An intense interrogation

Sir Atlas's aura is filling the cell intimidating everyone inside.

Julius(in his head)-"What is the purpose of this aura?"

Voice-"The aura is forcing everyone in it's vicinity to tell the truth"

Julius(in his head)-"So Atlas has some kind of truth serum type skill"

Voice-"It works by intimidating everyone into being afraid to lie. In reality it doesn't seem to be it's own skill, but instead it falls under the umbrella of a skill with a wide range of properties"

Julius(in his head)-"A skill with a wide range of properties?"

Voice-"It's similar to how your molecular reconstruction skill can be used for many purposes. I have been analyzing Atlas to determine how his skill functions"

Julius(in his head)-"You can analyze other people's skills? Are you able to copy them?"

Voice-"No, I can't copy other peoples skills. Instead,  I can map out the path you need to take to replicate them on an atomic level which would then lead to you obtaining that skill. If an individual's skill can't be replicated through atomic means then I will be unable to help you attain it"

Julius(in his head)-"So are we able to replicate sir Atlas's skill through said atomic means?"

Voice-"No, we are unable of attaining his skill. Sir Atlas's skill is called absolute power. By infusing his immense mana into something he can influence its properties in any way he chooses. His immense strength comes from infusing his mana into his muscles enhancing them to an super human level"

Julius(in his head)-"I see, now that Atlas is making Damion tell the truth he will know that what Damion says won't be a lie"

Voice-"Yes, that's what telling the truth means"

Julius(in his head)-"I mean- yeah I guess I thought something redundant, it can be really difficult talking to you sometimes"

Voice-"Why is that?"

Julius(in his head)-"I don't get my vocal filter that I have when talking to other people, most of the dumb stuff I would say is stuck in my head but with you also being in my head means nothing gets filtered"

Voice-"I feel the situation in front of us is more important than your vocal filter"

Julius(in his head)-"You're right"

Julius focuses his attention back on the conversation between Atlas and Damion.

Damion-"So you have some questions for me?"

Atlas-"Yes, so first just to be sure, you are a curseborn correct?"

Damion-"Yes, I was born with dark magic"

Atlas-"What kind of dark magic do you have?"

Damion-"I have unbinding magic"

Atlas-"An unbinding skill? Explain more thoroughly" 

Damion-"I can separate any number of connected things. Such as if a rope is tied around a rock I can remove the rope from the rock or remove armor from a person"

Atlas-"How do you normally use these powers?"

Damion-"If I'm in a battle I can remove the distance between us to quickly launch myself towards them and detach their muscles from their bones, this results in them collapsing"

Atlas-"I'm assuming something like that would kill them?"

Damion-"No, it is a light separation not a complete removal from the outside they look the same. It can also be easily healed. Speaking of healing I can also remove the damage from myself when harmed"

Atlas-"So it works on abstract things as well?"

Damion-"From what I understand it does"

Atlas-"Would you be able to remove those chains around you with your skill?"

Damion-"No, normally I am able to but because these are anti magic chains I can't remove them"

Atlas(in his head)-"Normally when I use this truth telling technique people fight against it a lot. He hasn't been fighting against it at all meaning he is saying the same things he would have said if I didn't activate my power"

Atlas-"Using your skill, are you able to destroy souls?"

Damion-"I can use my skill to separate a soul from the body"

Atlas-"Have you ever done so?"

Damion-"I have used it on animals before but not on any people"

Atlas-"You have never affected the soul of another person?"

Damion-"No I have not"

Atlas-"I see, have you ever killed anyone before?"

Damion-"No, I have not killed anyone before"

Atlas-"That's very interesting. Now tell me, when, how, and why were you arrested?"

Damion-"I was arrested 7 years ago when I was the age of 12. One day while I was at home, some guards showed up and arrested me. I assume my friends from school told them I was a curseborn"

Julius(in his head)-"Is he talking about those kids from his flashback? I don't think I would have considered those kids his friends"

Damion-"As for why, I think the main reason was being a curseborn"

Atlas-"You haven't killed anyone but have you hurt anyone with your magic, outside of the underground fighting arena of course"

Damion-"There was this fight I got into with my friends but they wanted to. It was a game they made"

Atlas-"A game?"

Damion-"They brought me to an alleyway and started hitting me with their fists and magic skills, after they had their turn it was my turn. Maybe they were upset they lost and that's why they were with the guards when they arrested me"

Atlas(in his head)-"On one hand that sounds like self defense to me so on that hand it's fine. But on the other hand he sees it as more of a game than a serious fight which is not good"

Atlas-"Were those kids fine?"

Damion-"Yes, I used my muscle unbinding skill on them and when I saw them next they didn't look to be hurt"

Atlas-"You said the guards showed up at your home to arrest you, was it just you at your home? What did your family do about you being arrested?"

Damion-"My parents were in the basement and my younger brother was also in the basement but was dead"

Atlas-"Your younger brother was dead in the basement?"

Damion-"My parents had killed him. They stabbed him with some knife before I got home from the game with the game with my friends"

Atlas-"Was your younger brother also a curseborn?"

Damion-"Yes he was"

Atlas-"Were your parents either curseborns or dark magic users?"

Damion-"I don't believe my parents were curseborns but they were dark magic users"

Atlas(in his head)-"Based on what I've heard it seems his parents were planning on turning him into a demi lich. In order to become a demi lich, one curseborn has to absorb the soul of another curseborn through a ritual. However, this can only be done once both curseborns have absorbed enough souls in this case that seems to be a lot of animal souls"

Atlas-"Do you know what happened to your parent's afterwards?"

Damion-"No, I haven't seen them since"

Atlas-"I see, I know you haven't killed anyone but do you have the intention to in the future?"

Damion-"I don't intend to kill anyone"

Atlas-"Can you promise me you won't harm, kill, or consume/destroy the souls of any person if you leave this place?"

Damion-"I don't know the circumstances of what could happen but I can promise that I will never want to do those things"


Atlas turns to the group.

Atlas-"I will wait in the hallway for a second to make my decision"

Julius-"Thank you sir"

Atlas walks past the group and out of the door to enter the hallway and begins pacing back and forth with his hand to his chin. The aura that Atlas was creating disperses. Adam and Elise hunch over and begin catching their breath and Joe falls to the floor exhausted.

Joe-"I didn't (gasp) realize it would be so tough to just stand in the same room as him"

Adam(in his head)-"That was very intense"

Elise(in her head)-"All of that for just a normal interrogation?"

Damion-"That seemed pretty rough for you"

Joe-"How are (gasp) you fine?"

Damion-"Oh no, that was awful. It was like being trapped underwater"

Julius-"How can you say that so cheerfully? Also, you seem to be profusely sweating"

Damion's face is sweating as a result from the aura.

Damion-"Oh yeah, it is"

Julius-"Are you alright?"

Damion-"Yeah, there was something I wanted to ask you"

Julius-"What is it?"

Damion-"Why are you glowing now? Before you were invisible but now you're glowing

Julius-"True, that is why you kept referring to me as a ghost the first time we met. The reason I'm glowing like this is because I want other people to see me"

Damion-"I understand"

Joe stands back up wiping his forehead with his sleeve.

Joe-"Are you sure you answered those questions well?"

Damion-"I don't know any other way I could have answered them"

Joe-"I guess you were under that intense aura, although you could have painted yourself in a better light you know, like a job interview"

Damion-"An interview?"

Joe-"Yeah like when your new employer asks you what your previous experience was you'll say that you handled transactions for a large corporation while in reality you were just a moneychanger for a big tavern"

Julius(in his head)-"Moneychanger for a big tavern?"

Voice-"In modern language you would say cashier for a restaurant"

Damion-"I don't get it"

Joe-"You got to hype yourself up. Really make yourself seem like a good samaritan who would never hurt a fly"

Damion-"But I have swatted away flies before"

Joe-"It's an expression"

Atlas walks back into the jail cell after having paced around outside.

Julius-"Welcome back sir"

Atlas-"I have reached my decision. I have chosen to-"

End of chapter 39.