The tsunami of slashes

Julius, Adam, and Elise surrounded the barrier knight but then the captor along with a dozen other guards appeared out of mud in the ground. 

Julius(in his head)-"This is really bad, just the knight alone was bad enough but now we have to deal with Damion's captor and also twelve other guards. What are our odds now voice?"

Voice-"I have calculated that our odds have dropped from 90% to 30%"

Julius(in his head)-"Well at least it's still a one in three chance"

Voice-"Less than a one in three chance, a one in three chance would be 33.333 repeating percent"

Julius(in his head)(angrily)-"Now is not the time"


Julius-"Alright so..."

Julius(in his head)-"I can't refer to Adam and Elise by name"

Julius-"You with the sword you battle the knight. You with the fire battle the one who is dressed like a ninja. And I'll take care of the extra guards, once I'm done I'll back you two up"

Adam and Elise nod in approval.

Adam dashes towards the knight and swings the sword at her. Multiple magic slashes exit from the sword launching towards the knight.

Barrier knight-"Barrier skill: physical barrier"

A hexagonal barrier blocks Adam's slash attack.

Barrier knight-"They used a skill, but I didn't hear anything. Could it be automatic?"


Adam-"You said you want to do something to our masks?"

Julius-"Yes, to help protect you're identities I will use my sound skill to place a silence spell. This way you can still shout your skills without anyone hearing you talk"

Elise-"It will also help with the enemies not knowing what attack we will use next"

Adam-"We can use every advantage that we have"

Flashback over.

Julius(in his head)-"Looks like the silence spell is working"

Voice-"You should quickly dispose of these guards"

Julius(in his head)-"Will do"

Guard 1-"The one talking is invisible!"

Guard 2-"Stand your ground"

Guard 3-"The moment he attacks any of us aim for the spot they were attacked from"

Julius flies quickly behind guard 3.

Julius-"That's a pretty good idea"

Guard 3-"There!"

Guard 3 slashes his sword in Julius's area, missing him completely because of Julius's small size.

Julius-"Not even close. Now special skill: molecular reconstruction"

The guard glows and is turned into solid iron.

Guard 1-"What happened?"

Guard 5-"He was petrified"

Julius-"I can turn him back at any time, I only transformed his muscles and skin into iron, all his organs are still functioning, if you surrender now I'll turn him back, if not I'll have to do the same to all of you"

Guard 10-"Never!"

Guard 12-"We are proud warriors of this kingdom and we will never surrender to the likes of you"

Julius(in his head)-"These guys all have less mana than me so I can use molecular reconstruction on them"

Voice-"You could also use molecular destruction of them"

Julius(in his head)-"I wouldn't really like to, you know, disintegrate these guys"

Voice-"I figured you wouldn't want to, I just wanted to make sure you knew it was an option"

Julius(in his head)-"Um, thank you?"

Voice-"Also, if you turn them to a form of stone instead of a metal you can unlock the petrification skill"

Julius(in his head)-"Nice, I'll do that later though. If I turned them into stone instead of a metal they could get broken since we are in the middle of the battle field"

Guard 4-"Fire skill: fire ball"

A small fire ball is launched towards Julius so he dodges out of the way.

Guard 8-"Lightning skill: thunder bolt"

Guard 11-"Water skill: water beam"

Many of the guards are blasting magic skills in the general area around Julius.

Julius-"Sorry guys but, this is going to be pretty one sided"

Captor-"So you are the one the curseborn's accomplice chose to fight me?"

Elise stands in front of the captor (the one dressed like a ninja) ready to battle.

Elise(in her head)-"This is probably the person Julius was talking about before, the one with the automatic teleportation"

Captor-"I'm not sure what that accomplice did to me last time, but I won't let it happen again"

The captor rushes towards Elise with his poison dagger drawn and slashes at her. Elise dodges out of the way with blinding speed.

Elise(in her head)-"Julius's speed boost skill is very effective"

Elise lands a couple meters away from the captor down the hallway.

Captor-"You're fast, but to me your speed is meaningless, teleport skill: self teleport"

The captor teleports right on top of Elise to once again slash at her but she just barely dodges out of the way.

Captor-"So you're not attacking me then, you're smarter than you look, not that I know what you look like"

Elise(in her head)-"What?"

Elise's stance is one of confusion.

Captor-"You know because you're wearing that mask, but it's a habit of mine to use that expression becau-"

The captor is waving his hand as if explaining but then holds his hand out creating a magic circle making causing the mud beneath Elise to turn to mud and try to encase her.

Elise(in her head)-"They caught me off guard, fire skill: flame barrier"

An orb of fire encases Elise and burns away the mud encasing her.

Elise(in her head)-"Looks like Julius's strength boost skill increased the attack power of my fire magic as well"

Captor-"Impressed, it took many years to become this skilled at both the arts of combat and of diversion"

Elise(in her head)-"They started talking about nonsense to distract me? Honestly the more shocking thing is that it kind of worked..."

Captor(in his head)-"The use of non verbal skills is very difficult. I can use non verbal teleportation skills by making it automatically respond to danger-"

The captor attacks Elise with his dagger again so she dodges out of the way... again.

Captor(in his head)-"-And for the non verbal skill to turn stone and dirt to mud I can store those skills to use quickly later. Unfortunately, I can only currently store three of that spell at a time so I'm already down to just one left"

Captor-"Teleport skill: self teleport"

The captor teleports behind Elise attempting to slash at her again, so she dodges.

Captor(in his head)-"My automatic teleportation, silent casting of my mud, and my distractive conversations are all meant to catch my opponent of guard... that said"

The captor stops moving so Elise stops moving too.

Captor-"You are pretty fast, plus you seem to be able to cast your own silent skills, I assume because of that mask of yours"

Elise nods her head no.

Captor-"So your telling me no, when in reality I know it's ye-"

Elise throws a fireball at the Captor and their automatic teleportation teleports them two meters to the left.

Captor-"Trying to use my own tricks against me?"

The fireball explodes behind the captor once it reached the end of the hallway.

Captor(in his head)-"Using explosive fire magic like that in this small area is not good, soon I won't have anywhere close to teleport to, I assume that was your plan wasn't it"

Underneath the mask Elise is smirking.

Elise(in her head)-"Did you really think I wouldn't have a plan to fight you. I already know how your skills work, and from what I could tell you wouldn't do very well in tight spaces"

Adam and the Barrier Knight are facing off.

Barrier knight-"You're companions seem to be doing pretty well"

Adam falls down from the air doing a downward slash.

Barrier knight-"Barrier skill: physical barrier"

Adam's slash is stopped from the hexagonal barrier above the barrier knight's head.

Barrier knight-"You however..."

The barrier then launches upwards slamming Adam into the ceiling of the dungeon. 

Barrier knight-"Don't seem to be doing as well"

Adam falls back down and lands on his feet.

Barrier knight-"I will deal with you first, then I will accompany my companions in arresting all three of you"

Adam(in his head)-"Blade skill: tsunami of slashes"

Hundreds of sword slashes rush towards the barrier knight like a tidal wave.

Barrier knight-"Barrier skill: physical barrier"

A larger hexagonal barrier appears in front the barrier knight blocking all of the hundreds of slashes. Suddenly the wall next to barrier knight bursts open with Adam swinging his sword to the back of the barrier knight's neck. The barrier knight quickly ducks out of the way and hits Adam's chest with her elbow. Adam is sent slamming back into the wall right next to the hole he made.

Barrier knight-"Not bad, creating a diversion with your attack to sneak attack by bursting through the walls. Unfortunately for you with my magic detection barrier, I'm able to track your every move"

Adam(in his head)-"I can't break through her barriers, I'll have to hit her at as many angles as possible so she can't block, blade skill: omni directional slashes"

Adam creates multiple slash attacks with the swing of his sword which fly off in multiple directions curving around to hit the barrier knight at every angle.

Barrier knight-"I must admit, you are both quite skilled and powerful, however, barrier skill: full physical barrier"

The barrier knight creates a full sphere around herself blocking all of the incoming attacks.

Barrier knight-"You are battling someone who completely outclasses you"

The three battles continue on simultaneously.

End of chapter 29.