A beacon of light

The three battles of Julius vs the twelve guards, Elise vs the captor, and Adam vs the barrier knight continue.

Elise(in her head)-"Fire skill: flame wall"

A wall of flames is created behind Elise covering the exit so now both her and the captor are trapped together in this hallway.

Captor(in his head)-"The heat is rising and with these walls of fire I can't see where to teleport to. I have to end this battle quickly"

Elise(in her head)-"In a regular fight I don't know if I could win against them, but with Julius's boost and battling in this confined space I'll be able to win this battle handedly"

Captor(in his head)-"As long as I can get one good hit with my poison dagger I can take them out"

Elise(in her head)-"Fire skill: flaming meteor shower"

Elise creates many small fire balls and shoots them towards the captor. The captor's automatic teleportation activates and dodges all of the fire balls. The fire then remains on the ground continuing to cover the floor. 

Captor(in his head)-"They are covering the floor, walls, and even the ceiling in fire.  I'm running out of room for teleportation. They must have planned to fight me like this ahead of time"

Elise(in her head)-"By covering the room in fire I'm blocking off their automatic teleportation. As long as I keep up the pressure, they won't teleport away from here. Fire skill: flaming meteor shower"

Elise creates more fireballs with several going towards the captor making him teleport out of the way and several others hitting the walls and ceiling spreading the flames.

Captor(in his head)-"Nearly this whole section of the hallway is covered in flames now, I'd try to manually teleport away but I don't know how far that fire extends meaning I could end up teleporting right inside of it. If I don't beat this fire user now, I'm finished"

Elise(in her head)-"And again, fire skill: flaming meteor shower"

The fireballs continue to spread throughout the room causing the captor to auto teleport to a spot on the wall not yet covered in flames. The captor then launches off of the wall towards Elise going through a large flame causing the suit to be charred.

Elise(in her head)-"Getting desperate now? Well now it's over, you have nowhere else to teleport to! Fire skill: giant fire ball"

Elise holds out her hand and creates a giant fireball exploding in the chest of the captor. The figure explodes revealing it to be a mud figure.

Elise(in her head)-"What?"

The captor appears behind Elise and stabs her with his poison dagger.

Captor(in his head)-"When I launched through that fire I used my stored stone to mud skill to create a copy of myself and used the loud sound of bursting through the flames to cover up the sound of me casting my teleport skill"

Elise falls to the fire covered ground with the captor landing on top of her. Elise is not burned by the fire because of her fire resistance.

Captor-"Seems I finally got you. It certainly wasn't easy and I'll be happy knowing the threat of that curesborn's accomplices will finally be removed. Now, if you excuse me I'll be helping the others. I'm sure those guards are in need my assistance.

The captor prepares to activate her teleportation skill but Elise grabs her leg.

Captor-"You can still move, how is that possib-"

Captor(in his head)-"The wound where I stabbed her with the dagger is bubbling and steaming"

Elise(in her head)-"Fire skill: raise body temperature"

Elise's body temperature rises from 98 degrees Fahrenheit all the way to 220 degrees Fahrenheit which is past the boiling point of water at 212 degrees. It is hot enough to boil the poison out of her body.

Elise(in her head)-"I can only maintain this state for a few seconds without hurting myself, but that's enough time to remove all of this poison from my body"

Captor(in his head)-"How is this possible? I've been caught me off guard again!"

Elise(in her head)-"Fire skill: tower of flames"

The section of the hallway that has been covered with flames is now completely filled with burning hot fire.


The flames dissipate revealing an exhausted Elise standing over the collapsed captor with parts of the ninja suit burned off.

Elise(in her head)-"So he's a feline beastfolk. I had guessed they were with his ears sticking out. Well I'm tired, but I should still go help the others"

Meanwhile at the same time that Elise's fight was happening.

Adam(in his head)-"Even with Julius's strength boosts I can't bypass their barriers it's like they're indestructible"

Barrier knight-"You should surrender, you have no way of breaching my defenses"

Adam continues his attacks rushing in and slashing at the barrier knight just to once again be blocked by the barrier that still surrounds her body.

Adam(in his head)-"The moment she put that barrier around herself this battle has become even more one sided"

Barrier knight-"If you still refuse to surrender, you leave me no other choice"

The barrier knight unsheathes her sword.

Adam(in his head)-"Is she planning to go on the offensive now?"

Barrier knight-"Barrier skill: reflective barrier maze"

Numerous hexagonal barriers appear around the room with several being inside of the barrier's knight's spherical barrier.

Adam(in his head)-"What are these for?"

Barrier knight-"I had a problem with using ranged attacks before, so I came up with this strategy"

The barrier knight hits one of the reflective barriers inside the sphere with her sword. The barrier reflects the attack as a beam passing through the sphere and hitting another one of the reflective barriers outside of it. The beam bounces between several other barriers before then reflecting towards Adam. Adam then slashes the beam with his sword dispersing the attack.

Adam(in his head)-"Seems their attack power is weaker than their defensive power, although if it wasn't for Julius's boosts I wouldn't have been able to block that attack"

Barrier knight-"Good job on blocking the attack. Most people would already be unconscious by this point in a battle with me"

Adam(in his head)-"I don't doubt it, she is unbelievably strong"

Barrier knight-"It's been fun dueling with you, but I'm afraid this ends now"

The barrier knight begins rapidly hitting the reflective barriers around herself causing a cascade of beams to bounce around the area from barrier to barrier.

Adam in shock begins rapidly blocking the attacks as they reflect towards him at all angles.

Adam(in his head)-"I can't keep up with these attacks!"

The barrier knight continues her barrage of attacks overwhelming Adam.

Adam(in his head)-"I can't hold out much longer, I was hoping not to have to use this because it would give another clue towards my identity, but I have no choice!"

Adam places one hand onto the ground with a green magic circle appearing.

Adam(in his head)-"Nature skill: iron wood forest"

Dozens of small trees sprout out from the ground with wood as strong as steel and cover the entire room.

Barrier knight-"So you have a nature skill along with your blade skills?"

The barrier knight looks puzzlingly  at the surrounding area.

Barrier knight-"It seems that these trees are blocking the barriers from bouncing the beams from one another. A temporary solution for you, but you must know at this point you have no chance of victory"

Adam(in his head)-"This has only bought me a few seconds at most, but that's more time than I have had this entire fight"

Adam holds his sword sideways out in front of himself placing both hands on the handle with one being in a regular grip and one in a reverse grip. Adam then begins to spin the blade like a bo staff. 

Adam(in his head)-"I have tried to use this move before but I lacked the speed to keep up with the rotating blade and the strength to keep my grip on the sword"

The sword continues to spin faster and faster building up more and more rotational power.

Adam(in his head)-"But with Julius's physical boosts I finally have the power to use it!"

Adam then stops spinning the sword holding onto the handle tightly while the rotational energy wraps around the sword like a tornado. Adam is struggling to hold the sword up with the immense amount of force surrounding the blade. Adam puts one foot down in front of himself and lunges forward through the iron wood trees.

Adam(in his head)-"Blade skill: indomitable drill strike!"

Barrier knight-"It doesn't matter how much power you put into your attack. I'll just return right back to you, barrier skill: reflective barrier"

A hexagonal barrier appears in front of the barrier knight's spherical barrier. Adam's attack shatters the hexagonal barrier.

Barrier knight-"It was too powerful to reflect!?"

Adam then thrusts the attack through the barrier knight's spherical barrier shattering it and the barrier knight in her chest shattering her armor. Adam then directs the attack downwards plunging the barrier knight into the ground.

Barrier knight-"But my barrier's are the ultimate defense.. how could someone like... you..."

The barrier knight falls unconscious with her plate armor shattered around her. She is still wearing her second layer of chainmail and garrison.

Adam(in his head)-"It was strong enough to break through the two barriers and her armor, that move packed an even bigger punch than I thought"

Adam drops his sword with his arms being very sore.

Adam(in his head)-"It sure has a lot of recoil though"

Elise runs up and stops next to Adam. Elise looks down at the unconscious barrier knight and nods. Adam nods back at her.

Adam(in his head)-"It seems that Elise defeated  that ninja, now it's just those other guards left"

Adam and Elise turn towards Julius's direction revealing all of the guards turned to iron and a glowing dot hovering above them.

Julius-"Looks like we are all done"

Elise(in her head)-"Seems like he had the easier fight"

Adam(in his head)-"I barely managed to get the win and he just easily handled the extras"

Julius-"I can't see your faces but you look kind of agitated..."

Elise crosses her arms and Adam also tries to but can't because his arms are sore.

Julius-"Well I'm sure one of these guys knows where Damion is being kept"

Prince Magnus-"Damion, I assume that's the curseborn right?"

Adam and Elise are shocked as this person has suddenly appeared between them.

Voice-"Warning, high threat level"

Elise begins charging up a fire skill while Adam charges up a nature skill. The both of them suddenly start moving very slowly with the fireball being only a small slowly expanding flicker and the trees barely sprouting out of the ground. Prince Magnus has a very bright aura around him and is moving normally.

Prince Magnus-"It would have been very awkward if you were trying to help somebody else other than the curseborn. Doesn't matter now though, eradicating light skill: death beams"

Prince Magnus creates multiple lasers that pierce through Adam And Elise's chests and one towards Julius.

End of chapter 30.

Author's note: Adam and Elise are casting skills with the text (in their head) this is because of the silencing skill placed on the mask normally they have to say it out loud. It would have been more accurate to have it say (silenced) instead but I imagine it sounding the same to the reader as when a character is thinking in their head. Also the word barrier is said a lot in this chapter.