Golems vs robots

Joe-"A... robot?"

Julius-"Yes a robot"

Damion-"So, what does a robot do?"

Julius-"A robot is a machine that moves around and completes tasks for you, it mainly either does chores or simple jobs"

Joe-"So a golem?"

Julius-"Pretty much yeah"

Joe-"Can't you already make golems?"

Julius-"Yes, I can make golems"

Damion-"So what is the difference between a robot and a golem?"

Julius-"Well robots don't require magic to function"

Joe-"Cool, why does that matter?"

Julius-"Well it doesn't. That isn't why I'm making the robot though"

Damion-"Why do you always speak in cryptic messages?"

Joe-"Yeah you never answer us directly"

Voice-"They have a point"

Julius-"I'm just excited is all. I guess I do have that habit, sorry. The reason I want to make a robot is because of a limitation with the golems. Golems can only be made out of pure stone. I've tried making one out of metal but it wouldn't work. Robots however, can be made out of any material"

Damion-"So if you make a robot instead of a golem, it can be made out of metal?"

Joe-"You could learn how to make an elemental instead. You could make ones out of water or even air. Those would have their own advantages over stone and metal"

Julius-"That is true. However, I'm not making a robot out of metal. I'll be making it out of this. Special skill: molecular reconstruction"

Some of the stone and dirt beneath their feet is pulled upwards to Julius and is then disassembled and reassembled. The protons and neutrons are assorted into pure carbon atoms. The atoms are organized into tightly packed hexagonal patterns forming a one atom thin sheet. The sheet is then folded into tube forming a carbon nanotube only one nanometer in diameter. Then tubes are then layered out and stacked together one hundred million times over to to make a ten centimeter by ten centimeter cube.

Julius-"Behold this is a cube of solid pure graphene"

Damion-"So you plan to make a robot out of this material? Why?"

Julius-"Yes, I do. As for why, hold this and see for yourself"

Julius levitates the cube towards Damion and he grabs it.

Damion-"It's very light"

Joe-"And it's clear like black tinted glass"

Julius-"Now, squeeze the cube"

Damion tries to crush the cube in his hands but it fails. He then uses his second hand to try to crush the cube by pressing his hands together and that doesn't work either.

Damion-"I can't break it"

Joe-"Are you serious? Is that cube magically enhanced?"

Julius-"Nope. Graphene is an incredible material. It is two hundred times stronger than steel. Not only that but it's flexible, heat resistant, highly conductive, and it's even lighter than paper"

Joe-"All of that in just one material?"

Julius-"Crazy right? Even back in my old world they were only able to create this material on a very small scale"

Damion-"So I assume this is the strongest material you know of"

Julius-"Technically no, there is this material called Carbyne which is also made out of carbon atoms that is twice as strong as graphene. There is also Borophene which is made out of boron atoms and is even stronger. 

Joe-"So why aren't you using those?"

Julius-"Both of those materials become unstable when exposed to the air so it can't really be used for my purpose. There is also a third material called Nuclear Pasta found on the crust of Neutron stars. I am unable to make that though"

Joe-"So it's the fourth strongest material then, that makes it sound less impressive"

Julius-"The first two are unstable and the other one exists on the surface of a neutron star. This is the best all purpose material I can make"

Damion-"What about Adam's sword, what material is that made out of?"

Julius-"Adam's sword is made with a mix of steel with a particle found inside of mana crystals. The high levels of magic enhance its durability and power. You actually reminded me that, I plan to look more into that"

Joe-"So because of how strong the material is, it will allow the robot to be good in battle?"

Julius-"Yes, and it being light weight will allow the robots to move quickly. However, I do run into a problem. Back in my world, robot technology is in its earlier stages. The robots are slower and weaker than humans. The problem with this is that my technology skills is letting me copy machines from back in my world so I had to think of a solution. I'll combine robotics and golemancy"

Damion-"Didn't you say that you can't use graphene to make a golem?"

Julius-"Yes, that's why it won't be fully graphene and instead will be mostly graphene with limestone rocks scattered inside to allow the golem to function. Imagine it being someone walking with an artificial leg, they aren't actually controlling the leg with their mind but they are still using the artificial leg to walk. That will be connection between the robot and the golem"

Joe-"So the golem part focuses on moving and robot part focuses on the combat"

Julius-"That's correct. If I can get my hands on a mana crystal then perhaps I'll be able to use it yo increase the synergy of the robot golem"

Damion-"So what do you need us for?"

Julius-"I'll need you to help test the combat capabilities once I make it"

Joe-"So you want us to wait until you're done making it"

Julius-"It won't be long, I've already figured most of it out"

Julius begins creating large amounts of graphene.

Julius-"Just wait and see"

Meanwhile with the group consisting of Adam, Elise, Lucious, and Marigold.

Lucious-"Okay this is the place"

The group had exited the forest into a large open clearing with the ground being mostly stone.

Adam-"Alright, you ready Elise?"

Elise cracks her knuckles.

Elise-"Oh, I'm ready"

Marigold-"Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't want them destroying the entire forest"

Lucious-"It's fine, Adam is able to grow trees with his skills. Even if they do cause some damage, he can repair it"

Adam and Elise walk out into the center of the open area which is a little more than a hundred in diameter. The two then walk to opposite sides of the area.

Lucious raises his arm up in the air.


Zooms in on Elise's face.


Zooms in on Adam's face.


Adam and Elise sprint towards each other crossing the distance in a fraction of a second.

Adam-"Evolved skill: crescent moon"

Elize-"Evolved skill: Solar flash fist"

The two attacks collide causing a huge shockwave shaking all the trees in the area.

Marigold-"I'll ask again. Are you sure this is a good idea!?"

Lucious-"It'll be fine, strong gusts of wind are natural in the wild"

Marigold-"I don't think this is natural!"

Elise and Adam got knocked backwards from the resulting shockwave.

Elise(shouting)-"This new power is awesome, my flames burn way hotter and pack more of a punch"

Adam(shouting)-"This speed is also amazing, I'm attacking way faster than when Julius gave me that speed buff"

Elise(shouting)-"If you're fast enough then dodge this! Evolved skill: nova bombardment!"

Elise sends dozens of solar beams towards Adam.

Adam(shouting)-"Evolved skill: crater bash!"

Adam swings his sword using it like a tennis racket bouncing back Elise's attack with huge kinetic force. 

Elise(shouting)-"Evolved skill: Solar shield"

Elise creates a barrier to block her reflected attack.

Adam(shouting)-"What was that you said about dodging?"

Elise(shouting)-"Alright, now you're asking for it"

Elise dashes forward to attack again. Lucious and Marigold are observing the numerous explosions.

Lucious-"They seem to be fighting with more power but also with far more speed"

Marigold-"The evolved skills that one receives are a reaction to their current situation and environment in life. This likely means that they have recently been surrounded by people much faster than them so the evolved skills prioritized speed"

Lucious-"Makes sense, they had a run in with Prince Magnus who fights at light speed and Julius seems to do the same. So they can run around at the speed of light?"

Marigold-"The skills-"

A large shockwave cuts off Marigold's speech.

Marigold-"The skills have prioritized attack speed and reaction speed. Their travel speed was also increased but by a substantially lower amount"

Lucious-"Well I suppose that-"

Another large shockwave cuts happens and cuts off Lucious's speech.

Lucious-"Well I suppose that makes sense. How fast one can throw their punches is far more important in a fight than how fast one can run"

The explosive scene continues on in front of them with flashes of orange and blue lights.

Marigold-"I believe this fight is going to take a while"

Lucious-"I believe you're correct"

End of chapter 52