The ultimate weapon

Adam and Elise continue their battle in the forest while Julius is working on his robot golem.

Damion-"I think I just heard an explosion in the distance"

Joe-"Do you think we should check it out?"

Damion-"Maybe, I doubt we'll be able to interrupt Julius though"

Julius is rapidly constructing a robot with dozens of different robotic arms, legs, and torsos on the ground trying to determine which parts he should use.

Julius(eratically)-"Ok so the body would move through gollemancy but for strength and speed support should I use electric motors or hydraulics. The hydraulics would be stronger but the electric motors would give better speed and control"

Damion-"Hey Julius I-"

Julius(erratically)-"Wait no. I should use a combination of the two, yes! I'll use the electric motors for basic movement and the hydraulics for higher striking power and sudden bursts of speed"

Joe-"Yeah I don't think we'll be able to get his attention. I'll go check it out and you can stay here with Julius"


Joe walks off into the woods towards the loud explosion that he heard.

Julius(erratically)-"Okay now for the proper limestone to graphene proportions. I want to have as high of a percentage of graphene as possible so I need to see what the best configuration is to use the least amount of limestone that I can. I believe that using a bunch of tiny pebbles that are an equal distance away from each other will be better than using big rocks inside because using those bigger rocks will turn those areas into weak points"

Julius narrows down his options to ones that have small pebbles throughout them.

Julius(erratically)-"Okay so now I need to focus on what would be best for combat. Obvious, the arms are important. I probably want the arms to be longer so that it has better reach, it will be fighting spell casters after all"

Julius looks through the numerous arms he created looking at longer ones.

Julius(erratically)-"Now if there was only one elbow the length of the arms could make it difficult to manage itself. But if there are two elbows it would be able to move its arm's faster due to an extra set of electric motors and better control with the hydraulics. This would also have the bonus of it being harder for opponents to predict it's moves. Also, I'll have some hydraulics focused on the punching power"

Julius picks some arms with two elbows each for extra length and mobility. 

Julius(erratically)-"Oh also, since graphene is very light I should add some weights in the hands so that the hits will have a lot more force behind them. I'll use Osmium for the weights since it's super heavy. Plutonium is heavier but I don't want my robot's hands to be radioactive"

Julius creates a small bar of osmium that is one inch in diameter and three inches in length. The bar is placed inside the hand underneath the knuckles. Julius creates a duplicate bar and places it in the other hand.

Julius(erratically)-"Very good, now for a torso. Should I prioritize tanking attacks or higher speed?It should be speed because of how strong the people in this world are"

Julius selects a thinner robot torso instead of one of the bulkier ones. 

Julius(erratically)-"WAIT! I NEED A JET BOOSTER, YES!"

Julius flips over the torso and opens up the back to begin adding to it.

Julius(erratically)-"I'll add two jet engines to the back like a jet pack. Yes, yes, no. I can't add jet boosters without the appropiate amount of fuel which acts as a weakness. Although in the future I'll be able to make the jet boosters magically powered"

Voice-"If you ride inside of the golem robot you'll be able to use your fire skill to act as the booster"

Julius(erratically)-"That defeats the point! These are supposed to be my loyal soldiers"

Voice-"You just responded to me out loud"

Julius(erratically)-"So no jet boosters. But there is something I can do instead!"

Voice-"You seem to be ignoring me"

Julius(erratically)-"I can hollow out a big hole in the chest for a turbine instead! That can boost speed while also giving flight like the jet boosters. But it doesn't require fuel and instead just needs electricity. Also It can better control trajectory by reversing its direction and turning on the inside! Yes!"

Damion-"I don't believe I've ever seen Julius this motivated before. And he rescued me from prison"

Julius hollows out a large hole in the torso and creates a turbine also out of graphene. The turbine is connected to a high power electric motor.

Julius(erratically)-"And now for the head and its optics! It will have everything! 4k Ultra HD cameras! Thermal vision! Infrared vision! Night vision! And even-"

 Damion holds a stick between Julius and his robot.

Damion-"I don't know if it's possible but I think your brain is about to explode"

Julius-"I don't have an organic brain. And even if I did, brains don't explode"

Damion-"I think you need to calm down. I had to use a stick because I thought if I used my hand you'd end up turning it into a turbine"

Julius-"Do you know what a turbine is?"

Damion-"No, but I don't want my hand turning into one"

Julius-"Sorry, I guess I was getting a bit carried away. Where's Joe?"

Damion-"He got turned into a turbine"


Damion-"Actually he just went to check on a loud noise"

Julius-"Did... did you just tell a joke?"


Julius-"Huh? Welp um, I think I'll continue doing this more calmly"

Damion-"Thank you"

Julius-"Okay back to it. Special skill: molecular manipulation"

Damion(in his head)-"He kept that first spell open a long time"

Julius-"Okay so I still need to add all those things I was talking about to the head. I'm also make the cameras into high speed cameras while also adding radar"

Julius takes a head piece for the robot and adds a large camera on the front covered in graphene that has all of the functions Julius intended. Julius then added a radar system into where the ears would be.

Julius-"I also need to make legs. I probably want the knees to be very flexible. Also the waist should be flexible allowing the robot to freely rotate like a wheel. As for the feet, there should be deployable wheels for better mobility"

Julius picks a pair of legs and connects it to the torso with a swivel and adds a wheel compartment to the bottom of the feet. The robot golem now stands before him.

Julius-"Most importantly I need programming so I'll add some computer chips into the head piece like a brain, thankfully I've already gotten this all figured out after the phone"

Julius implants the processor and connects it to the motors throughout the machine and a power source located underneath the neck and between the shoulders.

Julius-"I've done it, I've made a super warrior robot with my own two hands"

Voice-"Remember, you don't-"

Julius(in his head)-"Yes, I know I don't have hands,. You don't need to remind me again"

Voice-"I was just going to say to remember you haven't tested it yet"

Julius(in his head)-"I'd believe you if you didn't start off with 'Remember you don't instead of 'Remember you haven't"


Julius(in his head)-"That's what I thought. Point for me"

Damion-"So is it complete now?"

Julius-"Mostly, I can still add some more weapons but it should be good for now. I just need to cast the spell. Earth skill: golem"

The robot golem glows blue and begins moving.

Julius-"So, are you ready to test this thing out?"

End of chapter 53.