
Julius-"So you were feeling a little unwell?"

Adam-"Yes, but nothing a quick trip to the bathroom couldn't fix"

Julius-"That's good, um, you have a little something on your face there though"

Adam-"Hm? Oh you're right"

Adam wipes his face off removing the black goo on his mouth.

Julius-"What was that?"

Adam-"Probably just something left over from dinner"

Julius-"Oh alright, I remember back in my old life I could have food on my face for hours before someone would finally tell me"

Adam-"Seems like you needed better friends in your old world"



Julius-"Before you were so adamantly against the idea of me coming from another world"

Adam-"That's right. Well I already got my win today when Elise got Lucious's name wrong so I'm feeling more agreeable now"

Damion-"Considering everything that happened today, being right in an argument with your sister seems like a pretty strange thing to consider the highlight of your day"

Julius-"It's always a great feeling when you prove somebody wrong. Back in my world that would usually come from looking up the answer on the internet. Speaking of which, I completed the phone"

Adam-"Oh, the thing you were talking about earlier?"

Julius-"Yes, I was planning on using it as evidence to prove to you that I'm from another world. But it seems like you have already agreed with me"

Adam-"May I see it?"

Damion holds out the phone to Adam but hesitates.

Damion-"Are you feeling alright?"

Adam-"Yes I'm feeling great. I was only asleep for a little bit but it felt like a great power nap."

Damion-"You just seem... weird right now"



Julius-"I gave that phone to Damion as a gift. Don't worry though because now I can make more of them far easier. Machine creation skill: cellphone"

Julius creates another phone nearly identical to the previous one. However a symbol is added to the back that is image of an atom.

Julius-"I added a symbol to this one to make it look like a new brand of mine"

Adam-"And what brand is that?"

Julius-"I don't know, still thinking of a good name"

Adam-"Well I'm sure we can think of a good name later, maybe Lucious has some good ideas"

Julius-"Maybe. He does seem like he could be the creative type"

Adam touches the screen and it lights up.

Adam-"This is interesting. So what all does this thing do?"

Julius-"There was something I didn't think I would be able to do until much later. But now that I have a technological skill it should be possible. Machine creation skill: wifi box"

Julius creates a small box on the ground.

Julius-"This is a wifi box, with it I think you two should be able to call each other now"

Damion-"What does it mean to call somebody?"

Julius-"When I made your phones I gave you phone numbers, since yours was the first phone Damion I decided to give it a phone number of 0001. Adam you need to open up the phone app, I'll show you how"

Julius floats over above Adam's phone screen and stops right above the phone app.

Julius-"Tap on this one here"

Adam holds the phone in his right hand and uses the pointer finger on his left hand to tap the app. Julius moved out of the way from his finger before it touched the screen.

Adam-"The front of the phone changed"

Julius-"Yes, it's screen changed because you opened an app. Now you see those numbers, you need to tap zero three times and tap one once"

Adam taps the numbers on the screen very slowly.

Adam-"Zero, zero, zero, and one. Okay now what do I do?"

Julius-"Tap that call button underneath the numbers, it looks the same as the app icon"

Adam-"The icon?"

Julius-"Sorry, the picture that the app looked like"


Adam taps the call button and then Damion's phone starts ringing.

Damion-"I think there's something wrong"


Damion-"The phone is shaking a lot"

Julius-"It's supposed to do that, click the green button"

Damion clicks the button and the screen changes again.

Julius-"Now talk into it"

Damion-"What do I say"

Adam's phone-"What do I say"

Damion's voice echoes between the two phones.

Adam-"Was it supposed to do that?"

Damions's phone-"Was it supposed to do that?"

Adam's voice echoes between the two phones.

Julius-"Hang up"

Damion's phone and Adam's phone-"Hang up"

Both Damion and Adam try to put the phone up against the wall.

Julius-"That's not what I meant, push the red button"

Adam presses the red button ending the call.

Adam-"Why did you say to hang up?"

Julius-"That's what people call it when you end the call, it's called hanging up"

Damion-"But your not hanging it on anything"

Julius-"A lot of terms are like that"

Adam-"So, what was that for?"

Julius-"It allows two people to communicate over long distances. But when the two people are close together it echoes like that"

Damion-"So why did you have us use it close together?"

Julius-"Well I uh, forgot that it does that echo"

Adam-"Being able to communicate over long distances is fascinating"

Julius-"Yeah I know right? This could really change the world, just like it did on mine. With me here I can advance this world's technology by centuries in just a few years"

Adam-"So so you want this back?"

Julius-"No, you can keep that one, I'll make more for everyone"

Adam-"Are you able to make different kinds of machines?"

Julius-"Yes, I now have the ability to make all sorts of machines. I can make simple ones like toasters and could even make a car"

Adam-"I'm not certain what those are but I look forward to seeing them. I will head back to bed now. I look forward to using these phones more tomorrow"

Adam walks away back to his room holding the phone.

Julius-"I'll make a couple more phones so everyone will have one"

Damion-"Hey Julius"


Damion-"Did Adam seem a little, strange to you?"

Julius-"What do you mean?"

Damion-"I'm... not sure"

Julius(in his head)-"Did you notice anything?"

Voice-"His behavioral patterns seemed slightly altered. There could be numerous reasons."

Julius-"Maybe he was a little different, but it was probably just because he was tired. You haven't been with us that long"

Damion-"Probably, but weren't you only with him a day longer than me?"

Julius-"Oh yeah... man a lot has happened in these past couple days"

Damion-"Well I'm also going to go to the bathroom and then head back to sleep. I'm sure everything will be normal tomorrow"

Julius-"I'm gonna make everyone's phones and start work on some other machines too"

Damion-"Well goodnight"


Julius flies back to the living room while Damion heads to the bathroom.

End of chapter 48