A Dark Spiral Stairway

Joe-"I can't believe you were able to convince sir Atlas to help Damion"

Julius-"At this point, it's more so consider helping. He's going to talk to Damion himself to determine if he should free him or not"

Joe-"You guys already got off lucky, you could have been sent to the dungeon"

Julius-"You're right, Sir Atlas is a very kind person"

Joe-"Also, are the two of them ever going to take off their masks"

Joe points to Adam and Elise who are still wearing the wooden masks.

Joe-"We are no longer in trouble so why do they need the masks?"

Julius-"Well we know Prince Magnus is still very angry with us so it's better if he doesn't know who they are"

Joe-"I suppose that's correct"

Julius-"So you said that you didn't know that Sir Atlas was S rank number one right?"

Joe-"Yeah I thought he was some manager or something, so it was quite shocking when he jumped up in the air and knocked out Prince Magnus"

Julius-"I think it would he more accurate to say he temporarily paralyzed Prince Magnus rather than saying he just knocked him out"

Atlas-"Maybe I did go a bit overboard"

Julius-"You did shatter his spine"

Atlas-"Yeah but he was fine"

Julius-"You made it look easy, after I had such a hard time fighting against him"

Atlas-"It wasn't too difficult with all the training I've done, it was like breaking an egg"

Joe-"Well he should have scrambled like an egg before he got folded like an omelette"

Prince Magnus-"So I've been reduced to a joke now have I?"

Prince Magnus appears behind the group as they are walking down the hallway inside the castle.

Joe-"Oh um I-"

Atlas-"Oh hello again"

Adam in his head-"You should have waited till we were outside of the kingdom to say something like that"

Elise in her head-"What is he doing back here again?"

Prince Magnus-"What are you filth still doing here? I was under the impression that you were leaving"

Atlas-"The glowing dot here recommended that I have a look at the curseborn you have arrested here"

Prince Magnus-"Of course they did, however that creature is currently hidden away and extra secured"

Atlas-"That's why I'm going to find your father again. Although, I'm sure you probably know correct?"

Prince Magnus-"I do. Do you plan on freeing them too"

Atlas-"I have to see them for myself first"

Prince Magnus-"You want to make a mistake like that be my guest. It's not like I can stop you anyway"

Atlas-"You seem to be a lot more passive now, good job"

Prince Magnus-"Patronize me again and I'll... ugh never mind"

Prince Magnus turns around.

Prince Magnus-"Go ahead and follow me"

Atlas-"We gratefully appreciate the help"

Prince Magnus-"Your modesty disgusts me. If your going to force everyone to do as you want, you might as well act like it"


Prince Magnus-"Everyone here knows that I don't want to help you out, but they also know you're strong enough to make me tell you so it's easier to just do as you say"

Prince Magnus looks back again the group again.

Prince Magnus-"You could at least have the same decency as me and not pretend that you're not using your power to make others do your bidding. Instead you hide behind your kind words, that's why I'm disgusted"

Atlas-"I got to admit that's a relief, it was concerning seeing you change your personality so quickly seems your still yourself"

Prince Magnus-"(scoffs) just follow me already, I'll take you to that wretched thing"

The groups begins following Prince Magnus down the hallway coming to a locked door. There is a guard standing in front of the door.

Guard-"Greetings my lord"

Prince Magnus-"(in an annoyed voice) Move, now"

Guard-"(stumbling over words) Uh yes, sir"

The guard attempts to grab a key from his pocket but Prince Magnus quickly grabs the key from them and jams it into the lock. Rather than it unlocking the door the key rams straight through the metal breaking the key and the lock causing the door to open. The guard attempts to say something but Prince Magnus glares at them angrily so the guard steps away from the door.

Atlas-"A little violent don't you think"

Prince Magnus-"Silence, the thing you want to see is down here"

Elise(in her head)-"Soon he's going to run out of things to call Damion"

Opening the door brings them to a spiral stairway leading deep down underground. As the group is walking downwards Julius floats up next to Prince Magnus who is at the front.

Julius-"Are you doing okay?"

Prince Magnus-"I've sustained more humiliation today than any other day in my entire life. So no, and shut up"

Julius-"Sorry, about um, hitting you with that large explosion"

Prince Magnus-"One, I told you to shut up. Two, apologizing to someone for hurting them while in a fight is also humiliating"

Julius-"Sorry I-"

Prince Magnus-"If you say sorry one more time I will grab you between my finger and disintegrate you"

Julius floats back away from Prince Magnus.

Joe-"Was it really a good idea to do that"

Julius-"I figured I should ease the tension a bit but it didn't help"

Adam(in his head)-"I don't really think it makes sense to apologize to them considering he was the one who tried to kill us. But,  I do commend Julius for trying ease the tension. Even if it just made it worse"

Atlas-"Spoiled people like him don't like other people apologizing, they would rather seethe in silence"

Prince Magnus's eye twitches.

The group reaches the end of the spiral stairway. Prince Magnus stops once he reaches the ground and the others are still on the stairs. Magnus takes a deep breath and then punches the wall causing it to shake and have large cracks form with a crater where he punched.

Prince Magnus-"We're-"

Atlas-"Trying to blow off some steam, there are better ways to do that. There are lots of little tools you can carry around, one of the S rank adventurers in my guild solves math equations if they're stressed"

Prince Magnus-"One of these days, I will find a way to kill you do you understand?"

Adam, Elise, and Joe(in their heads)-"Who solves math equations to calm down?"

Julius(in his head)-"I remember doing something like that in school, although for me it was going over the structures of the elements"

Voice-"According to social structure, you're weird"

Julius(in his head)-"Well clearly I have a likeminded individual in the S ranks"

Atlas-"I would rather you not try to kill me, it's such a hassle"

Prince Magnus-"(breaths deeply)The curseborn is just down the hall, final door on the left"

Elise(in her head)-"He finally referred to Damion as 'the curseborn', I guess he really did run out of other things to call him"

Atlas-"Aren't you going to supervise us?"

Prince Magnus-"I'm done with this, I have something important to begin. Take this"

Prince Magnus throws a key towards Atlas and then disappears in a flash of light to quickly leave the room.

Joe-"I think that Prince Magnus really hates us"

Atlas-"With every fiber of his being probably"

Julius-"Are we able to see Damion now?"

Atlas-"Yes we can, I'll determine whether or not he can leave with you"

The group walks down the hall getting to several metal doors with large symbols on them.

Atlas-"Sealing spells, this must be the high security area"

Julius-"Prince Magnus said that Damion is behind the last door on the left"

Atlas-"Well let's head there shall we?"

The group walks past the numerous sealed doors. None of the doors have windows and are instead made of solid metal. The group arrives at the final door to the left. Atlas places the key into the keyhole on the door which causes the seal on the door to glow before the door swings open magically.  Once the door opens it reveals Damion lying down on the floor with large chains around his arms. Damion looks up and sees the group standing at the doorway.

Damion-"Oh hey"

Julius-"Hey Damion are you alright?"

Damion-"Yeah I'm fine, there are a lot of people with you"

Julius-"Are you hurt?"

Damion-"Technically yeah, but it doesn't bother me"

Atlas-"So you are the curseborn known as Damion correct?"

Damion-"Yeah that's me"

Julius-"Damion this is Atlas, he is the founder of the guild and can get you out of here, legally"

Damion-"That's nice"

Atlas(in his head)-"Obviously has a mental issue, pretty common among curseborns"

Atlas walks into the cell and up to Damion. Damion gets up off the ground to meet him standing.

Damion-"It's nice to meet you sir-"

Atlas-"Listen to me"

A massive amount of pressure is released from Atlas intimidating the rest of the group. Some prisoners in the other cells also notice the power that is so intense that it seeps through the high level seals on the doors.

Atlas-"You will not lie to me do you understand?"

Damion(in his head)-"This is some really intense aura, it's making me sweat a bit"

Atlas-"Now I have some questions to ask you"

End of chapter 38.