Adriana's eyes widened in terror. She watched as Riccardo held the gun, preparing to pull the trigger. Never in her wildest dream would she ever imagine someone daring her to lick another person's shoes.

Nevertheless, she stood her stance. He could shoot her for all he cares but she was never licking those god-damned bìtch shoes.

Riccardo maintained eye contact with Adriana as he pointed the gun at her. He faced Ambra who was busy smiling before asking,

"Was this what you were expecting me to do?" He asked. The smile wiped off completely from Ambra's face as she faced him.


Riccardo brought his hand down and handed it to a guy behind him.

"If your shoes got stained, you can wash it off or just get another one. Why make a fuss out of it?" He asked as he adjusted his collar.

"She… she didn't apologize, she even yelled at me calling me a bìtch!" Ambra lied as she tried to defend herself.

Riccardo nodded his head. "She'd never do that, cut the fake act," he simply muttered. Adriana's eyes went to him immediately. She'd never do that - Does that mean he still has a little of his trust in her?

"The next time you try to bring a fellow woman like you down, then I won't hesitate to eliminate you, Ambra. It's a warning," Having said that, he faced Adriana.

"Follow me," he simply muttered and walked away. Strangely, Adriana felt all eyes on her and it felt oddly uncomfortable.

Her eyes met with Ambra's briefly who was already fuming with anger. She released a scoff before going after Riccardo, holding her head high.

"You really went far, you know? How could you ask her to lick your shoes when she's not a dog?" Vito, one of the mobsters asked.

"I know, right? That was too extreme," Chemical, another one said.

Agata held Ambra's hand and whispered into her ears.

"Let's get out of here." Slowly, they both walked away while everyone resumed back to their businesses.


Riccardo walked into the room and Adriana followed behind. The door was slammed shut and then silence ensued between them afterwards.

However, Riccardo turned to face her just in time to see her fiddling her nails gently.

"How long have I been gone that you decided to cause yourself trouble?" His voice was unusually calm as he stared at the nervous woman before him. Where was that woman who was about to devour him moments ago?

"I didn't call her a bìtch," Adriana spoke out, hoping to hear him uttering the word "I know", and he did.

"I know," he muttered. A light smile spread across her lips and that was the moment she raised her head.

"Was that why you didn't fire the gun?" She asked slowly.

"I'm a Mafia but I don't kill without a reason" He simply muttered. Adriana kept mute when she had nothing to say and that was when there was a knock on the door.

Theodore popped his head in and when he saw Adriana present in his room, he made to leave but Riccardo's voice stopped him.

"What do you want?" He asked. Theodore cleared his throat before answering.

"Can I have a little moment with you?" He asked.

"I'll be out in a few minutes," Riccardo said. Theodore nodded before closing the door.

"He probably hates me now," Adriana mumbled but Riccardo pretended as though he didn't hear her. He left the room without any other word.

Adriana walked to the bed and sat on it gently. She heaved a sigh as she realized everything was happening so fast.

Firstly, her kids were on a holiday which will take them three weeks. Secondly, she was abducted and her restaurant would be abandoned. That was the least of her concern though.

The issue troubling her mind was that, what was going to happen when the three weeks holiday elapses and then she's nowhere to be found? How'd her kids react?

For that, she needed to do something. Riccardo probably hates her now and the only way the issue can be resolved is to regain his favor again. Knowing the kind of person he is now, it sure isn't gonna be easy for her but she's ready to take the risk.


Theodore poured some whiskey into a glass cup and handed it to Riccardo who drank it at a go.

"You weren't planning to do that, right?" Theodore suddenly asked as he poured himself some alcohol.

"What?" Riccardo picked the bottle and was about to serve himself.

"At the training ground. You weren't planning to kill Adriana, were you?" Theodore asked.

Riccardo's hand froze as he stared at Theodore whose eyes were also on him, not wavering a little.

"You still have feelings for Adriana, don't you?" Another question left Theodore's lips.

"What the heck are you sputtering out of your mouth?" Riccardo dropped the bottle on the table and frowned deeply.

"You can't expect me to kill someone without a solid reason, is that how you were brought up?" Riccardo asked with irritation evident in his voice.

"Then why did you bring her here with you? Why'd you let her be by your side even after all she has done to you? Have you forgotten? Mother died! She fûcking died and it was all because of her!!" Theodore yelled. His eyes shone red as he gripped the glass cup in his hand tight.

"I know and I haven't forgotten about that! Stop bringing up the past, it won't do you any good. I brought her here to experience the pains we also went through, nothing else," Riccardo stood up. He was about to leave the room when he heard Theodore sniffing slowly.

"Mother… How can I ever forget her? She was my everything. She…"

"Theodore!!!" Riccardo yelled that Theodre jerked up in fright. Riccardo walked to him and held his collar, dragging him up.

"Is this all you can do? Stop the fûcking tears or I won't hesitate to hit a gun on your damn skull!" Riccardo yelled.

"You're a man for damn sake! A fûcking Mafia and you're crying? Are you silly?!" Riccardo kept talking while Theodore sniffed slowly.

"Quit the tears and act like the man you are, I'll handle this," Theodore nodded slowly while Riccardo patted his shoulder.


Later that night, the mobsters were all gathered round a table with Riccardo sitting in front of them.

"We have a mission Tonight" Riccardo announced. He looked at every one of them to find them listening to him, then he continued.

"Were you able to plant the tracker on their devices?" He asked Poison who nodded.

"Yes, Don. I've tracked them down and I've gotten their moves," Poison answered.

"Have you dug out their information and the time they'll be leaving their clan?" Riccardo asked Vito.

"In an hour from now," Vito replied.

"Good. Everyone gather your weapons, make sure the bullet is full. This is a very important mission, we dare not miss it," he ordered and they all obeyed.

"Excuse me," Haunter raised her hand and Riccardo's attention went to her.

Haunter is one of the best archers in the clan. She can shoot an arrow with her eyes closed and it's going to hit the target. That's how skilled she is.

"Do you have a question?" Riccardo asked.

"Erm…Is Theodore not coming along? I can't find him present here," she asked slowly.

"Theodore won't be coming with us tonight," Riccardo replied. He got to his feet and addressed them each.

"We'll be leaving in twenty minutes time, you should get prepared," he left the room while everyone went to theirs to prepare themselves for the mission ahead.

Haunter hurriedly filled her gun with bullets and then carried her bow. She strapped it on her back and added the arrow stick together with it.

After that, she left her room and headed to Theodore's. The door was locked when she got there so she knocked it gently.

The door opened and Theodore revealed his face. His eyes were red and she gasped loudly.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? Your eyes…" she trailed off while Theodore sighed tiredly.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"We have a mission Tonight and Don said you aren't coming along, I decided to check up on you. What's wrong with you? You look sick," she muttered worriedly.

"I'm fine, just have a migraine that's all. Good luck on your mission tonight," Theodore made an attempt to close the door but she prevented it with her leg.

"You… Take care of yourself, I'll be back tomorrow," she said gently. Theodore smiled before going in.

Haunter sighed before walking away, glancing at her back at intervals.


Adriana was wide awake. She couldn't sleep, she had been tossing around the bed for two hours now.

She hadn't set her eyes on Riccardo since he left the room that noon. She had even gone out to see if she could catch a glimpse of him around but the whole clan was dead silent. Only a few men were around, it was unlike the time she went on a stroll.

She sighed deeply and immediately sat up. Her eyes went to the wall clock and she slapped her forehead. It was 12am and he still wasn't home.

Adriana got down from the bed and walked to the bathroom, it was the first time she'd stepped foot into the bathroom, she wasn't even able to admire the spacious bathroom. Her mind was troubled so she decided having a shower would ease her mind.

She never showered that evening and she concluded that must have been the reason why she was having a sleepless night.

She peeled her clothes off her body and stepped into the shower.

Due to the shower running, she failed to hear the sound of the door opening. She was deeply engrossed in her night shower.

Riccardo entered the room and found the bed empty. The running of the shower reassured him that she was still present in the room.

He stripped himself of his clothes which were stained with blood. Nakedly, he walked to the bathroom.

He wasn't expecting the sight that welcomed him the moment he entered the bathroom.

Her back was against him so he could have a perfect view of her ass which was so round and fresh. It was spotless and he felt himself drooling at the fleshy ass in front of him.

This lady in front of him was damn endowed that he felt his length rising to its peak. She had always been beautiful but now… her beauty was priceless.

Adriana felt she had showered enough. She raised her hand and touched the faucet so she could switch it off when a large hand suddenly covered her own.

A high pitched scream left her lips when the reality of someone else in the same bathroom as her hit her.

"Don't scream," Riccardo said gruffly.

When she heard his voice, her body relaxed but tensed up again when she felt his hands on her boobs, grabbing the flesh softly and giving a nipple a slight pinch.

"What… what are you doing?" She was breathless, her body relaxing against his masculine chest subconsciously.

"I'm fucking you… right here," Riccardo whispered into her eyes and her closed eyes flew open instantly.