A short meeting

King Reginald III-"This man"

The king points towards the old man who knocked out Magnus.

King Reginald III-"Is one of the founding members of the adventurers guild and ranked S rank number 1, Atlas Armstrong"

Cuts to everyone looking surprised at this statement.

Joe-"S rank number 1!?"

Julius-"That means he's the strongest person in the guild!"

Prince Magnus-"So what!? He-"

King Reginald III-"Magnus, cease this at once and return home"

Prince Magnus-"Father, you can't be serious!"

King Reginald III-"Now!"

Prince Magnus grunts in anger.

Prince Magnus-"Fine, eradicating light skill: speed boost"

Prince Magnus flies back towards the castle at light speed.

Atlas-"Hello there Reggie"

King Reginald III-"Greetings Sir Atlas"

Abigail(in her head)-"This man referred to the king by a nickname, yet the king referred to him as sir, how much power does being S rank number 1 give you"

Joe(in his head)-"I didn't realize this guy was the strongest person in the guild, I just thought he was some guy who sits in a chair filing their taxes or something"

Atlas-"I was brought here because there is a matter I need to discuss with you"

King Reginald III-"Very well we can discuss these matters at the castle"

Atlas-"And if you don't mind, can these people come as well?"

Atlas gestures to the whole group of Julius, Adam, Elise, Joe, Abigail, Theodore, and Aurora"

King Reginald III-"Yes that is perfectly fine"

Atlas-"Excellent, oh and go ahead and bring your son back too.  I'd like to hear what he has to say as well once he's calmed down"

King Reginald III-"I'll make arrangements for that too"

Julius(in his head)-"The king is doing everything he asks. How much power does this guy have?"

Abigail-"Your grace, are you sure you want these people in the castle?"

Theodore-"They are criminals your grace"

King Reginald III-"Yes it's alright, we will settle this more civilly"

Abigail-"If that is your wish your grace"

Aurora(in her head)-"I'm really confused by the king's behavior, even I would never call him Reggie, but I swear that prince will pay for knocking me away like that after healing him"

The group begins their walk up towards the castle with all of the civilians bowing to their king on their way there. Eventually they make it to the castle gates and are welcomed inside. The group walks inside and sits down in a large room. Prince Magnus also walks into the room clearly seething with anger.

Atlas-"The reason I came here is to talk about a certain illegal activity that may be taking place in this kingdom"

King Reginald III-"What illegal activity is that?"

Atlas-"Supposedly there is an underground fighting arena where prisoners in the dungeon are forced to fight to the death for the entertainment of high class citizens. Afterwards those prisoners are revived to avoid the banning of execution"

King Reginald III-"Where did you hear these claims?"

Atlas-"I'd rather not say"

King Reginald III-"I understand"

Prince Magnus-"This is ridiculous!"

King Reginald III-"Not now Magnus"

Prince Magnus-"You're not going to make him validate his claims!? You're just going to take his word for it!?"

Atlas-"(laughs) Feisty lad isn't he"

Prince Magnus-"Don't disrespect me like that!"

King Reginald III-"I said not now Magnus!"

Prince Magnus scoffs  and sits back down clenching his fists.

King Reginald III-"I'll look into it and if there is such a place I'll make sure to remove it"

Aurora(in her head)-"This isn't good, they know someone who can revive people is involved and I'm the only one in this kingdom who can do that. Is that why they brought me here?"

Atlas-"Splendid, now I would like to have more information from other sides. How about you two, do you have any information? How exactly did this whole situation start?"

Atlas directs his question towards the barrier knight Abigail and the captor Theodore.

Theodore-"I was sent to track down and apprehend an escaped convict, upon finding this convict I engaged in combat with them and that glowing dot who helped him escape"

Abigail-"While fighting them Theodore was injured and I went there to assist him. I was able to capture the escaped convict and return him to the dungeon. However, at the time I was unaware of the dot who helped him and therefore did not attempt to capture them"

Atlas-"This escaped convict, who were they?"

Julius(in his head)-"So he doesn't know about Damion, that makes sense"

Joe(in his head)-"I hadn't told Atlas about Damion because Adam and Elise said they were going to free Damion before we got back. Although that obviously didn't work"

 Theodore-"The escaped convict was a curseborn, arrested for the use of dark magic"

Atlas-"A rather serious crime, do you know why the glowing dot wanted to help them escape"

Julius(in his head)-"Everyone just keeps referring to me as a glowing dot"

Voice-"They have no idea what an atom is or that one could be sentient"

Julius(in his head)-"Even I never knew an atom could possibly be sentient, although I still even now find it confusing due to the lack of... everything something needs to be sentient... like a brain"

Voice-"It's because you still have a soul, and magic"

Abigail-"We don't know why the glowing dot wants to assist the curseborn"

Atlas-"I see, where is the curseborn now"

Abigail-"We would rather not discuss the location of the curseborn, as people who likely intend to once again attempt to free him are sitting in this room"

Atlas looks over at Julius, Adam, and Elise.

Atlas-"Fair point, also, when did the two in the masks get involved"

Abigail-"Eventually the glowing dot returned with the two in the masks to attempt to free the curseborn again. The three of them managed to defeat me and Theodore along with a dozen guards that were assisting us. After we were defeated our lord Prince Magnus  arrived to apprehend them"

Atlas-"I see, also you two in the masks haven't talked at all this meeting. Do you have anything to share?"

Adam(in his head)-"I figured someone would point us out eventually"

Elise(in her head)-"I'm surprised we actually made it this far without anyone taking our masks off"

Julius-"They are wearing the masks to conceal their identity"

Atlas-"I assumed as much. I don't really know any other reason somebody would wear a mask otherwise"

Julius-"Maybe if it was cold out"

The room is silent for a moment.

Julius-"I retract that statement"

Atlas-"Well I guess they can keep their masks on if you can speak on their behalf"

Julius-"I can"

Atlas-"Ok well, why exactly did you want to free the curseborn?"

Julius-"Because he's not a bad person and he hasn't done anything wrong. He doesn't deserve to be locked up for being born with dark magic"

Atlas-"So that's why hmm? Well unfortunately for you possessing dark magic is simply too risky, and as a matter of fact a curseborn has the chance to become far more dangerous than someone who gains dark magic through other means"

Julius-"It's not fair to him though"

Atlas-"Do you have a way to prove that he has done nothing wrong, as well as proof he will do nothing wrong in the future?"

Julius-"Well I-"

Voice-"Reminder that you shouldn't tell them about reading the prison documents, those were classified and you would likely get in more trouble for telling them"


Julius-"No, I can't prove it with 100% certainty"

Atlas-"Well then, I suppose he will have to stay locked up then, as most people would want it"

Julius(in his head)-"I was hoping he would see it my way"

King Reginald III-"Now for the matter of the two elves and the um, glowing dot"

Atlas-"You mean whether they should receive a punishment?"

King Reginald III-"Right um, what exactly do you believe we should do with them, they are criminals after all"

Prince Magnus(in his head)-"They are enemies of the kingdom they should be thrown in prison for the rest of their lives"

Atlas-"Oh I don't think they meant any harm. I'd say go ahead and let them go"

Adam(in his head)-"I didn't envision this going this way"

Elise(in her head)-"There has to be something else to this, what is this guy's plan?"

King Reginald III-"I see, well if that's how you feel-"

Atlas-"Excellent, well I'll check up here again in a week from now, or a month I'm not sure. I'll show up eventually just make sure you get rid of that underground fighting arena ok"

King Reginald III-"Yes I understand"

Atlas-"Oh and um any criminals who didn't actually commit any real crimes go ahead and let them go too"

King Reginald III-"I'll look into it"

Atlas-"Well that settles all that"

Prince Magnus-"This doesn't settle anything! Why are you getting to make decisions on what happens in my kingdom!?"

King Reginald III-"Magnus you need to-"

Prince Magnus-"Forget this I'm leaving this stupid meeting if you can even call it that"

Prince Magnus walks out of the room.

King Reginald III-"I'm deeply sorry sir for my son's behavior"

Atlas-"Oh it's fine, also I noticed you named him Magnus instead of keeping your family name of Reginald, why is that?"

King Reginald III-"It was my wife's idea, she simply liked the name Magnus, called him our magnum opus and I think it went to his head eventually"

Atlas-"Now I understand, well have a good day Reggie"

King Reginald III-"Have a good day sir Atlas"

Abigail(in her head)-"Are they really going to let those criminals walk free?"

Theodore(in his head)-"It seems the old man Atlas already had his mind set on what the outcome of this conversation was going to be"

Joe-"Well I'm glad this went well"

Aurora(in her head)-"Well for you maybe, they know a reviver is involved so I could get in some serious trouble. Why is this Atlas guy so invested in what goes on in our kingdom anyway?"

King Reginald III-"I'm going to go talk to my son"

Atlas-"Very well, I too will be going now"

King Reginald III-"This meeting is adjourned, everyone can return to their daily activities"

King Reginald III begins walking after his son while Atlas exits the room in the other direction. Abigail and Theodore leave to return to their duties while Aurora leaves to return to the church.

Joe-"I'm sorry about Damion"

Julius-"I need to talk to Atlas some more, convince him to have them free Damion. I'm not giving up yet"

Adam(in his head)-"At least he's taking the diplomatic approach this time"

Elise(in her head)-"I'm worried about Julius. I don't see them freeing Damion as being likely"

End of chapter 36.