The alien

The group continues their walk towards the elf village to meet Adam and Elise's old friend.

Elise-"I'm telling you.  His name is Maurice!"

Adam-"And I'm telling you his name is Lucious!"

Joe-"Can you guys stop arguing already"

Adam-"I'll stop arguing when she admits I'm right"

Elise-"Never going to happen"

Julius-"This will be settled when we find out what his name is. Why keep arguing now before we get to the village?"

Adam-"You can't just say an argument is over until you reach a conclusion"

Elise-"Yeah mind your own business this is between us"

Joe-"It would have been between you two if you weren't so loud about it that the rest of us can't think about anything else"

Adam and Elsie scoff.

Damion-"I know you already explained that it's embarrassing but I still don't see how it could be this important to you"

Elise-"Are you annoyed with us too?"

Damion-"I don't really mind"

Julius(in his head)-"Makes sense, I feel like Damion is used to hearing a lot worse"

Voice-"Being in prison for over a third of your life you probably become accustom to arguments"

Adam-"Alright I'm sorry, our arguments shouldn't bother you guys"

Elise-"Adam's right, sorry to bother you guys"

Joe-"Apology accepted"

Julius-"You know speaking of names, I don't know you guy's last names"

Adam-"Our last names?"

Julius-"You know, your family names"

Elise-"Elves don't have family names"

Julius-"Oh I didn't know that. Doesn't that make it harder to tell who is who?"

Adam-"We didn't make that decision that's just how it's always been"

Julius-"Different cultures I suppose"

Elise-"I'm assuming you have a last name though Julius?"

Julius-"I do"

Adam-"What is it?"

Julius-"It's a bit strange. My last name is Democritus"

Adam-"Where does that name come from?"

Julius-"It's greek in origin. It's actually the same name as the greek philosopher who discovered atoms"

Damion-"So an atom shares the same name as the person who discovered atoms"

Julius-"That's correct, it's actually prt of the reason I originally became so interested in atoms"

Elise-"Where is greek?"

Julius-"The country is called Greece not Greek"

Adam-"So people from Greece are called Greek? 


Elise-"And you are from Greek?"

Julius-"No, I'm not from Greece. My grandfather on my father's side was from Greece"

Adam-"Ok... but where is Greece?"

Julius-"Didn't I explain before? When I explained that I'm an atom about how I was reincarnated"

Adam-"Well I know you were reincarnated but so are most people"

Voice-"You had told Adam and Elise that you were reincarnated but you didn't explain your past life to them"

Elise-"Are you saying that this is from before you reincarnated"

Julius-"Yes, that's what I'm saying"

Joe-"Wait, so you kept the name you had before you reincarnated?"

Julius-"Yes, I kept my name from my previous life"

Joe-"Most people don't remember their previous life after they reincarnate"


Joe-"Some faint memories maybe but not a full recollection"

Adam-"How exactly did you keep your name? Did you change it back after your parents named you after you reincarnated?"

Julius-"Change it back?"

Elise-"Didn't your new parents give you a different name?"

Julius-"I don't have new parents"

Joe-"How do you not have new parents?"

Julius-"When my soul reincarnated I think I just possessed an ordinary atom, or maybe a new one was created"

Voice-"A new oxygen atom was created when you reincarnated to act as your soul's vessel"

Julius-"I think a new atom was created"

Adam-"So when you reincarnated you didn't have new parents you just... appeared"

Julius-"Pretty much yeah"

Damion-"Ok well that still didn't answer their first question"

Julius-"About my last name?"

Damion-"No about where Greece was"

Julius-"Oh Greece is a country in Europe"

Joe-"And um... where is Europe"

Julius-"It's a continent on earth"


Julius-"It's a different planet"

The group goes silent.

Adam-"You're making things up at this point"

Julius-"No I'm not"

Joe-"You just told us you come from another planet"

Julius-"I also told you I'm a microscopic particle so why is this so hard to believe"

Adam-"We believe you being an atom because it's the only explanation for you being a tiny glowing dot. There isn't really any reason to believe you are an alien"

Julius-"I didn't say I was an alien"

Damion-"You said you came from another planet"

Julius-"I was reincarnated from another planet. My body was created here"

Damion-"So your soul is an alien"

Julius-"Well technically"

Voice-"Actually you come from a different universe not just another planet"

Julius(in his head)-"I feel like saying I come from another universe would just make them believe me less"

Elise-"So are you a time traveler too?"

Julius-"No, I'm not a time traveler"

Adam-"Well that would be more realistic than you being an alien"

Julius-"Would it though?"

Joe-"Well yeah, there are people with time manipulation skills"

Julius-"All I wanted to tell you guys was my last name"

Damion-"Honestly I find this conversation about names more interesting than the earlier one"

Elise-"Our past with our childhood friend isn't interesting to you?"

Damion-"No, it's just that we're comparing it to a reincarnated alien particle"

Elise-"Fair point, at least our story is true"

Joe-"Possibly true, considering the fact you can't remember what their name is who's to say your remembering the rest of the story correctly"

Elise-"Why are you being rude all of the sudden?"

Joe-"What? I thought we were all taking jabs at each other right now. Is that not what we're doing"

Julius-"I think we've gotten carried away"

Adam-"You're right. Look!"

The group looks forward and sees that down the road is a line of trees.


Elise-"That's the forest the village is in"

Adam-"We are getting very close now"

Joe-"It's about time. I wonder what they have to eat there. They aren't all vegans are they?"

Adam-"Um, most of them probably are"


Julius-"Honestly this walk has taken longer than I thought it would"

Elise-"I did think it was closer than this, but at least we are almost there"

Joe-"This walk has taken way too long. After everything that's happened I look forward to a nice sleep tonight"

Damion-"Same, I can't wait to sleep on a comfy bed, it's time for some nice rest and relaxation"

End of chapter  43.