
Damion-"So you 'recoded' them?"

Julius-"Yes I did, although it was both recoded and recalibrated"

Damion-"I don't know what those two words mean"

Julius-"Just think of them as meaning that I fixed them and their code. The code is essentially the brain of the robot"

Damion-"So how did you fix it?"

Julius-"Instead of the robot and golem parts fighting against each other now the robot analyzes what the golem's move is going to be and then assists it. A better solution would be the robot's code giving order to the golem but I was unable to do that. Hopefully sometime in the future I'll be able to use that second solution"

Voice-"It is possible to create sentience in objects which would allow them to give orders to your golem. However, you are unable to do that at this time"

Julius(in his head)-"I guess that is something I'll have to figure out later"

Damion-"So it won't trip up like before"

Julius-"Yes this should solve that problem, you want to try fighting them now?"

Damion-"Fight both robogolems together?"

Julius-"Yes, that should give you more of a challenge"


Damion enters into a battle stance with his fists in front of him and one leg in front of the other.

Damion-"Bring it on"

Julius-"First to supply the golem power, earth skill: golem creation"

The robogolems begin moving with the stones inside being charged with Julius's magic power.

Julius-"And now robogolems, enter sparring mode and attack!"

The robogolems spring into action after receiving their command. The two of them charge after Damion. The first robogolem punches at Damion with the sound a piston extending for extra power. Damion dodges underneath the arm and swings his leg to trip the robogolem. The robogolem is about to fall on top of Damion but he places his hand on the ground and pushes to the side to dodge out of the way. The second robogolem then proceeds to slam its fist downwards to hit Damion.

Damion-"Dark skill: space unbinding"

Damion is pulled towards a tree behind him as a result of his skill allowing him to dodge out of the way. Damion plants his feet into the ground as he slides backwards.

Julius-"The robogolems seem to be more efficient now"

Damion-"Dark skill: light unbinding"

Damion removes the light from his body becoming invisible.

Julius(in his head)-"Damion's skill is very versatile, but that won't work against them"

The golem part of the robogolems loose track of Damion. The robotic part switches to thermal vision and sees Damion. The first robogolem charges at Damion who was surprised by the attack. Damion jumps out of the way with his invisibility wearing off.

Julius-"Whenever the robot part receives no input from the golem it begins to act on its own. This way if there is something the golem can't do it won't just stand there"

Damion-"How was it able to detect me?"

Julius-"That was thermal vision, one of the sensory aspects I added. It allows the machine to see the heat around it instead of the light"

The second robogolem proceeds to jump in the air then has its chest turbine push it downwards with high speed and slam into the ground. Damion dodges out of the way with a large dust cloud and a crater formed in the ground. 

Damion-"So I just have to remove the heat from my body and they can't find me, dark skill:-"

Julius-"Don't do that"


Julius-"Removing heat from your body is deadly you know"

Damion-"Oh yeah"

Suddenly the ground beneath Damion opens up with the second robogolem's hands grabbing Damion's legs.


The robogolem starts to pull Damion underground.

Damion-"Dark skill: unbind"

The robogolem's hands are pulled away from Damion.

Julius(in his head)-"That seems to be the basic use of Damion's skill"

Voice-"It's likely he unlocked that one first and the rest followed afterwards"

Damion jumped away from the hole that the robogolem made. The other robogolem responds by jumping with its turbine for extra jump height and speed to attack Damion in the air. The robogolem rises above Damion and punches while Damion using his arms to block the punch. The piston in the robogolem's arm extends launching Damion to the ground.

Damion-"They are definitely stronger than before"

The robogolem that was still on the ground emerges from the dust cloud Damion's crash created. It's about to punch Damion in the face with its piston extending for extra striking power.

Damion-"Dark skill: joint unbinding"

The robogolem falls apart. The other robogolem that was in the air starts to dive towards Damion.

Julius-"That's enough"

The robogolem averts its dive and lands softly on the ground. 

Damion-"So how was that?"

Julius-"Definitely an improvement"

Julius(in his head)-"He did break it though. Damion with his unbinding skill is a bad matchup for the robogolems since he can just disassemble them"

Damion-"These should be helpful in future combat"

Julius-"Your arms look a little bruised, here let me heal you real quick"

Julius floats over to Damion.

Damion-"It's alright I can heal myself"

Julius-"You only got a bruise because you helped test out my robogolems. It's the least I can do to heal your arms, healing skill: heal others"

Julius healed the bruise on Damion's arms.

Julius-"Now I should test what other things the robogolems can do besides just fighting"

There is a noise of rustling in the bushes until a sudden burst of water from the forest with Marigold emerging from it looking exhausted.

Marigold-"Great I found you"

Julius-"Oh Marigold, It's great to... are you alright?"

Marigold-"I needed to speak with you. I have to warn you about something"

Damion-"Is something wrong?"

Marigold-"It's Lucious, you can't trust him"

Julius-"Why can't we trust him, did something go wrong, are you okay?"

Marigold-"There are a lot of things he hasn't told you, and we have to hurry because your friends are in danger"

Meanwhile with Adam's group.

Drops a black goo are falling onto the ground. Lucious is standing with a dark mist flowing around him.

Lucious-"So do you remember now?"

Adam's face is shown with the black goo dripping from his mouth.

Adam-"Yes, we have to hurry"

Both Elise and Joe also have black goo dripping from their mouths.

Elise-"We don't have long, we can't let them get away"

Joe-"I'll help in any way I can"

Lucious-"Good, let's get moving then"

End of chapter 56.