The group of Julius, Adam, Elise, Joe, and Damion are walking towards a village of forest elves.
Joe-"So how long do you think it will take to get there?"
Adam-"It's a bit further than I thought but it shouldn't be that much longer"
Voice-"We could get there much faster if the group ran. You're having to fly at a pretty slow speed at the moment"
Julius (in his head)-"We're not in a hurry to get there. No point in exhausting ourselves in a sprint"
Julius-"It's nice to relax on a walk after... all of what we just went through"
Elise-"Never would have thought that the lightning wyvern that attacked us in the forest would be one of the less dangerous things we had to deal with that day"
Damion-"You all fought a lightning wyvern?"
Joe-"Yeah that giant thunder lizard was no match for these guys though"
Damion-"Did you not fight it?"
Joe-"I shot some arrows, but more importantly I protected our client Sir Williams and kept him safe"
Elise-"You know you could just say you fought a lightning wyvern, would make you sound a lot cooler"
Joe-"I don't like taking credit for things I didn't do, while I did fire an arrow or two it wouldn't be right to say I helped fight it"
Damion-"That's very honorable of you"
Adam-"Although if we're going that route, you kind of struggled to keep Sir Williams safe considering the fact you were both getting chased by a giant boar"
Joe-"Okay well, I at least don't want to make it sound like I was useless alright?"
Julius-"Don't feel like you weren't useful. If you hadn't gone and contacted Sir Atlas then we probably would have gotten killed by Prince Magnus"
Damion-"But isn't execution illegal, that is the reason I'm still alive after all"
Julius-"Well yes but, I think it would have been more so him killing me in a blind rage than a court ordered punishment"
Elise-"So he was that mad at you huh?"
Julius-"Absolutely seething"
Joe-"He's definitely got some anger issues that's for sure"
Elise-"How much you guys want to bet he's secretly hired people to assassinate us?"
Damion-"Probably pretty likely"
Julius-"Hopefully not, I'm feeling pretty done with the problems from that kingdom"
Adam-"When you pick a fight with royalty your problems won't just end the second you walk out those doors"
Joe-"Well at least legally we are fine thanks to Sir Atlas"
Julius-"Yeah he was a huge help, I doubt we'll be able to rely on their help from now on though. We'll have to be more careful"
Damion-"I'm sorry you guys went through all that trouble for me"
Joe-"It would sound more sincere if you didn't say it so cheerfully"
Damion-"I'm sorry"
Joe(in his head)-"He also said that cheerfully"
Julius(in his head)-"Considering the fact that he didn't sound sad when he finished telling me about his childhood, I doubt I'll see him sad much"
Voice-"He was sad after seeing what happened to his brother, it's likely that he only has emotional responses to extreme situations"
Julius(in his head)-"I'd rather not be talking about traumatic experiences right now"
Voice-"You're not talking about traumatic experiences you're thinking about them"
Julius(in his head)-"I'm done with this internal conversation"
Damion-"So, why are we heading to that elf village?"
Adam-"It's just a place nearby that we can take a breather"
Elise-"We know some people there, and we needed to get out of Magnus's kingdom as quickly as possible"
Damion-"Sounds good to me, who is it that you know there?"
Adam-"One of our old neighbors from the village we grew up in. He was a kid our age that my sister and I trained with"
Elise-"He was a pretty good fighter, although that was back when we were kids so I don't know if he kept up with his training or not"
Julius-"So they're an old friend of yours then?"
Adam-"Yes, it will be nice to see him again after so long"
Damion-"What was his name?"
Elise-"His name was Maurice. I look forward to checking up on how the've been"
Adam-"Hold on."
Adam stops walking and the group turns to him.
Adam-"His name wasn't Maurice. His name was Lucius"
Elise-"No, his name was definitely Maurice"
Adam-"Are we talking about different people?"
Elise-"I only remember one person who trained with us all the time, and considering the fact they were one of my few friends back home I would definitely remember his name"
Damion-"So you guys don't remember what his name was?"
Adam-"No, she's the one who forgot"
Elise-"It would make sense for you to forget, you had a lot more friends than me so you had more names to remember"
Joe-"Was that supposed to be an insult or a compliment"
Elise stares at Joe in discontent.
Julius-"I guess we'll just have to ask his name when we get there"
Adam-"But what if he remembers our names?"
Adam-"If he remembers our names but we forgot his then that would be very embarrassing"
Elise-"We'll just have to wait for somebody to refer to him by name before we see Maurice again"
Adam-"You mean before we see Lucius again?"
Joe-"But what if he greets you first before anyone else, then you won't have the chance to confirm his name before talking to him"
Damion-"I don't understand. What's the big deal about not knowing his name. People forget things all the time right"
Julius-"At worst it would just lead to a brief moment of embarrassment, it's been years since you have last talked after all"
Adam-"I refuse to let us look dumb in front of our friend"
Julius-"If you want either me, Joe, or Damion could ask him what his name is since we wouldn't know"
Adam-"That should work"
Elise-"He'll probably say that we should have told you guys his name, but saying we forgot to do that is better than saying we forgot his name"
Damion-"Well I'd be glad to be of service"
Julius-"You want to be the one to ask them his name?"
Damion-"Yes, I want to be as helpful as possible"
Julius-"Thank you. Does that sound good to you guys?"
Elise-"Sounds good"
Joe-"The village isn't much farther now is it?"
Adam-"If we continue our pace we should be there in just a few minutes"
Joe-"Well let's hurry on up then, I want to see which one of you two is correct"
Damion-"I look forward to meeting your friend"
Julius-"I hope we can keep up a good impression, I don't want this place to turn out like the last one"
Adam-"I doubt we'll encounter a problem like the previous kingdom for a long time"
End of chapter 42