The decision

Atlas walks out into the hallway as the group was talking.

Atlas(in his head)-"What to do? What to do?"

Atlas begins pacing back and forth outside the cell. 

Atlas(in his head)-"Due to my aura I know that Damion was telling the truth. But, his answers were... strange to say the least"

Atlas stops and begins scratching his chin.

Atlas(in his head)-"The strangest thing though is that he clearly wasn't fighting against the aura. In fact even if, I hadn't used the aura he likely would have said the same answers. That shows he is an honest person at least. In terms of potential strength he has a high potential which is almost always the case for curseborns. From what he told me he's never killed or destroyed the souls of anyone before and also doesn't plan to in the future. There is also the matter of his family, I'm certain his parents were planning on turning him into a demi lich due to them sacrificing his younger brother, although it seems that Damion is unaware of that"

Atlas sits down like he's on a chair but is simply floating above the ground. He puts one leg over the other placing his elbow on his knee holding his head up with his hand.

Atlas(in his head)-"So from what I can gather, he is honest, so far is... mostly innocent, likely feels betrayed by his family, and overall probably pretty clueless about the world"

Atlas sighs.

Atlas(in his head)-"Fact is, even when I know someone is telling the truth it can still be hard to know what they are truly like. I may know his most prominent personality traits, but I don't know many of the fine details. I could go back to the guild office and ask Oswald to determine the most probable outcomes"

Atlas stands back up tilting his head back. 

Atlas(in his head)-"Ugh but it's such a hassle to head all the way back to the guild and back here again. Still, I don't want to make a mistake here. I can tell that group in there has a big future in front of them. A curseborn, two elves who also have high potential, that small dot who I can tell will be destined for great things, and that archer who was the first I met. Although I don't really think the archer has very high potential though. Oh well, it's the smarter decision to go and see Oswald. I'll take a quick trip back"

Atlas-"Absolute power skill: infinite speed"

Atlas uses his skill to increase his speed even further. The group inside Damion's cell all stop moving due to the sheer difference of speed. Atlas opens the door and walks inside the cell while the group is frozen still. Atlas walks up to Damion.

Atlas(in his head)-"You're an interesting one aren't you, well... off to the base"

Atlas then walks back out of the cell closing the door behind himself. Once in the hallway he dashes away at an even higher blinding speed. Disappearing in a blur he runs up the stairs and into the hallway of the castle. As he's running by he spots Prince Magnus talking to Abigail and Theodore.

Atlas(in his head)-"I wonder what those three are up to, meh not important"

Atlas continues running and exits the castle doors. He then jumps from the castle flying above the buildings below before landing far outside the kingdom's walls. Once he lands, he jumps again with the trees zooming past him on the ground. Atlas performs several more jumps before then landing in front of the guild headquarters. The headquarters is a very large building about the size of a large shopping mall. While one would expect it to be made out of wood given the time period it actually seems to be made out of solid metal while also having many visible seals and enchantments along the walls. The structure along with the many powerful people inside of it make it into an impenetrable fortress. 

Atlas(in his head)-"Home sweet home, I'll only be a moment"

Atlas walks up to the front gate while still in super speed. There is a security guard elf behind a window at the front gate. Atlas exits out of super speed appearing in front of the elf who could not perceive him before. 

Atlas(in his head)-"Hello, I'll be heading in now"

Security guard-"Hello sir Atlas, please go right on in"

Atlas walks forward getting past the seals. Once inside he dashes into the building as even without using super speed he is still faster than light such as when he defeated Prince Magnus.  Atlas goes through the hallways and enters into a large room. The room looks cozy being made to look like the inside of a log cabin while also having book shelves, fancy carpeting, and a lit fireplace. There is an orc sitting on a couch reading a book. The orc is none other than Oswald, another member of the S class adventurers.

Atlas-"Hello Oswald"

Oswald-"Hello there Atlas, how have you been?"

Atlas-"I'm in a hurry, although I'm certain you're already aware"

Oswald-"I've got everything calculated already since last Tuesday"

Atlas-"Always so incredibly helpful"

Oswald-"I would tell you these things ahead of time but with how things are constantly changing only some of the things I predict actually come true, as for this one it seemed so contrived I wasn't so certain on it but alas it has happened"

Atlas-"True this is a pretty crazy situation isn't it? Now tell me, would it be a good or bad idea to release that Damion fellow"

Oswald-"Statistically speaking, it seems to do more positive than negative. This is because of Julius sticking by him guiding him in the right direction"


Oswald-"He's that glowing dot with high potential. He's something known as an oxygen atom which I can't find a record of ever being sentient before"

Atlas-"So it would be the right call to set him free"

Oswald-"Overall, I would say yes. But, be careful as things could go wrong"

Atlas-"I'll keep an eye out on them"

Oswald-"You're already keeping an eye out on a lot of people, very many people"

Atlas-"All to make the world a better place. Well I always appreciate your help Oswald, thank you"

Oswald-"You're welcome sir"

Atlas-"Absolute power skill: infinite speed"

The world slows down to a stop again around Atlas as he begins the run back to the group. Once again jumping through the forest and back into the kingdom walls and into the castle.

Atlas(in his head)-"Hmm, it seems the prince and those other two are gone"

Atlas then heads back down the staircase entering the underground cellar. Once down there he undoes the super speed. And begins to walk towards Damion's cell. 

Damion-"But I have swatted away flies before"

Joe-"It's an expression"

Atlas opens the door and walks inside.

Julius-"Welcome back sir"

Atlas-"I have reached my decision, I have chosen to free Damion"


Atlas-"Yes, I have thought over this decision carefully"

Julius-"Thank you so much"

Adam(in his head)-"I'm surprised"

Elise(in her head)-"I couldn't really picture that happening"

Joe-"We are very thankful to you sir for helping us out"

Atlas-"It's no problem. I'll go talk with the king to get you released, although maybe keep a low profile. I doubt the average person wants to know they are talking to a curseborn"

Damion-"I understand"

Damion bows his head while still sitting down on the floor with all of the chains around him.

Damion-"I am very thankful for your help"

Atlas-"You are welcome. I expect great things from all of you. Do you understand? I've helped you out here , so if you become anything other than legendary heroes it will be disappointing"

Julius-"I understand sir"

Adam(in his head)-"Legendary heroes?"

Elise(in her head)-"How are we supposed to do that exactly?"

Atlas-"Well I'll be right back"

Joe-"I'm glad this turned out so well"

Julius-"You're right, I couldn't have asked for a better outcome"

Damion looks up at the group talking watching the four of them and smiles.

Damion(in his head)-"I'm thinking, this seems like it will be a fun time. In fact, I think it's been a long time since I've seen people this happy to be around me, it's a nice feeling"

End of chapter 40.