Control freak

Marigold-"It's convenient?"

Lucious-"Yes, very convenient"


Lucious-"With them all here it will be easier to deal with the problem of the other two"

Marigold-"Deal with them!? Is that really necessary?"

Lucious-"One of them is a curseborn and the other is unable to eat. I have no way of controlling them and unlike you they are actually powerful enough to be a problem"

Marigold-"It's just that... they could clearly be useful. I mean you see what that one named Julius was able to do with those machines"

Lucious-"I don't understand what those machines are or what they do. But what I do understand is they could pose a threat"

Marigold-"You think they are dangerous just because you don't understand them?"

Lucious-"Everything that I have gained in my life is from controlling what people know. And in order to control what others understand I must understand it myself"


Lucious-"Julius is a person who knows things that I don't. He understands things that I have never even heard of. Normally this would be an opportunity but he is a threat that I cannot control. If I cannot control him, then I must remove him"

Marigold-"It just seems, rather extreme"

Lucious-"I can't afford the risk of waiting too long to act. I need to solve this problem as soon as possible"

Marigold looks disturbed and uneasy in response to Lucious's statement.

Lucious-"Feeling unwell?"

Marigold-"Can I- can I go home now?"

Lucious-"So this is too much for you is it?"

Lucious focuses in on Marigold and begins to read her mind.

Marigold(in her head)-"I don't think I can be here for this, I want to go home"

Lucious-"Alright then Marigold. I don't really need you for anything else so you can go now"

Marigold-"Okay I'll be leaving now"

Marigold walks away from Lucious into the woods towards the village.

Lucious-"Oh well, I don't need her help for this. I already have some other helpers who can get the job done"

Joe-"So how are your new powers working out?"

Adam-"It's great, my slashes are faster and precise"

Elise-"My attacks are also faster. They burn so much hotter that they can melt a hole straight through solid stone in one blast, see?"

Elise points to a boulder with its top half melted away, still glowing like lava.

Joe-"I think that's more than a hole"

Adam-"Well it was a pretty small boulder, if it was a bigger boulder then she could melt a small hole through it"

Elise-"I don't see you melting any boulders"

Adam-"No but I can slash through them"

Elise-"Everyone knows melting a hole though a giant boulder is doing more damage than just cutting it"

Adam-"When you melt a hole through a boulder it's still in one piece. When you cut a boulder in half, it's in two pieces so that means I did more damage"

Elise-"Did you cut a boulder in half during our fight?"


Elise-"Then I win because you did zero damage to a boulder"

Adam-"That wasn't the point of our fight so it doesn't matter"

Elise-"If it didn't matter then why are we arguing about it?"

Joe-"She's got you there"

Adam-"How would you know you weren't even here to watch our fight?"

Joe-"Well if I count the number of boulders damaged, Elise is in the lead"

Elise-"Well Joe agrees so that's that"

Adam-"Since when does... you know what never mind"

Elise-"So you admit I win?"

Adam-"That's not what I said, there is just no point arguing with you anymore. You are always too stubborn to change your opinion"

Elise-"Why would I change my opinion when I have the right opinion?"

Adam-"Ugh. So Joe what have you been up to? Were you and Damion helping Julius with his new project?"

Joe-"Julius was working on something he called a golem robot. When I heard the explosion I headed over here so I didn't see how far he got into it"

Adam-"What is a golem robot?"

Joe-"So he said a robot is like a golem but it doesn't use magic"

Elise-"But how would a golem move without magic?"

Joe-"Julius said it uses electric motors and pistons but I don't know what those are"

Adam-"So if he's combining the robot and the golem, is it just a golem or?"

Joe-"Julius said there were differences but I couldn't understand any of it. Knowing him though it will probably be completed by the time I get back so it will be easier to watch it instead of hearing an explanation"

Elise-"A live demonstration sounds fun. What will it do?"

Joe-"I'm pretty sure it's for combat"

Elise-"Oh really? Well then I hope it's strong"

Lucious walks up to them.

Lucious-"Julius has created a new weapon?"


Lucious-"Oh my how terrible"

Adam-"What do you mean?"

Lucious-"Well then it will be more difficult to put a stop to them"

Suddenly Lucious's eyes turn black and there are reflections of Adam, Elise, and Joe in his dark eyes.

Meanwhile Marigold is traveling through the forest.

Marigold-"I have to warn Julius and Damion. I got lucky, I was able to convince Lucious that I just wanted to go back home. I just had to think in my head about going back home and he bought it. I doubt it will take long for him catch on though"

Marigold stops and stands still looking up at the tall trees.

Marigold-"All this time, I've wanted to do something, anything to stop Lucious but I've never been strong enough. My only saving grace has been my holy magic, that's the only reason I'm not under his control"

Marigold looks down.

Marigold-"What if it's a mistake, what if those two aren't strong enough to beat Lucious? And if they aren't, what will happen to me?"

Marigold clenches her fist.

Marigold-"No! I've let this go on for too long. Every day Lucious's influence grows more and more. I can't let this continue, I have to put a stop to it right here and now!"

Marigold runs underneath some roots and underbrush. 

Marigold-"Curse these tiny legs, I need to hurry up. Water skill: water dash"

Marigold creates some water to raise her off the ground and begins moving around like she's on water skis.

Marigold-"I'll warn those two about Lucious's plans. With their help, we can take him down"

Meanwhile with Julius and Damion.

Julius-"The recoding should be complete"

Damion-"So it will be a better fighter now?"

Julius-"Yes, plus it helps that I can make two of them"

Julius has two robogolems standing in front of him.

Julius-"I wonder when I'll actually need these"

Damion-"Probably not for a while"

End of chapter 55.