Thank you for the meal

The plates of food were distributed amongst the group.

Julius-"Is this, chocolate?"

Lucious-"Chocalate, beans, and some assorted salads"

Julius(in his head)-"I didn't expect them to have chocolate"

Voice-"It's not that complex of a meal"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah I know, it just seems out of place"

Lucious-"I assume you like chocolate then? Would you like extra?"

Julius-"Oh I'm sorry I should have said so earlier, I don't eat"

Lucious-"Are you... allergic?"


Lucious-"Are you... not hungry?"

Julius-"It's physically impossible for me to consume food. I should have told you earlier I deeply apologize"


Adam-"I think Julius is something similar to a possessed object"

Elise-"He doesn't need to eat, drink, or even breath"

Lucious-"Hm, I see. It's alright, I was planning we would all have seconds anyway. It's a shame you don't get to enjoy the taste of food"

Julius-"It would be nice to eat at some point but I doubt it will happen"

Elise-"Thank you for the meal"

Damion-"It looks delicious"

Lucious-"Go ahead and dig in, also there are some condiments and spices here if you want some. I also have some glasses of water here if any of you are feeling parched"

Lucious eats first eating some lettuce leaves from the salad. Adam begins eating the fruit salad first picking out some apple slices. Elise adds some additional spices to the bowl of beans before eating it. Damion eats the beans as well but without  the added spices. Joe holds the chocolate in his hands.

Joe(in his head)-"So it is a vegetarian meal, hopefully this isn't vegan chocolate. It looks good though"

Joe takes a bite out of the chocolate and continues to chew on it before he swallows.

Joe-"This chocolate is delicious"

Lucious-"Thank you, I consider it my specialty"

Adam, Elise, and Damion also take bites out of the chocolate.

Adam-"It's splendid"

Elise-"It tastes amazing"

Lucious takes a bite out of his chocolate as well and swallows.

Lucious-"So how about you?"


Lucious-"What do you think about the chocolate?"

The group is silent for a moment.

Damion-"It's alright"

Lucious-"Alright huh?"


Lucious's eye twitches.

Lucious-"Well I guess it's not for everyone"

Adam and Elise(in their heads)"he didn't have to be so rude"

Julius(in his head)-"I'm surprised he didn't like it considering he has been eating prison food for years"

Voice-"You don't know what it tastes like"

Julius(in his head)-"Well everyone else seemed to like it"

Joe-"I don't know what you're talking about Damion, this stuff is delicious"

Damion-"The beans taste good and so does the salad"

Lucious-"Well I'm glad to hear it. So now that we are sitting together what all have you done recently? How did you come to meet each other?"

Elise-"Adam and I accepted a quest for this one noble guy"

Joe-"Sir Williams right?"

Elise-"Yes him, and their quest was to escort him back to the light kingdom. Along with us in the quest was Julius, Joe, and a couple other people. We went through the forest with Julius using a golem to carry Sir Williams. After walking through the forest for a few hours Adam used his skill to build a treehouse for us to stay in during the night. However during that night we got attacked by a lightning wyvern"

Lucious-"You guys got attacked by a lightning wyvern? Did you defeat it?"

Elise-"The two other people we were traveling with were killed by the lightning wyvern but the rest of us survived the encounter. Adam, Julius and myself worked together to kill the wyvern. Afterwards we travelled to the Illumis kingdom to finish the quest with Sir Williams and get the people who were traveling with us revived"

Lucious-"Oh that's good, I'm glad you were able to revive them. Wait what about Joe?"

Joe-"Oh, I was given the important task of protecting Sir Williams. Keeping him safe was our objective but he was also the only way get our companions revived"

Lucious-"Why was he the only way to get them revived?"

Julius-"Reviving at the Illumis kingdom is very expensive. Sir Williams was the only one of us that could afford it"

Lucious-"That's unfortunate, I wish we had someone with a revival skill here they would have used it for you free of charge"

Joe-"Someone using a revival skill for free sounds like a fantasy"

Lucious-"That is true unfortunately"

Adam-"After we defeated the lightning wyvern we continued our trip to the kingdom. Right before we arrived we were attacked by a couple goblins trying to rob us, of course we defeated them pretty easily"

Lucious-"Considering the fact you had just defeated a lightning wyvern loosing to a couple robbers would have been embarrassing"

Adam-"It was definitely a step down in difficulty. After we defeated the lightning wyvern we entered the kingdom and headed to  Sir Williams's house. Once we dropped him off, his assistant gave us money to get our companions revived. Afterwards we went to the church to meet the reviver since she was a member of the church. After we dropped them off at the church we went to go stay at an inn since it was so late"

Lucious-"So then, did you leave for here after you woke up the next morning. Also how did you meet Damion here then?"

Adam(in his head)-"Should I tell him about breaking Damion out of prison? I mean we are pardoned now so it should be fine. But will that make him not like Damion if he knows he was a prisoner? What if he kicks Damion out of the village? What if-"

Damion-"They broke me out of prison"

Elise was drinking some of the water and upon hearing Damion she spit the water out of her mouth in surprise.


Damion-"What? You took a pause in the story so I was worried you'd forgot. Also I haven't been able to contribute to the story since I wasn't there for the last part"

Lucious-"Well that's, interesting. So are you-"

Julius-"Before you ask. No, we are not criminals. We got pardoned"

Lucious-"Who pardoned you?"

Julius-"The king. Although I suppose it would be more accurate to say that Sir Atlas made the king pardon us?"

Lucious-"You all met sir Atlas?"

Adam-"Yes but there is more context needed. That happens later in the story"

Lucious-"Okay, continue where you left off then"

Adam-"Alright, so after we were settled into the inn. Julius had flown off into the night. It's probably better for Julius to continue on from this point"

Julius-"Alright, so I had flown out of the inn to simply go on a nightly stroll. I don't need to sleep so I thought it would be nice to float around and take in the scenery. I had decided to check up on our companions at the Church to see how the revival was going. When I arrived there the reviver Aurora was finishing up the revival process even though she said that the process would take the whole night. She used a sleeping skill I think to stop them from waking up until morning and then she walked through some secret tunnel in the wall. I followed her through the tunnel"

Lucious-"Did she not see you?"

Julius-"You can see me right now because I'm glowing. I don't always glow though, I can stop glowing and then I'm too small to see"

Lucious-"So you can become invisible in sense?"

Julius-"Kind of. As I followed her through the tunnel we arrived at this underground fighting arena. All the prisoners were forced to fight each other. If they died they would get revived by Aurora which is why she was there. It was at that arena that I met Damion since he was apparently the reigning champion. I watched him defeat three goblins and then an arsonist with a fire skill. That guy was much weaker than Elise though. After he defeated those guys I followed him into his cell"

Damion-"That's when you first talked to me. I remember that I thought you were a ghost"

Julius-"Well first I had checked the warden's office papers to make sure you weren't actually a criminal. Afterwards was when I went to free you. Then after trying to convince you that I wasn't a ghost I helped you escape by removing a tracker. Then we tunneled through the wall. However after we had nearly escaped we were attacked by some ninja looking guy who battled against us. We managed to knock them out but then some soldiers arrived and this super strong knight knocked Damion out and took him away"

Lucious-"So Damion wasn't a criminal? Why was he in prison?"

Julius-"You know how some kingdoms can be, locking people up for almost no reason. One lady in there was sentenced to years in prison for stealing a loaf of bread for her children"

Lucious-"So did Damion just happen to annoy the wrong person or something along those lines"


Julius(in his head)-"I probably shouldn't tell them about Damion being a curseborn. I don't know if Damion wants people to know that he is one or not"

Lucious-"So what happened next?"

Joe-"Afterward Julius had flown back to us at the inn to ask for our help in freeing Damion again. We had refused because we didn't want to get in trouble but after he flew off upset we reconsidered and decided to help him. We left a note in the inn telling him to meet Adam and Elise at the church while I went off to guild headquarters through a travel gate to tell people there about the underground arena to get it shut down"

Elise-"Then, Julius had met back up with us at the church where we saw our companions again after they woke up and they headed off. The three of us discussed our plan and went to go rescue Damion again. The powerful knight was waiting in Damion's cell so the three of us went to surprise attack the knight but then that ninja person and some other guards showed up too and we battled against them. After a long battle we managed to just barely defeat them with me and Adam at that point being very exhausted. However just when things finally looked over the prince of the kingdom appeared and attacked me and Adam. Then him and Julius began fighting"

Lucious-"Julius, you were fighting Prince Magnus?"

Julius-"Yes I fought against him"

Lucious-"He is very powerful, I saw him defeat a giant cyclops with one blast"

Julius-"I had to spend the whole fight avoiding his attacks. If I got hit once I would have been disintegrated. We had started fighting in the sky and he kept talking about how he was a god and more self centered stuff like that"

Joe-"Julius almost won though, he made this absolutely massive explosion, like bigger than the whole kingdom high in the sky"

Lucious-"You made an explosion that big. I don't see that with the amount of mana I sense off of you"

Adam-"I honestly still don't understand how he did it, it's far more power than what he was capable of before when we fought that wyvern"

Julius-"I used a process called Nuclear fusion. I don't plan on using it again I don't like large explosions like that. It has way too high of a risk of harming other people in the area. Besides, it didn't work anyway he had some other ability to absorb all the energy in the area, he called it an evolved skill"

Lucious-"So that's the evolved skill he received"

Julius-"You know what evolved skills are?"

Lucious-"Once you reach a certain level of mastery for a skill you can evolve it. However there are ways to speed up the process, we actually have someone in our village with the ability to evolve other people's skills. Perhaps tomorrow you can meet up with them. First I would like to hear the rest of the story though"

Julius-"Oh right, so after Prince Magnus survived the explosion and absorbed its power he was attacked from behind by Sir Atlas who was brought there by Joe after he went to the guild headquarters. Sir Atlas helped us out by talking to the king and since he was convinced that we didn't mean any harm he convinced the king to pardon us and to also pardon Damion and let him travel with us. Then we went here to this village since it was nearby with Adam and Elise wanting to see you again"

Lucious-"Well it seems like you all have had a very eventful past few days, well it seems we have finished eating during this story"

The plates are all empty with everyone having taken turns eating while telling their parts of the story.

Lucious-"You are all welcome to stay in my guest rooms tonight, it seems like you could all use the rest"

Adam-"Yes, I'm certain our muscles will be very sore in the morning"

The group grabs their plates and places them in the kitchen sink. 

Adam-"Do you want us to clean them off?"

Lucious-"No it's alright"

Julius(in his head)-"I forgot they wouldn't have a dishwasher machine would they"

Lucious-"There are two guest rooms. Both rooms have two beds"

Julius-"We can do the same as at the inn. Adam and Elise can sleep in one room and since I don't need a bed Joe and Damion can sleep in the other room. And I will be working on that phone I told you about"

Joe-"Sounds good to me"

The group goes into their rooms to sleep for the night.

End of chapter 45