The sudden knock on the door snapped Adriana out of her wild imagination. She blinked her eyes as she realized she had been imagining the moments with him all along. She hadn't even took a step from where she sat, not to talk of hugging him with his arms around her.

Ambra entered the room and walked to Riccardo, she went on her tiptoes and then whispered into his ears.

"Is that true?" Riccardo asked when she pulled away.

Ambra nodded. Even though she was discussing something serious with him, her gaze couldn't help but to wander towards the woman who sat on the bed.

"Lead the way," Riccardo said, gaining her attention back to him.

Without any other word, they left the room. Adriana sighed deeply, her presence wasn't even acknowledged in the room.

Her stomach grumbled and her hand immediately wrapped around it. She looked around the room before biting her lips. By the look of things, she could die of hunger if she decided to stay up late.

After waiting endlessly and Riccardo wasn't yet in sight, she finally gave up and laid on the bed. She laid on her side and not long after, she drifted off to sleep.


Adriana stirred in her sleep. Her body moved sideways and she suddenly felt herself crashing on a hard substance.

Her eyes fluttered open and it widened when she saw herself in the arms of Riccardo. Their bodies were so close to each other that her lips were almost touching his.

He was still asleep, looking so innocent in his deep slumber. Her eyes trailed his face, lingering on the lips she was damn addicted to.

Subconsciously, she raised her hand and tried to touch it. When she realized what she was about to do, she withdrew it immediately.

She shouldn't be doing this now, this was her opportunity to escape - she thought.

Gently, she moved away from him and got off the bed. She carried her bag and began tiptoeing towards the door, making sure she was gentle enough.

"I won't do that if I were you," her legs froze immediately when she heard that voice. She was still in the middle of the room when she realized he had caught her.

Slowly, she turned and gasped inwardly when she saw him already awake, sitting on the bed whilst staring at her.

He was neither smiling nor frowning, his expression was blank as always.

Adriana gulped down nothing as the implication of what she had just done dawned on her. What if he tries to kill her like he had said before?

"Hey…," she stuttered awkwardly when she had nothing to say.

"I was actually erm… You know, the man and…" *Stop talking, Ana. Just stop* her mind pleaded with her but it was just as if she couldn't control herself that moment.

"I woke up and you're not awake, so I… then… You know…"

"Tried to escape," Riccardo completed it for her as he raised his brow.

"No!!!!!" She screamed before she could control herself.

"No! I tried to escape but… what am I saying, I would never try to escape," Adriana blabbered. She bit her lips when she discovered she was actually ranting nonsense from her mouth.

"You really think I'm a joke to you, huh?" Riccardo got to his feet and brushed his hair to the back.

"Is it until when I start torturing you before you know I'm damn serious?" His voice was calm but it sounded deadly.

"I'm sorry… I..," Adriana looked away from him, unable to stare into his eyes. Right now, she needs to endure whatever comes her way if she wants to survive.

"I'm sorry," she repeated.


It was late at noon when Adriana decided to take a scroll around the mansion. She had been indoors all day and she was beginning to get bored, so she decided to take a look around the whole place.

As she walked through the hallway, she saw a familiar figure walking towards her and she released a light gasp.

"Theodore?" She whispered and Theodore halted on his steps. He stared at her for a while before asking,

"Do I know you?" He asked and Adriana felt a knife prickling her chest, it hurts so much.

"I guess I don't, do excuse me," Theodore walked away without any more words.

Adriana turned and watched his retreating figure till he finally entered a particular room.

Theodore was Moretti's last son. He's Riccardo's brother and she could remember that he adored her a lot when she was still with Riccardo.

He'd always threaten Riccardo not to break her heart or else he'd skin him alive, forgetting the fact that they were brothers. She could understand his pain as she was the one who left his brother when he needed her the most.

She chased the thoughts away and resumed her stroll. Right outside the mansion was a training ground, she could see different men with guns and arrows, training vigorously.

Even though she didn't like the sight of it, she wouldn't deny that she found it cute and worth watching.

Ambra, who had just finished training with her friend, Agata saw Adriana present in the training ground.

"Who's she?" Agata asked, her eyes fixed on Adriana who had a smile on her face as she watched the men training hard.

"Someone I find irritating," Ambra scowled. After pondering so hard, she still couldn't understand why Riccardo had brought his ex back to the clan. What exactly is his motive? Was he planning to take her back or the other way round?

"He's here," Agata whispered.

Ambra stared ahead to see Riccardo arriving just in time. It was always his routine to visit the training ground whenever they were training. Once he finds anybody tallying behind, he wouldn't hesitate to eliminate such a person.

An idea suddenly popped up in her mind and she smiled. She faced Agata.

"Let's find out who she is to him," she smirked while Agata stared at her in confusion.

Ambra walked to the table where she had kept the refreshing drink she was to have after training. She picked up the glass cup and then walked to where Adriana stood.

That moment, Adriana felt she had watched enough, she turned and her body collided with Ambra who intentionally spilled the drink on her shoes(Ambra's)

"What the fûck!!" Ambra screamed and all eyes turned to her. Even the men who were training stopped their activities and glanced towards their direction.

"Oh no! I'm sorry, I didn't intend to," Adriana whispered as she stared at Ambrasy shoes which were already soiled with the drink.

"It's obvious that you did that intentionally," Ambra raised her voice. She sighted Riccardo walking towards them and she smiled. Just what she wanted.

"I didn't even know you were behind me, I'm sorry," Adriana apologized. All eyes were already on her and she hated it.

"Sorry ain't gonna do, you have to make up for your mistakes," Ambra folded her arms across her chest as she watched Adriana with keen interest.

"And how am I gonna do that?" Adriana asked. She saw Ambra pointing at her shoes and she creased her brows.

"Lick it," Ambra declared.

"Ambra is really crazy!" A guy laughed. Ambra smiled secretly.

"What's going on here?" Riccardo appeared. Adriana turned and when she saw him, she breathed in relief. Thank God she had someone who'd understand she didn't do that on purpose.

"Great thing you're here," Ambra smiled.

"I asked what was going on here," Riccardo said in an impatient voice.

"I bumped into her by mistake and I clearly told her it wasn't my intention to do so. But, she asked me to lick the stain off her shoes? Isn't that ridiculous?" Adriana was the one who spoke up.

Everyone waited for Riccardo's reply on the issue on ground. After a long while, he finally spoke up.

"Lick it," he ordered. Ambra smiled widely when she heard that.

"You must be kidding me," Adriana scoffed while Riccardo maintained a stern stance.

"I won't repeat myself, Adriana," he said.

"Well, that's impossible because I'm not gonna do that. You can't expect me to stoop so low and then lick her shoes. Who the hell does that?" Adriana's voice was unexpectedly high but she cared less.

"You won't do it?" Riccardo asked, his tone changing to a dangerous one.

"I won't!" Adriana immediately replied.

"Bruno!" Riccardo called loudly and Bruno came Forward.

"Bring me my gun!" Fury was evident in his voice and a loud gasp filled the training ground. No one dared talk or else it's gonna be their turn.

Bruno stretched forth the gun and Riccardo collected it from him. He turned to Adriana who had a shock expression on her face.

"Then, you leave me no choice but to do this…" he pointed the gun to Adriana as his hand held the trigger, preparing himself to fire the gun.