Over in a flash

The voice had just unleashed the atomic blast at Prince Magnus.

Voice(aloud)-"It seems I have timed out, I can no longer maintain control of my host's body, ending self preservation protocol"

Julius-"(groans) Ugh, what happened"

Voice-"I took control over your body in order tp fight in your stead"

Julius-"Did you win?"

Voice-"I believe so"

Julius looks around and sees the massive cloud surrounding them caused by the explosion.

Julius-"How did you..."

Julius sees radiation particles flying past him.

Julius-"Was that an... atomic explosion"

Voice-"Yes, using your atomic reconstruction skill I was able to access the power of nuclear fusion to create a large explosion. Also, you now have access to nuclear fusion and nuclear fission skills and have grown to level..."

Julius-"You used my powers... to cause a nuclear explosion?"

Voice-"Affirmative, that is what I said"

Julius-"No, no I never gave you permission to do that!"

Voice-"It was the most effective method, I also had to combine it with inverse gravity in order to bypass their..."

Julius-"You're ignoring the problem!"

Voice-"What problem?"

Julius-"This! These particles, the giant explosion! When you use an atomic blast you don't just hit one person!"

Voice-"According to my calculations, the only individual hit with the blast was our enemy"

Julius-"Because of how high up we were?"


Julius-"But that's not all, when you make an atomic explosion it has a radiation fallout!"

Voice-"This is correct"

Julius-"We are above an entire kingdom! I can't let those innocent people down there get radiated!"

Voice-"It was the most effective use of your atomic powers at the time"

Julius-"Mass destruction is never the most effective use of atomic science!"

Voice-"In this circumstance it was"

Julius-"Ever since I was young, I was always fascinated by atoms and other particles"

An image of a young Julius looking at the periodic table of elements appears.

Julius-"It was so incredible to me that everything around me, from mountains to grains of sand, to even myself, were all made out of tiny dots. Those tiny dots were so small that even with my magnifying glass I would never be able to see them. I realized that no matter how different two things were, that both were still made out of those same tiny dots"

Voice-"What does that have to do with this situation?"

The image of young Julius fades away.

Julius-"The one thing I always hated, was that people used these incredible tiny dots, the things that made it so that none of us were truly different, and used it to destroy the people and things that they disagreed with. So much mass destruction caused by the very things I felt so connected to, it always hurt me to know that"

Voice-"So you always hated atomic weapons"

Julius-"Yes, and now, you used my own power to recreate the very thing I hated most!"

Voice-"I was unaware of your distain for this usage of your power"

Julius-"First of all, you will never take control over me again, second of all, we need to prevent these radiation particles from deteriorating the area"

Voice-"Understood, you can use your molecular reconstruction skill while moving around to collect the radiation particles"

Julius-"Good, at least I can..."

Voice-"Something is wrong"

Julius-"What is it?"

Voice-"The radiation particles, rather than spreading out and falling they are suddenly rushing back towards the center of the explosion"

The area around Julius suddenly gets darker as the particles are moving past him.

Julius-"It's not just the radiation particles, it's the photons around us too.

Voice-"It also appears that the natural mana in the area is also being pulled towards the same point"

Julius-"Did using that nuclear attack cause some kind of singularity?"

Prince Magnus-"(coughing) you have some nerve don't you"

Julius-"Your kidding me"

Voice-"My calculations did not predict this outcome"

Prince Magnus is revealed, he is critically injured and in pain, however all of the light and radiation is being pulled towards him as well as the natural mana in the area. Due to the lower amount of photons the space around them becomes darker.

Prince Magnus-"You dared, you dared to harm me like this, for this, you will pay dearly"

Prince Magnus clenches his fists his energy rising from absorbing the power of his surroundings.

Prince Magnus-"Evolved skill: divine vessel"

Prince Magnus's body changes. His skin and clothes take on a pure golden appearance and his eyes begin glowing a bright yellow.

Julius(in his head)-"What do I do now!?"

Voice-"Your mana is full due to unlocking new skills, I suggest using that mana to flee"

Julius(in his head)-"I'd hate to but, I think that's my only choice"

Prince Magnus-"Let it be known that right here right now, will be your final moments in this world"

Prince Magnus begins charging up an attack. Suddenly the old man from on the ground appears behind Prince Magnus.

???-"That's enough now"

Prince Magnus turns his head to look at the new person who appeared. The old man removes his arm from the cloak revealing him to be very muscular. The old man punches Prince Magnus in the back shattering his spine.

Prince Magnus-"Acckk!"

Prince Magnus falls unconscious his golden form fading away and his eyes becoming white as the mysterious man grabs him to prevent Magnus from falling to the ground. 

Julius(in his head)-"He took down Prince Magnus in one punch! Who is that?

Voice-"You don't seem to have met this person before, they are very strong I suggest use of caution"

???-"So, were you the one who caused that big explosion?"

Julius-"How do you know it wasn't him"

???-"This young lad here a variant of light magic. That type of skill wouldn't make an explosion that looked like that"

Julius-"Why did you-"

???-"Do you mind taking this conversation back to the ground? "

Julius-"Um, sure"

Julius and the old man begin floating flying back down to the ground.

Julius(in his head)-"For Magnus you told me to flee but for this old guy you just said to use caution"

Voice-"The old man is more powerful than Magnus, however I do not sense an intent to harm coming from the old man"

Julius(in his head)-"Well that's a relief"

The old man and Julius arrive at the ground back with the group.

Adam(in his head)-"They're back, and it looks like Julius is ok, although I'm not sure how to tell whether Julius is ok or not"

Joe-"Are you alright?"

Julius(in his head)-"It seems like Joe is back"

Julius-"Yes, I'm alright"

Joe-"That's good, I got a higher up at the guild like I said I would"

The old man drops Prince Magnus on the floor.

???-"Sorry for being so rough on him I could tell he was about to use a big attack"

Abigail / barrier knight-"That old man defeated Prince Magnus, how is that possible?"

???-"He's probably paralyzed at the moment so I suggest sending him in for some healing"

Aurora-"I'll take care of it"

Aurora walks up and begins healing Prince Magnus.

Aurora-"You're lucky I don't have to revive you, it would of costed you, although I'm sure you could afford it"

Priest(in his head)-"I really hope Lord Magnus can't hear that right now"

Elise(in her head)-"That old man really defeated the laser guy, I'm guessing the laser guy's name is Magnus since that's what everyone's calling him"

Theodore / captor-"I should do something but, if that old man could defeat Prince Magnus there's no way I could do anything"

???-"Now that everything seems to have calmed down, perhaps we can get started on what you asked me for"

Julius(in his head)-"That's right, the reason that guy is here is because of the dungeon fighting arena"

???-"You all seem to not be doing too well"

Julius looks over and sees Adam, Elise, Theodore, and Abigail all injured.

Julius-"I need to heal you guys!"

Julius flies over to Adam and Elise.

Julius-"Healing skill: heal others"

Julius heals Adam and Elise filling in the holes in their chests. They then stand up now being fully healed.

Adam(in his head)-I got to admit, that guild executive got here faster than I thought. I also didn't expect them to be that strong"

Julius(in his head)-"Maybe everything will be alright now"

Voice-"You're forgetting something"

Julius(in his head)-"What?"

Voice-"It's about Damion"

Julius(in his head)-"What do you mean? I almost forgot, since Damion is a curseborn we needed to free him before the guild executive got here!"

Voice-"So now we have a different problem"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah"

Voice-"And another problem"

Julius(in his head)-"What other problem?"

A light explosion knocks Aurora back with Prince Magnus getting up screaming.

???-"Well she's a pretty effective healer"

Prince Magnus-"You dare attack me from behind!? You won't get another lucky shot like that again! Eradicating light skill: giant death ray!"

Prince Magnus charges up an attack but the attack is dissipated as another beam of light intercepts it erasing both beams. The crowd looks towards the direction the blast came from. Out walks a tall man wearing golden armor with yellow eyes and brown hair with a crown. 

Abigail-"Your grace!"

The surrounding guards all kneel as the man walks by"

???-"Well if it isn't king Reginald III

King Reginald III-"Stop this at once Magnus"

Prince Magnus-"But father, these people are criminals they must pay for disrespecting me!"

King Reginald III-"You must not know the man who stands before you"

Prince Magnus-"What?"

King Reginald III-"This man"

The king points towards the old man who knocked out Magnus.

King Reginald III-"Is one of the founding members of the adventurers guild and ranked S rank number 1, Sir Atlas Armstrong"

End of chapter 35