Chapter 82

They looked so in love. Cersei tried to hold on to kind feeling for the girl but it was useless. She was the enemy. She took her boy. She would hurt her boy. Targaryens hurt Starks. No Stark survived in the South.

She joined in dancing during the feast. Cersei danced with Robb and Jon. The queen could not dance of course. No one knew about her condition but it helped that the Dragon queen was not known for her light hearted joy of dancing. This was a conqueror, a warrior queen.

The girl however laughed happily and chatted with Sansa. Daenerys Stormborn looked besotted with Jon whom wholeheartedly shared that smitten look.

Jon dragged her from the dance floor into one of the adjacent hearths. "Be happy for me mother." He said while hugging her tight. Jon must have seen and sensed her anxiety about this union.

Cersei almost cried. "She managed a small smile. I am scared for you my love. I am so very frightened."

He looked at her seriously and kissed her hands. "Never be. Daenerys and I will be very happy. She will rule and I will be by her side. Your grandchild will seat on the Iron Throne one day."

Cersei hugged him desperately. "I have not cared about any of that since your father left south that first time."

Jon pulled away. "I will have no more of this gloom and doom mother." He said and smiled at her beautifully. Cersei nodded and went back to the hall. She tried her best but could never deceive Ned.

He stood up and offered his hand after an hour. "It is time for us to retire." He said loudly.

"We must see to Rickon." He said loudly more for the guests' benefit.

Cersei nodded and accompanied her husband out of the hall. She let herself cry on his chest when they reached their quarters. All pretense of checking on Rickon forgotten.

"He is lost to us. He is as lost as Joanna, Bran and Arya." Cersei said painfully.

Ned held her. "You must be the fierce Lioness that you always have been." He said and kissed her tenderly.

Cersei kissed him back, "I have loved you so Ned." She said honestly.

Lady Stark wanted to forget that oppressive feeling she had on her chest. She helped her husband remove his clothing as he removed hers. Soon they were on their bed. Cersei straddled her lord husband.

Ned kissed her neck and rubbed her center. Cersei's eyes rolled back. She gave herself into the pleasure that her husband brought her. Ned moved her hips and guided her until she felt his seed inside of her. Cersei let Ned clean her and they rested side by side.

Cersei sighed and kissed his chest. It must have been twenty minutes after she came. She felt relaxed as she had not felt since she discovered Jon's indiscretions. "Remember years ago when you promised that we would not lose him." She said lightly.

Ned actually chuckled and kissed the crown of her head. "I distinctly remember that I could not promise you anything."

Cersei reared back and smiled. She felt some ease, "I remember now."

"She loves him." Ned replied. "The woman brought Fire and Blood to Westeros. The girl fought in the North. The crown prince has accepted Jon. We have less and less to worry about."

"Do I detect optimism from a Stark?" She said, finally a bit more relaxed.

Ned smiled. "Never my lady wife. I am simply stating facts. Our son is on the winning side. He has three dragons at his disposal."

Cersei did not want to think about it anymore.

The next morning Cersei woke up as Ned readied himself. He came close to her and kissed her cheek "Sleep my love."

She smiled, "where are you going?"

"I have to oversee the last barrack's construction. We have to be ready for deep winter." He replied.

Cersei nodded, "Who are you taking?"

"Robb and Rickon." Ned gave her another kiss.

"Let me dress. I will oversee breakfast for Rickon." She said hastily and asked for the maids to attend to her.

"I will see you off Ned. Do not leave without me saying goodbye to my boys." She said quickly as one of the girls worked on her hair.

"Yes love." He said and left the room.

Cersei was ready in fifteen minutes.

She walked down to the Great Hearth. She was surprised to see Tyrion and Jon next to Rickon.

"I had thought you would remain with your bride." Cersei remarked as Jon kissed her cheek good morning.

"Daenerys thought it would be prudent to make an appearance. Her children are roaming the Godswoods." Jon said off handedly.

"Our queen is visiting her children." Tyrion continued.

Lady Stark nodded and sat by Rickon, "Where is your father and brother?"

"They are with the prince. We are to ride in a few minutes." Rickon replied.

"Yes sweetling. You have to promise to listen to your papa and be on your best behavior. We shan't have anyone think you are anything but the future Warden of the North."

Winterfell would go to Rickon while Wolf's Hall would go to little Ned. Jon renounced his claim to the North to be the consort of the queen. Cersei saw her eldest son flinch and took a bit of pleasure. There was something dark inside Cersei that would never let Jon forget that he sacrificed his lands, his birthright for the silver headed girl.

Cersei made sure that Rickon was ready to leave with his father. Lan circled around the room with Ghost and Grey Wind. "Are you taking the direwolves?" She asked offhandedly.

Jon shook his head, "only Grey Wind. Lan is to stay with you and protect you. Ghost is going to stay with Daenerys."

The prince and Robb came through the doors. They were laughing with each other.

"Lady mother." Robb kissed her.

The party finished breaking their fast. Cersei stood up and offered her hand to Rickon who refused to do so.

Jon then took her hand, "I had thought you would stay with your bride."

Jon smiled, "We will be back by nightfall mother. It is important that we build the barracks and finish the preparations for winter."

Cersei nodded. She kissed her sons and then her husband. "Safe travel."

Ned kissed her forehead mounted his steed and left the grounds with the party. Cersei returned to the castle.

She sought Tyrion who as expected was in his solar. "Good you are back. I had thought that you would be ready to talk about my journey to Casterly Rock."

Cersei rolled her eyes, "You and my lord husband have prepared for this trip for months. In fact, it was the topic of conversation since my husband came home."

"And yet. Robb and I are still here." Tyrion replied.

Cersei sighed and sat by him. "Give me your honest opinion of things."

Tyrion kissed her hand, "I am leaving with my wife and children in three weeks. Robb and the crown Prince are welcome to come with my party."

"Do not avoid the concern at hand." Cersei insisted.

"Sister, the news traveled fast. The Seven Kingdoms know about the queen and Jon. The nobles believe the union to be a political match. Many have praised house Stark for its cunningness. The Tyrells and Martells are not too happy. They believe that you were instrumental in this wedding." Tyrion said honestly.

Cersei remained quiet. "What can we expect?" She needed Tyrion to be honest with her.

"Jon will not know until he arrives to King's Landing. There is something that should ease your fears." He said and clasped her hand.

"No one will go against her. He is protected by her and her children." Tyrion finished.

Cersei nodded, "How do the plans to leave go?"

Tyrion began to tell her about what the maesters had predicted. "Robb and I have to leave in the next weeks if we are to spend winter in our lands."

"Have you any news about the queen's departure?" Tyrion asked.

Lady Stark nodded. "They plan to leave with you. Jon was to stay for a year before joining our queen but recent developments have changed his plans."

"She is with child." Tyrion deduced.

Cersei nodded, "Jon wanted to stay for a year until the babe was born. The queen refused and has accepted to leave for the Kingsroad as soon as possible. Jon accepted under duress. His condition was that they would take shelter at the Neck or Riverrun if the weather is too inclement."

Tyrion nodded, "a sensible plan." He looked too comfortable with the plan.

"A pregnant woman traveling the Kingsroad in winter? It does not sound sensible." Cersei commented.

Her baby brother offered her some wine, "you are thinking like a woman. Think like the Lannister that you are. She will be surrounded by men and many more of the people will see her and that belly. She is not showing yet but she will as soon as she travels down to the Neck. She is eager to go back to her seat of power. It is understandable. She has been away too long. The more that the people look at her and see her as human the better. What is more beautiful than a pregnant woman blooming with life?"

Cersei drank from her cup. "Sansa has never looked more beautiful than when she is pregnant." Her brother continued.

"It is different. You see her as beautiful because she is your wife and it is your child inside." She rebuked.

"Untrue. I'll have you know that you were the most breathtaking when you were pregnant with your twins." He said and kissed her hand.

"Flatterer." She said and gave him a small smile.

They spent the afternoon talking about the travel and the castle. Sansa brought her children towards the evening. Cersei took her cue and left.

She went to the sewing rooms and found the little snake and the dragon queen. They looked tense. Lady Stark walked in. Margaery stood up and curtsied. The queen acknowledged her as well.

"Dinner will be ready soon." Cersei said and sat down with some embroidery. She was never very good at it.

The little snake, of course was excellent. Daenerys was learning. It seemed the lords in Essos were not very keen on teaching her anything other than how to be on her back.

"Where is my grandson?" Cersei asked Margaery.

"He is taking his nap." The woman replied. Cersei had nothing to say to these women. The Tyrell woman was aware that Cersei did not like her. She excused herself within a few minutes.

"They should be on their way back." The young woman said.

Cersei worked on her needlepoint. "They should."

There was an awkward silence. Cersei was ready to leave the rooms when the Dragon queen let out a sharp hiss. The queen touched her belly and breathed heavily.

"Are you feeling pain?" Cersei asked her.

The queen shook her head, "no. yes. I don't want it to be real." The girl said.

Cersei understood. "Have you felt pains all day? Are you bleeding?"

The girl looked so young as she shook her head, "I do not want to lose it. I am going to lose him. I know it so. I will never give Jon the children he wants." The girl cried.

Cersei let her cry. She decided to confront the woman once and for all. It was the right time. The girl was the most vulnerable she would ever be. "Let me help you to your quarters."

"It is fine. I will call one of the girls." The girl replied.

"I will call for Maester Luwin as well." Cersei told her and helped her up.

"You are not showing much yet." Lady Stark commented as they walked up to her quarters.

Cersei helped her to the bed. Ghost climbed and placed his head on the woman's lap. "He is protecting you." Cersei said and caressed the animal.

"I will call for Luwin." Cersei did so. She explained the situation. The man examined Daenerys Stormborn.

"Your grace has to rest for a few days. The babe is fine. These pains to your abdomen are not because of the babe but because of you heaving. Have you drunk your tea?" The man asked.

The girl nodded and looked relieved. "Yes, every morning but I still heave and cannot keep anything down for long. It happens all day. I feel queasy."

The man smiled but it was Cersei who replied, "the babe is strong then. I was sick as a horse with Bran and Arya and they were my healthiest babes"

Daenerys offered her a genuine smile. The man left, "A handmaiden will bring you the tea."

"I should leave you." Cersei waited for the polite refusal.

"You should stay for a bit longer." The girl did have some manners after all. The lady of the castle made herself comfortable in one of the chairs.

"Jon wants a boy. I know that he says that he wants the babe to be healthy but he wants a boy I know it so." Daenerys said.

Cersei smiled, "of course he wants a boy. They all do."

There was some silence and Cersei broke it. "I hope you realize how much my son is giving up for you."

The girl looked down, "I know. I also know that you do not like me."

There was no point in denying it. "I do not. You will understand once you have your babe. No woman will be good enough for him."

"Is that why you hate Margaery?" The girl asked candidly.

Cersei laughed, "no, I dislike her because she is false. That woman is not good for Robb. My Robb deserved a girl like Sansa or even Cassana. My son deserved a woman who would love him. A woman who would be devoted to him. That little snake is only devoted to my son's lands and titles."

Daenerys looked at her unflinchingly. "I love your son. I love Jon more than I ever thought I could love someone."

"That may be very well true. But you two do not belong to each other." Cersei replied.

The girl smiled. "Forgive me Lady Stark but you are mistaken. I dreamed of him. I met him every night for years before I met him physically."

Cersei smiled as well, "he would never be safe with you. You are taking him to the dragon's nest."

"He is mine now. He is a dragon himself lady Stark. He rides a dragon. A true dragon rider. Jon will take care of himself."

Cersei looked at the glint in the girl's eyes. She was as besotted as Jon. "I need you to promise that you will take care of him."

"I would die for him." Daenerys shook her head.

"And he would for you and that is exactly what scares me." Cersei said honestly. "You two have no sense."

"We are in love." She replied stubbornly.

"That is not love, not yet. You two are infatuated. You like it when he fucks you and he loves when he is inside of you but that is not love." The woman said and then bid her farewell.