Battle of blinding light part 3

Prince Magnus is floating there stunned at the numerous small wounds all over his body.

Voice(aloud)-"The distortion effect of your aura makes landing a fatal attack on you difficult"

Prince Magnus-"Difficult to kill!? No it makes me invincible!"

Voice(aloud)-"That is incorrect, if it made you invincible you would not have sustained damage"

Prince Magnus-"Your clearly someone different from the previous speck but you may be even more aggravating"

Voice(aloud)-"I determined that you posed too much of a threat to my host and that you needed to be eliminated"

Prince Magnus-"Your host?"

Voice(aloud)-"The one you have been fighting up to this point"

Prince Magnus-"Didn't think something so small could have a parasite"

Voice(aloud)-"I'm not a parasite, my purpose is to help my host reach their full potential"

Prince Magnus-"Their full potential huh?"

Voice(aloud)-"A power far beyond your comprehension"

Prince Magnus-"You dare say that anything is beyond the comprehension of a god!?"

Voice(aloud)-"You are no god, merely a mortal, and not even a very impressive one at that"

Prince Magnus(enraged)-"Not impressive!?"

Voice(aloud)-"You are merely a big fish in a small pond"

Prince Magnus(enraged)-"A big fish!? In a small pond!? You'll pay for insulting me! Eradicating light skill: death ray rave"

Prince Magnus shoots out dozens of lasers towards Julius but the voices dodges. When Julius was dodging the blue line was curved when turning but when the voice dodges it is a red line with sharp angular turns.

Prince Magnus(in his head)-"They're better at dodging than the other one was"

Voice(aloud)-"Gravity skill: pressure beam rave"

Once again the see through beams fire down and hit Prince Magnus. While Magnus's aura does cause the beams to curve away it still results in him getting more cuts all over his body.

Prince Magnus-"You say I'm not impressive yet you copy my rave attack twice?"

Voice(aloud)-"My host has not yet had enough time to master his abilities, copying your moves is easy enough for the meantime"

Prince Magnus looks at the cuts all over his body wincing in pain at them.

Prince Magnus-"It doesn't matter, soon you'll run out of mana. There is only so much mana you can fit in that tiny body of yours! Eradicating light skill: death ray rave!"

Dozens of lasers once again blast out of Magnus towards the Julius so the voice continues to dodge them.

Voice(aloud)-"During your battle my host was running low on mana. Fortunately, this is not a problem for me"

Prince Magnus-"What are you talking abou-"

Prince Magnus(in his head)-"I didn't notice it before, the natural mana in the area, it's being absorbed into that red glowing speck"

Voice(aloud)-"I can replenish myself endlessly, you have a large amount of mana compared to the average person. However in a battle of endurance, you will not win"

Voice-"I say this, but it's not actually true. While I can endlessly absorb mana, I can only keep control of Julius's body for so long. However, if I make him think that I can keep this up forever then he'll get sloppy trying to end the battle quickly giving me a chance of victory"

Prince Magnus(in his head)-"These small cuts aren't enough to kill me. Eventually I'll run out of mana and I won't be able to protect myself with my aura, but if that's the case"

Prince Magnus-"It seems all I have to do now then, is end you quickly"

A large amount of energy begins wrapping around Prince Magnus's hand.

Prince Magnus-"Eradicating light skill: sky splitting sword"

A sword of spacial light manifests in Prince Magnus's hand.

Voice(aloud)-"You had a better chance with the lasers. Haven't you noticed before how difficult it is to hit a small and fast flying target"

Prince Magnus-"You're right, most people struggle to hit flies out of the air, so to help them they use-"

Prince Magnus grabs the sword with both hands and raises it above his head.

Prince Magnus-"A fly swatter"

More light power is pooled into the sword and changes shape. Growing in massive paddle with flat piece that is ten square meters in size.

Prince Magnus-"Normally, I use a sword to cut through my opponent but sometimes I use this. It's weightless due to being made out of my light and can erase the entire area in front of me"

Voice(aloud)-"So you didn't just come up with it to use against me?"

Prince Magnus-"No, one time I used this on a cyclops during one of my hunting trips. One second it was there and the next second it wasn't"

The swatter is swung towards Julius with the voice barely escaping it.

Voice(aloud)-"You are only delaying the inevitable"

Prince Magnus-"That's my line!"

Prince Magnus continues to swing the giant swatter at Julius with the voice dodging out of the way each time coming just narrowly escaping being erased. 

Voice-"This new attack is problematic"

Voice(aloud)-"This changes nothing"

The voice has Julius's body fly away and begins their attack.

Voice-"Gravity skill: pressure beam rave"

Dozens of clear beams are shot towards Prince Magnus at light speed. Prince Magnus swings the giant light swatter and knocks away the beams.

Prince Magnus-"I may not be able to erase your gravity attacks, but I can still deflect them away. You won't be landing anymore hits on me"

Voice(aloud)-"Gravity skill: rapid fire pressure ray"

Rather than being all at once the gravity beams are being shot out at a constant pace. Prince Magnus flails the swatter back and forth. Due to the incredibly low weight of photons and the lack of air resistance he can move it like a normal person could wave the light of a flashlight.

Voice-"With that new weapon he created not only is it harder to dodge but also my attacks have been rendered ineffective"

Prince Magnus-"What happened to all that confidence?"

Voice-"I won't be able to keep control over Julius's body for much longer. I have to end this now"

Voice(aloud)-"It is time for me to end this battle"

Prince Magnus-"Going to surrender?"


Voice-"There are two skills Julius has been able to achieve for some time yet for some reason he has not, special skill: atomic reconstruction"

A green energy starts glowing in front of Julius.

Prince Magnus-"So you got another trick up your sleeve?"

Voice-"The atoms can get torn apart and reassembled without consequence due to the highly stable properties of magic, removing that stability allows for the usual consequences"

The green energy begins growing larger and glowing brighter sending shockwaves through the air.

Prince Magnus(in his head)-"There is a lot of power accumulating there"

Voice-"The side effects of the tearing apart of atoms, nuclear fission. And the recombination of atoms, nuclear fusion"

Prince Magnus-"It doesn't matter how much energy you pour into an attack, I'll just erase it!"

Voice(aloud)-"Nuclear fusion skill: atomic cannon"

The green energy launches out as a massive beam of energy launching towards Prince Magnus at hypersonic speed.

Prince Magnus-"There may be a lot of power behind that attack but it moves slow.

Prince Magnus swings the swatter to try to erase the attack.

Voice(aloud)-"Gravity skill: inverse gravity"

The inverse gravity skill merges with the atomic blast hitting the swatter.

Prince Magnus-"They combined that atomic cannon with their gravity skill"

Voice(aloud)-"If I had used the atomic cannon by itself you could have erased it, but with the warping power of gravity that is no longer the case"

Prince Magnus is struggling to push the attack back with his swatter.

Prince Magnus(grunting)-"This... is... nothing..."

The beam is continuing the push against the swatter. Cracks begin forming on the swatter.

Prince Magnus-"You think I would loose to you.  I am a god! A god! A god!"

The swatter breaks and Magnus is hit with the attack. A massive explosion is created in the sky parting the clouds. People on the ground look up into the sky and see an explosion in the upper atmosphere.

End of chapter 33.