The group has gone to bed with Julius staying awake in the living room due to him not requiring sleep.
Julius-"Time to build a phone"
Voice-"Do you know how to build a phone?"
Julius(in his head)-"I have never built one before but I know the science behind how they work"
Voice-"Understanding the science and actually constructing one are two different things"
Julius(in his head)-"Well you are some all knowing entity. Do you know how to build a cell phone?"
Voice-"I know everything in this world, not in your old world. No cell phone has ever been built here before"
Julius(in his head)-"I'm sure people here have some spells that can communicate over long distances so they never needed a cell phone. I have a question for you though"
Voice-"What is it?"
Julius(in his head)-"If you know all the magical stuff in this world, why did you never tell me about evolved skills. Prince Magnus had one which nearly got us disintegrated if it wasn't for Sir Atlas. I feel like one of my priorities should have been trying to obtain an evolved skill earlier"
Voice-"I tell you things when they are needed. You were not yet at the level of obtaining an evolved skill"
Julius(in his head)-"So gaining an evolved skill is more complicated than moving at light speed, rearranging molecules, and creating atomic explosions?"
Voice-"It is dependent on your amount of mana, despite having multiple useful techniques and also having a large destructive power. You are still a fairly low level"
Julius(in his head)-"Unlocking new skills to level up is pretty slow, killing big monsters like that lightning wyvern should be much faster"
Voice-"The last fight with a lightning wyvern didn't go too well"
Julius(in his head)-"That's true, but now I have those strength and speed boosting skills I can use on everyone to boost their power. Plus we also have Damion with us now so if we fought a lightning wyvern again or some other monster we would do a lot better this time. That's for later though, first I want to build a phone"
Julius-"To start, earth skill: stone creation"
Dozens of small rocks appear on the table.
Julius-"If I remember them all correctly... aw there's just so many metals included. It's hard to remember them all"
Voice-"I can search through your memories to find the exact minerals you need"
Julius-"Okay, but um can you just use like a search word for phone components. It just feels weird having someone look around in my brain"
Voice-"It would not feel weird as you have no physical receptors in your body to have a 'weird' feeling. Also I'm already inside your mind"
Julius-"Okay fine... so did you find it?"
Julius-"That was fast"
Voice-"We are interconnected it is very easy to search through your memories. I will now have you recollect the memories of the components and how they are used"
Julius's mind gets flooded with memories of a day where he was researching how phones were made for a school project.
Julius-"I remember it now. The components needed are: bauxite, aluminum, titanium, copper, cobalt, lithium, nickel, gold, manganese, zinc, platinum, silver, palladium, neodymium, tellurium, glass, silica, potassium, tantalum, germanium, silicon, indium, tungsten, iron, tin, lead, and plastic"
Voice-"A very small list"
Julius-"Special skill: molecular reconstruction"
The rocks are turned into the components Julius had just listed.
Julius-"Now to use my molecular reconstruction skill to turn these ores into the right shapes"
Voice-"And so we begin step 2"
Julius-"The bauxite will be used as one of the main components for a strong aluminum alloy for the main body of the phone. The titanium will mix with the aluminum for a more durable shell. The bauxite will also be important to gain the mineral gallium for the LED backlighting of the home screen"
The aluminum is merged with some of the bauxite and titanium to create the outer shell of the phone.
Julius-"Next up the copper is used for the wiring due to it's high conductivity"
The copper is stretched into wires.
Julius-"For the batteries I'll use the cobalt, lithium, and nickel to make lithium ion batteries and other aspects of charging the phone"
Julius builds a lithium ion battery to be placed inside the casing with the copper wires being attached to it.
Julius-"The circuitboards are complex. I need to use the gold, manganese, zinc, platinum, silver, and palladium"
The many metals are woven together in complex shapes according to Julius's memories to allow for complex processing. Being the most important part of the phone.
Julius-"Of course I'll also need some glass and plastic for the layers of the home screen and some tellurium for tinting of the glass and for mixing with other metals to improve their strength. Also to improve the strength of the glass I need silica and potassium salts. Most importantly I'll use indium coating to allow for the actual lighting and conductivity reaction for when somebody touches the screen"
The thin glass and plastic screen layers are created with the silica and potassium being engrained into the glass to make it more durable. The layers are coated with indium to allow for the touch screen reactions.
Julius-"For the speakers I need neodymium with plastic covering"
The metal is molded into speakers with plastic covering.
Julius-"For the micro capacitors I'll need some tantalum"
The micro capacitors are placed into the casing connected to the battery and circuitboard with
Julius-"Can't forget about the semiconductors which requires some silicon and some germanium"
The semiconductors also get attached to the rest of the phone.
Julius-"For parts that require added weight and heat resistance I need tungsten"
Tungsten is added to reinforce the heated parts of the phone and distribute weight.
Julius-"Finally just some plastic, iron, tin, and lead to fill in the gaps"
The various parts of the phone are connected via the final few materials allowing it all to be fully connected and operational.
Julius-"And that is the shell of the phone. All the circuits are in place, now for the code..."
Voice-"The most difficult part of the process"
Julius-"Do you know how to code?"
Voice-"Computer coding doesn't exist in this world so no I do not"
Julius-"Is that code in my memories?"
Voice-"At one point you were talking with a colleague and they were talking about complex coding, at the time you were confused but you nodded in agreement"
Julius-"Thank goodness, also I didn't want the subject of something I didn't understand to carry on for too long"
Voice-"You were an intelligent person before why didn't you understand it?"
Julius-"Just because I'm a scientist doesn't mean I know every field of science. You're an intelligent entity why didn't you understand that?"
Voice-"...can we carry on now"
Julius-"Yes we can. I'm so excited that I'll be able to finish this up, I hope everyone is having a good night sleep because when they wake up they will be the first people in this world to hold a real working cell phone"
The scene shifts to Damion sleeping in bed.
Damion(sleep talking)-"(snores)So comfy"
While Damion is sound asleep snoring grunts of pain can be heard next to him. Joe is moving frantically in bed wincing in pain. His skin is starting to look green in his face as if he is about to throw up. He is also sweating profusely. Zooming in on the sweat shows that it's black in color. Location is then switched to Adam and Elise's room.
Adam-"I told you that his name was Lucious"
Elise-"Yeah I get it, shut up"
Adam-"What? No witty comeback?"
Elise-"I'm just not feeling it right now, I have a huge headache right now"
Adam-"That's probably because you raised up your body temperature during your fight with that ninja"
Elise-"I think I just need to sleep it off"
Adam-"Well my stomach hurts right now, something Lucious gave us must have been expired or something. I'll check his kitchen tomorrow for him to see if something's bad. First though I have to go to the bathroom"
Adam gets out of his bed and walks over to Elise's bed.
Adam-"Get better soon though, after I go to the bathroom I'll try to find some medicine for you. If that doesn't work I'll ask Julius if he can heal you"
Adam walks away to the door while Elise's has black sweat going down her face. Adam continues to walk down the hallway towards the bathroom.
Adam-"Maybe I should take some medicine too, my stomach is starting to hurt worse after I got out of bed"
Adam continues to walk and then clutches his stomach with his arms and starts to walk faster.
Adam-"Okay it's starting to hurt a lot now"
Adam rushes through the bathroom door and runs over to the toilet. He slides over to it and begins to throw up. He also has black sweat rolling down his face. Adam then collapses next to the toilet.
End of chapter 46.