Ground eye's view

Between the events of chapters 31 and 33.

Adam(in his head)-"We need to follow Julius"

Elise(in her head)-"Come on body move"

Adam and Elise were thrown back from when Julius and Prince Magnus launched out of the dungeon to the sky. They were now climbing up through the hole that Prince Magnus made. 

Adam(in his head)-"Almost there"

Adam and Elise grab the top of the hole and pull themselves to the surface.

Elise(in her head)-"Finally out of the hole, now where are Julius and that guy"

Elise looks towards Adam who has his finger pointed at the sky. Elise looks up and sees yellow and blue lights shining in the sky. 

Adam(in his head)-"I still can't fully believe that that's Julius"

Elise(in her head)-"Julius really is something else isn't he"

Civilian 1-"Hey you two, do you know what's going on?"

Civilian 2-"Yeah, there was some explosion and now there are those lights in the skies"

Adam(in his head)-"Makes sense a lot of civilians would show up confused about what's happening"

Elise(in her head)-"Wait that lady, is that?"

Aurora-"What happened?"

Priest-"Madam Aurora, please come back inside the church, it may not be safe out here"

Aurora-"I heard a loud explosion, I'm going to see what it is. You there, do you know what happened?"

Civilian 2-"The ground bursted open and then two beams of light shot up into the sky and are now flying around up there"

Civilian 1-"Those two people wearing wooden masks just crawled out of the hole that the light beams appeared out of"

The civilian points towards Adam and Elise.

Aurora-"Do you two care to explain what's going on"

Adam(in his head)-"Well, that's fantastic"

Elise(in her head)-"Do we really have to deal with these people right now? I don't have the energy for this"

Priest-"Mistress Aurora asked you two a question"

Elise(in her head)-"You got to be kidding me"

Adam(in his head)-"She's not in love with you dude, have some self respect"

Another civilian comes running up to the group.

Civilian 3-"I saw what happened"

Aurora-"And what was it?"

Civilian 3-"It was only for a second, but I believe I saw our lord Prince Magnus"

Aurora-"Magnus? Really?"

Priest-"Mam, it's Prince Magnus"

Aurora-"Oh right 'Prince' Magnus. Are you sure that's who you saw"

Civilian 3-"I believe so, he bursted out of the ground, floated for a moment, and then flew into the sky"

Aurora-"So those lights in the sky are from him"

Civilian 3-"Yes mam"

Priest-"How can we be sure if this is true?"

Captor-"It is"

Out of the hole the barrier knight and the captor also crawl out, just like Adam and Elise. The both of them are injured and exhausted. The captor is holding onto the barrier knight for support due to their injuries being more severe.

Adam(in his head)-"That's bad"

Elise(in her head)-"At least they still seem to be in rough shape. The captor more so than the knight"

Barrier knight-"Are you okay?"

Captor-"Not really"

Adam(in his head)-"I wish I could have gotten more damage dealt to that knight"

Aurora-"Oh, hello Abigail and Theodore how have you been?"

Abigail/barrier knight-"I've been better"

Theodore/captor-"How do you think I've been?"

Aurora-"Well considering the fact your covered in burn marks I'm guessing not well"

Theodore-"Very funny"

Priest-"You're saying that what this civilian said is true?"

Abigail-"Yes, some criminals tried to free the curseborn prisoner. These two here and the one that Prince Magnus has engaged in combat"

Aurora-"One of the criminals is fighting Magnus?"

Abigail shows discomfort at the fact that Aurora referred to Prince Magnus as just Magnus. This because Abigail knows that Prince Magnus would hate being referred to by that.

Theodore-"Yes, they seem to be fighting up there"

The group looks up and sees the blue and yellow lights in the sky.

Aurora-"It's surprising that some petty criminal is able to actually hold his own against Magnus"

Priest(in his head)-"I wish Madam Aurora would stop referring to Prince Magnus as just Magnus"

Abigail-"We should bring those two criminals into custody"

Adam(in his head)-"I need to fight back in some way"

Elise(in her head)-"I can't let us get captured like this"

Adam and Elise climb to their feet to try to make one last stand.

Priest-"I hadn't noticed it before but they have glowing holes in their chests"

Theodore-"They must have been attacked by Prince Magnus, we were unconscious at the time so we wouldn't have known"

Aurora-"If you were unconscious then how did you know that Prince Magnus is fighting?"

Abigail-"Because we don't know anyone else who can do that"

The group once again looks up into the air but this time they notice something is different.

Aurora-"Weren't the lights yellow and blue before, now they are yellow and red"

Abigail-"Either the criminal up there is using a different skill, or there was another accomplice"

Sir Williams-"Aurora, are you okay!?"

Sir Williams comes running down the hill shouting for Aurora.

Aurora-"(groans) Yes dad I'm fine"

Sir Williams-"Oh good, I noticed that an explosion occurred near the church so I was worried"

Adam(in his head)-"More people just keep showing up"

Elise(in her head)-"Been a while since I've seen him, he doesn't seem as posh as before"

Sir Williams-"So what's going on?"

 Abigail-"I'm not explaining this all over again"

Sir Williams-"Oh um alright then, who are those two in the masks. I feel like I recognize them from somewhere"

Aurora-"Now that you mention it, I feel like I kind of recognize them too"

Adam(in his head)-"This is bad"

Elise(in her head)-"If they recognize we're in trouble, although it looks like we're about to be captured anyway"

Some guards start running into the area.

Guard 1-"What happened?"

Abigail-"Took you long enough, apreheand those two with the masks"

Guard 2-"Yes mam"

Adam(in his head)-"This is bad"

The guards walk towards Adam and Elise but then suddenly an arrow is fired between them halting their movement.

Guard 1-"Who shot that"

Joe-"Did I make it in time?"

Joe comes running down towards Adam and Elise.

Adam(in his head)-"Joe came back already?"

Elise(in her head)-"I'm glad Joe is back now, but I don't think he'll be able to do much"

Adam(in his head)-"If Joe is back does that mean that he has alerted the guild by now, also..."

Adam and Elise(in their heads simultaneously)-"He isn't wearing a mask"

Adam(in his head)-"I guess I never told him to wear one did I?"

Aurora-"Who are you exactly?"


Joe(in his head)-"I totally should have worn a mask like they did, also there are a lot of guards here"

Abigail-"Go ahead and apprehend him too"

???-"Now Now, don't be too hasty"

Aurora-"Who is it now"

An old man wearing a cloak is following behind Joe. The old man is short, bald, and has a long white beard.

Joe-"He is a higher up at the guild"

Aurora-"A higher up at the guild?"

Guard 1-"Excuse me sir, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to..."

???-"Back away"

The old man's voice echoes loudly and all the guards drop their swords intimidated.

???-"Now, I'm sure we can reach a peaceful conclusion to..."

Suddenly the whole kingdom shakes as a giant explosion appears in the sky.

End of chapter 34.