Evolution of power

???-"I'll be right there"

Julius-"So this is the home of the person who can evolve our skills?"

Lucious-"Yes, I can't guarantee that your skills can be evolved, it varies from person to person"

Damion-"How does it vary?"

Lucious-"It depends on the amount of power you currently possess and the level of control you have over your current skills"

???-"Just one minute"

Julius(in his head)-"So I have to be a high level and be very skilled at using my... skills"


Julius(in his head)-"Do you think I meet those qualifications?"

Voice-"You likely meet the requirement of being skilled with your skills"

Julius(in his head)-"I mean that does sound strange doesn't it?"

Voice-"The repeated word does imply redundancy. However given the context, it is the correct statement. May I continue?"

Julius(in his head)-"Yes, I'm sorry"

Voice-"As for the qualification of having enough power, it is likely that you aren't a high enough level. You are only level 28"

Julius(in his head)-"That's unfortunate, but raising my level higher shouldn't be that difficult"

The small door begins to open.

Julius(in his head)-"The door is very small, I assume they will probably be a fairy"

The door opens and a small person steps out. She doesn't have wings and instead has frills along the side of her head, a small paddle like tail, and is overall slightly pinkish in color.

???-"I'm sorry I took so long"

Luscious-"Everybody, this here is Marigold"

Adam-"Hello Marigold"

Elise-"Nice to meet you"

Joe-"How are you?"



Marigold-"(bows) It's wonderful to meet you all"

Julius(in his head)-"Hold on is she, an axolotl?"

Voice-"Well she's an axoltl beastfolk, not an axolotl"

Julius(in his head)-"That's... AWESOME!"


Julius(in his head)-"Because Axolotls are my favorite animal, they always have been since I was young"

Voice-"I thought your favorite animal was a cat? You spent a lot more time around the feline-"

Julius(in his head)-"This is so cool, I have always wanted to talk to an axolotl"

Luscious-"So Marigold, these fine gentlemen and lovely lady were wondering if you could attempt to evolve their skills"

Marigold-"Ok, does anyone have any questions, I could-"

Julius flies up to her, appearing as a tiny glowing dot in front of her.

Julius-"Hello there"

Marigold-"Oh hello, I'm sorry I didn't notice you there"

Julius-"It's alright, so, you are an axolotl right?"

Marigold-"Hm? Yes I am"

Julius-"So you can breathe underwater then right?"

Marigold-"Yes, but that's not anything special"

Julius-"Can you also regenerate, I always thought it was incredible how axolotls could do that"

Marigold-"Um, well yes I can I-"

Lucious-"When she asked if any of you had any questions, she meant about the evolution of your skills"

Julius-"Oh, I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to overstep"

Marigold-"Oh no it's perfectly fine"

Julius floats back away.

Voice-"You seemed to have had an overreaction"

Julius(in his head)-"Sorry"

Marigold-"Well if everyone is ready, I can start to get everyone's skills evolved"

Damion-"It's that simple?"

Luscious-"Essentially, however the ability to evolve skills is very rare, in terms of holy magic it's considered even rarer than revival magic"

Julius-"So it's a type of holy magic?"

Lucious-"That's correct, now let's begin. Adam, we'll start with you. Take a seat in front of Miss Marigold"

Adam sits on his knees in front of Marigold, despite this he is still much taller than her. Marigold closes her eyes then proceeds to breath in and breath out. Marigold stretches her arms outwards and begins the spell.

Marigold-"Holy skill: evolution"

A small golden magic circle appears in front of Marigold and Adam begins to glow. After a few seconds the light fades away.

Elise-"Did it work?"

Adam-"I feel like it did"

Marigold-"Yes, the evolution was a success"

Julius-"Alright Adam, show us what new powers you got"


Julius(in his head)-"If I remember correctly, Prince Magnus's evolved skill was to absorb power from the area around him which was very different from his other abilities"

Adam focuses in on himself to bring out his new power. He grabs his sword out from his sheath and holds it out in front of himself. Adam begins to glow a light shade of blue. Adam begins to get ready to swing his sword and opens his eyes.

Adam-"Evolved skill: crescent moon"

Adam swings his sword towards the sky. The flying slash that would normally be created by his blade skill travels substantially faster than normal.

Adam-"That didn't feel like my regular blade skill. It felt much more powerful"

Marigold-"You unlocked the moon skill"

Julius-"I believe that slash of yours travelled at light speed, way faster than your previous super sonic speed"

Adam-"It only moved that fast once the slash left my blade. I can't swing my arms even a fraction of that speed"

Lucious-"Next we'll have Elise go"

Elise walks over and kneels down in front of Marigold to begin the skill evolution process. Marigold proceeds the same as before.

Marigold-"Holy skill: evolution"

The same magic circle as before appears and Elise gains the same golden glow the same as Adam. After a few seconds the glowing fades away just as before.

Elise-"Was mine successful?"

Marigold-"Yes, yours was also successful"

Elise stands up. Just like Adam, Elise focuses her mind and resonates with her new power. She reaches her hand towards the sky and begins to cast a spell.

Elise-"Evolved skill: solar flare"

Elise creates a large orange beam of energy shooting towards the sky.

Marigold-"You gained a sun skill"

Luscious-"It mirrors your brother's moon skill quite nicely"

Elise-"Well everyone knows the sun is much better than the moon"

Adam-"Well the moon also shines quite brilliantly"

Julius-"Well the moon is reflecting some of the sun's light"

Adam glares at Julius in discontempt. 

Damion-"Who is going next?"

Lucious-"Hmmm, how about Joe goes next?"

Joe-"I'd be thrilled to go next"

Joe sits down in front of Marigold, she again repeats the same process.

Marigold-"Holy skill: evolution"

Marigold creates the golden spell circle however Joe doesn't glow.

Joe-"What skill did I get?"

Marigold-"I'm sorry, I was unable to give you an evolved skill"


Marigold-"I apologize. However you can try again on a later day when you are stronger"

Joe-"Alright, (Joe clenches his fist) I'll get stronger I swear it"

Marigold-"Sounds splendid, I wish you luck. Now who should go-"

Marigold stops talking and glances at Lucious. Lucious is not looking in her direction.

Julius-"Can I go next?"

Marigold-"Oh, um Sure"

Julius floats down in front of Marigold so she begins the procedure.

Marigold-"Holy skill: evolution"

The magic circle appears but just like Joe, Julius doesn't begin glowing golden.

Marigold-"I'm sorry it appears to have failed.

Elise-"Really? I was certain Julius would gain an evolved skill"

Adam-"Yeah after your battle with Prince Magnus there is no way you're not powerful enough to receive an evolved skill"

Marigold-"I can't explain why the spell fails or succeeds"

Julius-"Well that's unfortunate, it's fine though I'll just get stronger like Joe"

Joe(in his head)-"If somebody who could create a mountain sized explosion isn't strong enough but Adam and Elise were I'm assuming it's not just power"

Marigold-"I think that just leaves you Damion"


Damion sits down in front of Marigold. Marigold repeats the process.

Marigold-"Holy skill: evolution"

The magic circle appears but just like Joe Damion doesn't glow. Marigold looks Damion with a shocked and worried expression.

Damion-"Is something wrong?"

Marigold-"You, you have-"

End of chapter 50.