outcome"

The knight waits patiently.

Barrier knight(in their head)-"They have passed through my barrier, I don't see anyone so it seems they have an invisibility spell. They are likely the same accomplice from before"

Julius(in his head)-"Alright it's now or never"

Voice-"Try not to say anything too stupid"

Julius-"Hello good sir, how is your day going?"

Barrier knight-"Actually it's mam not sir"

Voice-"One line in and you already ruined it"

Julius(in his head)-"Shut up"

Barrier knight-"Trying to strike up a conversation?"

Julius-"Um, yes"

Barrier knight-"If you really want to talk I suggest you skip straight to the important part"

Julius-"Very well, you were the one who captured Damion correct?"

Barrier knight-"Damion? I assume that's the cursebon"


Julius(in his head)-"They didn't even know his name? The people of this kingdom really don't have any remorse for Damion"

Barrier knight-"Based on the fact you decided to talk instead of attack me I presume you want something"

Julius-"Yes I do, would you tell me where Damion is?"

Barrier knight-"Why would I tell you that?"

Julius-"Based on how this kingdom handles it's prisoners, I presume that the nobles and royals aren't very nice to work for"

Barrier knight-"I see, you're trying to get me to betray my kingdom with the reason being the royals and nobles being (she makes finger quotes in the air) 'difficult to work with'"

Julius-"I'm guessing you're not up for negotiations then"

Barrier knight-"No"

Julius-"If you didn't ever plan on changing your mind, why did you let me talk anyways?"

Barrier knight-"I'm honorable enough to not attack somebody mid conversation"

Julius-"I see, well we probably have to fight now if I'm correct"

Barrier knight-"That was the plan since the beginning"

Julius-"Very well"

The barrier knight stands and reaches for her blade.

Julius-"Shrink skill: undone"

Adam and Elise rush into the cell with Adam having his sword pointed at the barrier knight and Elise having a fireball in hand.

Barrier knight-"I see you're not alone, not that it makes a difference"

Julius-"Support skills: strength, speed, and durability, enhanced!"

Adam and Elise glow briefly from the skills"

Barrier knight-"Enhancement skills too? You truly are strange with your skill count"

Julius-"Does it make a difference now?"

Barrier knight-"It does, I am aware when I'm in a disadvantaged situation"

Julius-"So, do you surrender?"

Barrier knight-"Being outnumbered is unfortunate, that's why I plan to even the odds"

Suddenly the ground beneath the cell turns to mud and the captor who battled Damion and Julius earlier jumps out, along with him a dozen other knights climb out of the mud.

Julius(in his head)-"Why weren't they detected!?"

Voice-"They must have been very deep underground and then suddenly rose to the top at a fast speed"

Julius-"Of course this couldn't be simple"

Barrier knight-"So, do you surrender?"

Adam and Elise enter battle stances. (Julius can't enter a battle stance because he is an atom).

Julius-"That's not happening"

End of chapter 28.