
The sun rises over the horizon.

Lucious walks down the hallway towards the living room.

Lucious-"(yawn) rise and shine everyone it's-"

The living room is full of many different machines ranging from computers to toasters to a motor cycle.

Lucious-"Um.... what is this?"

Julius-"Oh Lucius hello there"

Lucious-"Hey Julius, um, what is all of this stuff?"

Julius-"I got kind of carried away making machines last night"

Lucious-"I see um, are these things heavy because we are in a wooden tree house"

Julius-"I thought about that so I added some titanium support rods to the floor and towards the ground along the tree trunk"

Voice-"You mean I thought about that"

Julius(in his head)-"Yeah I know"

Lucious-"You, remodeled my house?"

Julius-"Don't worry I can remove all these machines and the titanium as soon as you want me to"

Lucious-"...I have the feeling if I ask you what these things do, then I will listen to a very long explanation so... I'm going to go wake everyone up"

Julius-"Sounds good"

Lucious carefully walks around the many machines that fill the room. After getting past the machines he stops in front of the hallway leading to all of the guest rooms.

Lucious-"Okay so one more time. Good morning everyone rise and shine!"

The doors swing open with Adam, Elise, and Joe walking out of the doors a walking down the hallway. 

Adam-"Good morning Lucious"

Elise-"Last night's sleep was very relaxing"

Joe-"A very nice break from yesterday"

Julius-"You guys seem very energized"

Adam-"Yes well I-"

Adam, Elise, and Joe look stunned at the living room.

Joe-"That's a lot of... stuff"

Damion walks out of the bedroom.

Damion-"(yawn) Jeez Joe you ran out so quickly"

Damion walks down the hallway and also sees the living room full of machines.

Damion-"Well, it seems you made a lot more than just some more phones"

Julius-"I just couldn't stop. There were so many things to create, I got a little carried away"

Elise-"What is this giant metal box"

Julius-"That's a refrigerator"

Elise-"What does it do?"

Julius-"It keeps food cold when you place them inside of it"

Adam-"What's this big rectangle?"

Julius-"That's a flatscreen tv. It can be used to watch shows and movies"

Adam-"What are shows and movies"

Julius-"They are like moving pictures that tell a story with visuals and sounds"

Joe-"What's that big thing there"

Julius-"That's a motor cycle. You sit on the seat on top and can ride around on it at fast speeds. I would have made a car too but there wasn't enough room"

Damion-"Did you make the other phones?"

Julius-"Yes I did, here everyone can have their own cell phone. Gravity skill: levitate"

Julius levitates three phones towards Elise, Joe, and Lucious.

Julius-"I also made one for myself too"

Lucious-"Um, thank you"

Lucious(in his head)-"This is not how I imagined this morning going"

Julius-"They don't have any passwords set up yet but we can set those up later"

Joe-"What's a password?"

Julius-"It's a series of numbers that you enter onto your phone screen to enter your phone so that other people can't use your phone without your permission since they don't know the password is"

Damion-"So is it similar to the phone number thing?"


Damion-"So I could make my password the same as my phone number? I think that's would make it easier to remember"

Julius-"I wouldn't recommend that. You don't want your password to be easy to guess. But before that I have many more other machines to show you"

Lucious-"This is all very interesting but um, I already made some plans for today"

Julius-"What did you have planned?"

Lucious-"Well it's activities for all of us to participate in"

Julius-"Oh thank you, that's very kind of you"

Damion-"You made plans even though we only showed up last night?"

Lucious-"Remember our talk yesterday at dinner?"

Julius-"Where we talked to you about our adventures?"

Lucious-"Yes, I told you about the person in this village who can evolve skills. I was thinking that I could have all of you meet up with her"

Elise-"That sounds great, we can all become more powerful"

Joe-"Hopefully I can gain some actually powerful skills from her"

Adam-"I wonder what mine would be"

Lucious-"Why don't we take a walk to her and see if you all can get your skills evolved"

Julius-"Ok, can I show my machines afterwards?"

Lucious-"Yes, there seems to be some interesting things you can do with those machines. Perhaps later today you can give me an in depth explanation on their capabilities"

Julius-"I would love to do that"

Lucious-"Well let's head on out, we have a busy day ahead of us"

Julius-"Thank you, I'm sorry that I filled your room with all these machines"

Lucious-"It's fine, I'm certain they will all have very important uses. Now follow me"

The group walks onto the balcony and begins walking onto a connecting bridge. Lucious looks underneath his treehouse and sees the several titanium poles going from his tree house to the ground.

Lucious(in his head)-"Hopefully nobody will walk into those"

The group continues walking across the bridges that connect the different treehouses.

Joe-"It feels pretty serene walking through the canopy like this"

Lucious-"Indeed it does. Other towns and kingdoms you walk around in the streets surrounded by tall stone buildings. That just doesn't compare to this"

Joe-"Hey Lucious there was something I have been thinking about"

Lucious-"What is it?"

Joe-"Since I've been here I have kept feeling like I recognized you from somewhere"


Joe-"Yeah, were you ever at the town of Dugan"

Lucious-"I do some traveling from time to time. I believe I've been to a town called that before"

Joe-"When were you there?"

Lucious-"Hmmm. I believe that is a town in the west right"

Joe-"Yes it's considered a western town"

Lucious-"I think I stopped by when I was on a trip to see some large waterfalls"

Joe-"That makes sense, my town is decently close to some very nice waterfalls"

Lucious-"So yes then I believe I was there about maybe two years ago. That's when I took that trip to see those waterfalls"

Joe-"So it was you"

Adam-"What did he do?"

Joe-"My house had caught on fire while my dog was still inside. Lucious came and put the fire out with water magic"

Elise-"Was your dog okay?"

Joe-"Thanks to Lucious he was"

Lucious-"That was your house? Well I'm glad I was able to help"

Julius-"So you have a water magic skill?"

Lucious-"Yes I do, and I think I'm rather skilled at using it"

Adam-"We did do a lot of training when we were younger"

Elise-"Maybe we should do another sparing match soon"

Lucious-"I'm afraid I may have been left in the dust compared to you. Constantly fighting monsters in your quests, I don't think I'd compare to those beasts"

Adam-"Come on, don't sell yourself short"

Lucious-"Maybe we can spar tomorrow" 

Elise-"That's the spirit"

Damion-"That's surprising that you know him from somewhere"

Lucious-"What about you, you remember me from anywhere?"

Damion-"I don't think so"

Lucious-"Are you sure?"

Damion-"Pretty sure"


Julius-"Well the odds of him knowing you would be pretty slim"

Lucious-"Yeah, I suppose that's true"

The group arrives at a treehouse with a door only the size of a human hand.

Lucious-"We are here"

Lucious knocks on the tiny door.

???-"I'll be right there"

End of chapter 49.