What's for dinner?

The group made it to the forest entrance to the elf village. 

Damion-"So it's in there?"


Joe-"No path or anything?"


Julius-"There isn't even a sign or anything"

Adam-"It's on maps"

Julius-"What like, google maps?"

Elise-"What's google maps"

Voice-"They meant paper maps"

Julius-"A website on a phone. On earth people don't use paper maps much anymore"

Adam-"So the people on the planet that doesn't exist"

Julius-"It does exist, I don't understand why you're so against this"

Damion-"What are websites and phones?"

Julius-"I can make one"

Joe-"Can you make one right now?"

Julius-"I can... but it's a complex machine so it would take a while. It wouldn't work though because there is no internet in this world"


Julius-"I can still make one"

Adam-"How long would that take?"

Julius-"A couple minutes. It's a bunch of different elements and alloys in precise shapes and sizes"

Damion-"How about you make it after we get to the village?"

Joe-"Please do. I want to get to the village as soon as possible, I'm starving"

Julius-"After we get to the village and get your friend's name sorted out I'll make a phone to prove myself"

Adam-"Even though you said it won't work?"

Julius-"You don't need internet for everything on a phone. You can still play mobile games and take pictures"

Joe-"I have no idea what you are even saying anymore"

Julius-"You'll understand later"

Adam-"Let's go ahead and get moving"

The group enters through the trees and begins walking through the forest. Hopping over roots and climbing through bushes.

Joe-"This is not a path at all"

Julius-"It's not that bad"

Joe-"Not for you, your small enough to glide through the branches and are floating through the air"

Julius-"That's true. To me all terrain is pretty much the same"

Damion-"Will we be arriving soon?"

Adam-"I can see some of the buildings"


The group exits out of the bushes and arrives inside the village. The buildings are comprised mostly of tree houses with connecting bridges. Some of the village residents greet them.

Villager 1-"Hello, are you alright?"

Joe-"Yes, we are alright. Why isn't there a path to your village"

Villager 2-"Um, there is one"

The villagers point towards the other side of the village with a stone pathway leading out of the forest. The group goes silent.

Joe-"There was a pathway the whole time!?"

Adam-"I guess we forgot about that"

Elise-"We don't really know much about this village"

Joe looks downward in defeat.

Damion-"I enjoyed the serene nature walk"

Villager 1-"So um, have you been here before?"

Adam-"No, but we have a friend who lives here"

Villager 2-"Oh really? What's their name"

The group goes silent again.

Adam and Elise(in their minds)-"What have we done"

Julius(in his head)-"After all of our planning beforehand you just had to mess it up didn't you"

Joe(in his head)-"Oh well, at least they can ask this elf what their friend's name is"

Adam-"Oh well um, their name is..."

???-"Do my eyes deceive me?"

The group turns to look at the elf waking towards them. 

Adam-"That's him there"

Villager 2-"Oh so you're Sir Lucious's friends?"

Adam turns towards Elise and smirks while raising his eye brows up and down. Elise is clearly frustrated by this.

Lucious-"It's been so long. How have you been?"

Adam-"We've been well, going on quests and all that"

Lucious-"So it seems becoming adventurers for the guild worked out well for you?"

Elise-"We make some good money and see a lot of cool places. We also meet some cool people too"

Lucious-"I assume those nice people are the ones you came here with"

Adam-"Yes I'll introduce you"

Adam walks around introducing Lucious to the group. 

Adam-"This is Joe. He's our archer and a fellow adventurer"

Joe-"It's nice to meet an old friend of Adam and Elise's"

Lucious-"And it's nice to meet a new friend of theirs"

Adam-"This is Damion. He just recently joined our group from the kingdom we were just at"

Damion-"It's great to meet you. I heard that you had sparing practices with Adam and Elise when you all were younger"

Lucious-"That we did, hopefully the two of them didn't slack off afterwards"

Adam-"And finally this is Julius. He has a bunch of different magic skills"


Lucious looks at the tiny glowing form that is Julius.

Lucious-"I'm very sorry, I didn't realize you were there"

Julius-"It's perfectly fine"

Lucious-"If I may ask, is that your true form? Or is it a concealment of some kind?"

Julius-"This is what I actually look like. I'm very small"

Lucious-"Pardon me. I apologize if my statement was rude"

Julius-"Again it's perfectly fine"

Lucious-"I'm sure all of you must have had a long walk over here. How about you all join me for some dinner?"

Elise-"That sounds great"

Joe-"I've been starving"

The group follows Lucious to his home. Like many of the other buildings Lucious's home is at the top of a large tree.

Lucious-"See you up there"

Lucious uses his high strength to jump up high into the tree landing on his balcony. Adam, Elise, and Damion do the same jumping from the ground to the balcony. Joe can't jump as high so he jumps to a branch and then jumps again to make it to the balcony. Julius simply flies up there.

Joe-"That's a bit unconventional"

Lucious-"Much faster than a ladder though"

Julius-"What if someone isn't strong enough to jump up here?"

Lucious-"There are multiple sets of stairs around the village that people can go up to make it to the bridges that connect the houses"

Julius(in his head)-"This place doesn't seem very wheelchair acceptable"

Voice-"The existence of healing skills makes it much less likely for people to require a wheelchair"

Julius(in his head)-"I wish we had healing skills in my old world. However I feel it's likely that some people in this world are born unable to walk"

Voice-"This is likely"

Julius-"What if someone is unable to walk. How would they be able to reach these higher areas?"

Lucious-"Hm, we don't see that often but if someone is unable to walk we have multiple lifts around the area to bring up supplies that people wouldn't want to carry up the stairs. They can ride in those"

Julius-"Oh so you have elevators?"


Julius-"Lifts that take people up and down are called elevators where I'm from"

Lucious-"Fascinating, perhaps I shall be calling them elevators from now on"

Damion-"It might be better to call them lifts. I'm assuming most people wouldn't know what you're talking about if you say 'go to the elevator'"

Julius-"Yeah you've got a point. Maybe it will catch on later"

Lucious-"Welcome to my home. Come on inside"

Lucious opens the door and the groups walks on inside as Lucious holds the door open and walks on in after them.

Lucious-"Take a seat at the dining room table, I'm going to go make some dinner"

The house is made out of wood with wooden planks making up the interior walls. The floor is  not entirely flat with sections being elevated with stairs in order to make way for the tree branches. At the center of the house the large trunk of the tree goes up through the floor and through the ceiling with the tree's canopy being just above the roof of the house.

Damion-"This is a very nice house"

Joe-"Yeah it's like a painting"

Julius-"I always liked tree houses. Never thought I would see one this big though"

The group goes to sit at the dining room table that is right in front of the tree trunk. Lucious goes into the kitchen to prepare some dinner.

Joe-"It's nice to sit down. For a wooden chair this is surprisingly comfortable"

Adam-"So what do you guys think of this village?"

Julius-"It's pretty nice"

Damion-"Is it different from what you heard it looks like?"

Joe-"Besides the path?"

Adam-"All I really knew was the forest it was located in and that most of the buildings were tree houses so pretty accurate"

Elise-"Despite being another forest elf village it's pretty differnet from where we grew up"

Damion-"So where is the village that you grew up at?"

Elise-"A pretty long ways from here, we don't really plan on going back there any time soon"

Damion-"You two seem pretty happy to see your old friend again"

Adam-"It's nice to catch up with old pals. What about you guys, do you have any people you want to go see again at some point?"

Joe-"Not really anyone specifically. If we are talking family it could be nice to spend some time with my parents again. I had friends back at my home town but not really anyone that close"

Elise-"What about you Julius? Although I'm guessing your friends are supposably on another planet right?"

Julius-"Yes, yes they are"

Damion-"Speaking of which. If you remember your life before you reincarnated, how did you die?"

Julius-"I got hit by a truck on my way home from work"

Damion-"What's a truck?"

Julius-"A truck is a machine used for transportation"

Joe-"A machine? Like that phone you were talking about?"

Julius-"Oh right the phone I should get to work on that, but first I have to see what your friend made for dinner"

Lucious walks into the room with six plates of food.

Lucious-"Sorry for the wait, here you all are"

Lucious gives a plate of food to each member of the group and also has one for himself.

Julius-"Hold on is this?"

End of chapter 44.