Infinite possibilities

Julius-"What was that sound?"

Voice-"I believe it was someone running down the hallway"

Julius-"They probably just had to go to the bathroom"

Voice-"The coding of the phone is nearly complete"

Julius(in his head)-"That's great. It's a shame that there is no internet in this world so the capabilities of the phone would be limited"

Voice-"Over time you could begin building cell towers and internet server rooms"

Julius(in his head)-"Maybe a later day. Since someone just went to the bathroom, I'll be able to show them the phone once they're done"

Voice-"Didn't you want to show them the phone tomorrow morning?"

Julius(in his head)-"I'm just so excited I can't wait. Just think about it, this will be the first phone ever in this world. An absolutely massive leap in technology performed in a single night"

Voice-"Indeed, with the use of magic in this world technology such as this phone may never have been invented"

Julius(in his head)-"I'll go down in the history books here. Back in my old life I always wanted to make some grand invention, however with how advanced society was the only inventions to allow me to go down in the history books would be things like a teleporter or a time machine"

Voice-"There were always new inventions to be made"

Julius(in his head)-"Yes but nothing that would make me go down in history as one of the greats like Nikola Tesla or the Wright brothers"

Voice-"Or Oppenheimer"

Julius(in his head)-"I already told you how I feel about nuclear weapons. They are the worst invention ever made. I still haven't fully forgiven you for making me use their power against Magnus"

Voice-"Your protests towards this essential amount of power is problematic"

Julius(in his head)-"What do you mean it's problematic?"

Voice-"My primary task is to allow you to reach the highest level of your power. Atomic explosions are merely a minuscule fraction of what you're capable of in the future"

Julius(in his head)-"I'm not sure what I would need all of that power for"

Voice-"There are still people in this world far more powerful than you are currently. For example Sir Atlas was powerful enough to not only defeat Prince Magnus in a single strike but also could move so fast you couldn't perceive him"

Julius(in his head)-"What do you mean I couldn't perceive him?"

Voice-"During the time frame where you and your friends were talking with Damion in his cell, Sir Atlas stayed outside, reentered the room, and went off somewhere else before returning. This all happened without you noticing"

Julius(in his head)-"That's impossible. I was able to fight prince Magnus when both of us were moving at the speed of light. In order for Sir Atlas to move fast enough that I couldn't perceive him he would have to move substantially faster than light. It is scientifically impossible for any object to move faster than light. The only thing that could be considered as faster than light is universal expansion and that's only comparing two celestial bodies moving away from eachother that are already millions of light years apart. Even then it's not the objects moving, it's the space between them expanding"

Voice-"When beings have as much magic power as someone like Sir Atlas, they have the strength to make the laws of physics bend and break to their will"

Julius(in his head)-"You're telling me that powerful enough people can change the laws of physics. This power may be magic, but it's just the manipulation of a type of energy called mana. This energy can be transferred into physical mass to alter the surroundings. Nothing like this may exist in my world but this still abides by the laws of physics"

Voice-"You have still yet to see the capabilities of certain entities. There are beings out there with powers beyond your current comprehension. Unless you want to be erased by these beings, it is mandatory that your power is increased exponentially"

Julius(in his head)-"I thought Sir Atlas was the strongest person in this world. He seems well within my comprehension"

Voice-"He is the strongest being in this world. Not the strongest being in this universe. And don't forget, there are still many more universes out there"

Julius(in his head)-"I thought you only knew about the things in this universe"

Voice-"Consider it a hypothesis"

Julius(in his head)-"What do you mean a hypothesis?"

Voice-"A hypothesis is when..."

Julius(in his head)-"I know what a hypothesis is, I'm a scientist. Remember?"

Voice-"I remember"

Julius(in his head)-"I guess it makes sense though. There are billions of planets in the galaxy and billions of galaxies in the universe"

Voice-"That is incorrect"

Julius(in his head)-"What do you mean I'm incorrect?"

Voice-"There are infinite galaxies"

Julius(in his head)-"No, there are not infinite galaxies. The universe is infinite but that's just infinite space. There are a finite number of galaxies"

Voice-"That may be true for your universe but different universes have different rules and structures"

Julius(in his head)-"I understand. Multiverse theory does allow for these differences since anything is theoretically possible"

Voice-"Are you starting to see it now?"

Julius(in his head)-"So in this vast multiverse, there are beings out there with immense power. You believe that these beings could be dangerous and therefore I need to become more powerful to defeat them"

Voice-"Yes, it's good that you understand it now"

Julius(in his head)-"Your logic is sound. Would it be ok if I focus on abilities that don't cause mass destruction though?"

Voice-"I'll look into it"

Julius(in his head)-"Thank you"

The phone screen suddenly lights up.

Voice-"The coding is complete"

Julius(in his head)-"Awesome. This world's first phone is now here"

Voice-"You have also unlocked a new skill called machine creation"

Julius(in his head)-"That's a skill here?"

Voice-"The number of possible skills is always increasing. The system that determines what skills exist is always creating new ones"

Julius(in his head)-"Well that should make it much easier to make more phones, also what level am I now?"

Voice-"You are level 28 now"

Julius(in his head)-"Still a pretty low level, maybe we should go monster hunting soon so I can increase my level"

Voice-"I would advise doing that, a higher level means more mana. Also with a higher level your molecular manipulation skill will work on more people"

Julius(in his head)-"That skill will only work on people that are a lower level than me. So if I'm a really high level it will be an instant win against the majority of people. Unless they have a skill that can counter it which I'm sure some people do"


Julius hears the sound of a door opening.

Julius(in his head)-"It sounds like whoever was in the bathroom is finished up now, I'm going to ask them if they want to see the phone. Gravity skill: levitate"

Julius levitates the phone to take with him as he floats down the hallway and sees Damion walking out of his bedroom door.

Julius-"Oh hey Damion, I thought I heard somebody going to the bathroom"

Damion-"(yawns)Oh I was about to go there, maybe somebody is already using it though"

Julius-"Do you want to see the phone, I complete it"

Damion-"Sure thing"

Julius levitates the phone towards Damion who takes it and looks at the screen.

Damion-"Ah man that's bright"

Damion uses his other hand to cover his eyes.

Julius-"Oh sorry, it's the blue light I forgot to tell you that"

Damion-"Well it's interesting. What does it do?"

Julius-"You can play some mobile games on it. I downloaded a simple 2d plat former that I made"

Damion-"...I don't know what that means"

Julius-"Yeah I'll probably need to explain that more. Although first there is something that I wanted to say"

Damion-"What is it?"

Julius-"While you're traveling with us, could you please be more polite to other people. During dinner with Lucious you seemed a little rude"

Damion-"How was I rude?"

Julius-"Well when he was asking if you liked the food you said that the food was alright"

Damion-"How is that rude?"

Julius-"It was just that he gave us food and it was very nice of him to do so, even if we don't like the food that much we would still say it's better than it is to be nice"

Damion-"...But that's what I did"


Damion-"Yeah that chocolate he gave me tasted awful so I said it tasted alright and stopped eating it"

Julius-"I'm sorry, I didn't realize it tasted that bad to you"

Damion-"I remember when I complained about the prison food the guards yelled at me so I know not to say bad things about food anymore"

Julius(in his head)-"I messed up badly there"

Voice-"Yes you did"

Julius-"I'm really sorry"

Damion-"Sorry for what?"

Julius-"For bringing up bad memories"

Damion-"Eh it's fine"

Julius(in his head)-"He must be suppressing so much right now"

Voice-"By analyzing his facial expressions and vocal patterns it appears that he is not disturbed by what he is saying. I believe he likely has some form of a mental condition that limits his emotions"

Julius(in his head)-"I think it might be much worse"

Julius-"You can keep this phone, it's the first one in this world"

Damion-"Oh um, thanks"

Damion puts the phone in his pocket.

Damion-"I'm going to go to the bathroom now"

Damion turns to walk to the bathroom and sees Adam is walking away from the bathroom.

Damion-"Hey Adam"

Adam-"Hello Damion"

Julius-"Oh Adam, I thought I heard somebody go to the bathroom"

Adam-"Yes I was feeling a little unwell, but I feel much better now"

Adam smiles and a little bit of black goo drips down from the edge of his mouth.

End of chapter 47.