"I'm fucking you… right here," Adriana's breathing intensified when he whispered those words into her ears.

Her eyes shot open when she felt his hot tongue on her collarbone, trailing hot wet kisses down her back. She never had the time to breathe as he continued giving her breast a gentle squeeze. He grazed her hardened nipples with his fingers and rolled it between his thumb and finger. Then, he gave them a slight pinch.

Adriana moaned, her body shivering deliciously with her breathing labored. She rolled her eyes in pleasure, she could feel him everywhere. His masculine cologne invaded her nostrils, giving her a knowledge of him there in the bathroom with her. It wasn't a dream, nor her imagination. He's right here… behind her.

His hands continued performing wonders on her body, rendering her senseless. Different thoughts swirled in her mind, words threatened to tear out of her lips but none came out.

She trembled when his hand caught her waist and turned her over. He was naked. He stood shamelessly naked before her, a silver necklace shining upon his hard tattooed chest. The sight of him made her swallow hard.

She was facing him and she could see his eyes darkened with lust as they gazed on her perky boobs. Her skin glowed under the shower and her body was perfect.

Blood heated in his veins and his cock sprang out fully, causing a shiver of trepidation down Adriana's spine.

That was when she regained her senses. She shook her head and in an attempt to run past him just to be free from him, his large hands caught her, trapping her to his body.

"You can't escape. You're mine tonight," he growled in his usual dark voice. Adriana never had the time to rebel when his lips captured hers in a rough and hot kiss.

That was it. She lost it. Her body gave in completely as he ravished her mouth completely.

With their lips still locked in a fierce and hungry kiss, Riccardo approached the wall with Adriana in his arms. When he got to the wall, he pressed her back against it as his hand gripped her ass for support.

His lips moved against hers as thought he had been kiss starved for thousands of years. His hand didn't stay idle, it roamed around her luscious body, tormenting her with his touches.

Adriana was breathless and dazed. Her body aches for more than just his kisses and touches. It ached for all of him, she had waited too long. It's been seven years since she had a taste of this man, the man who could make her surrender to him with just a word from his lips.

Their lips burned as they kissed, none was ready to let go. His hands pressed her breasts like freshly baked bread, his tongue exploring every corner of her mouth.

"Rick," Adriana whispered breathlessly, breaking the kiss. His eyes weren't dark like they used to, it was warm. Soft. It made her feel like he was her Riccardo. The one she had known all her life.

Her lips parted to utter a word, but before she could do so, his mouth had covered a rosy nipple and instead, a moan came out.

Subconsciously, her hands went to his hair as she threaded her hands through it. She groaned in pain and pleasure when he pinched her other nipple.

She was lost in pleasure that she failed to notice his hand moving between her thighs.

"Hmm, so wet," he growled against her chest. That was when she realized what he intended to do.

But, it was too late. He slid his fingers between her slippery folds. "So fucking wet!" He groaned. He slammed two fingers inside her vag , causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head. She arched her back and cried as he fucked her harder with his fingers.

His lips finally left her nipple and he raised his head to watch her exquisite reaction. He had meant to torture her, to make her moan in pain not in pleasure, but this lady here had totally drove him insane with her perfect body.

"Oh… My.. Gosh!" Adriana cried as her legs stiffened against his back. She was so close.

Just before she could have a release, his fingers slipped out of her, making a wet slippery sound and she groaned in protest.

Riccardo gently placed her on her feet, he turned her back to him and pressed her face against the wall.

Smack. He spanked her eyes and Adriana whimpered in pleasure. She didn't know what he was up to, she just stood there with anticipation coursing through her veins.

Her thoughts were disrupted when he slammed into her from behind with a vicious thrust, burying himself to the hilt.

A scream ripped out from her throat and she pressed her face hard against the wall. With the sudden intrusion of his côck as he slammed into her, her body went on fire.

She was tight. So tight that he dared not take a move. Riccardo stood still for a while before he finally pulled out.

Adriana breathed out in relief. Before she could release another breath, he slammed into her again, his thrust mightier than the first.

She screamed as he slammed into her over and over again, his thrusts deep and hard. She could feel him all over her, he was taking her so deep and fast that he was the only thing she could think of at that moment.

"So tight," Riccardo growled as he continued pounding into her mercilessly. He groaned and go harder while Adriana couldn't hold back her screams.

"Riccardo! Please!.. Please!" Adriana pleaded when he got wild. Tears tore out of her eyes as he kept hitting all her walls. It was as though he was punishing her.

"Good girl. You're taking it so good!" Riccardo groaned as he continued pounding into her.

He pulled out and made her face him. In one move, he lifted her to his arms and plunged his cock into her again, thrusting deep into her.

Adriana cried and arched her back as her orgasm slammed into her like fireworks. She threw her head on his shoulder as his cock fattened inside her. "Uhmm!!"

Riccardo finally erupted, filling her hole with his hot cums. He never pulled away, instead he brought her head closer to his and gave her a deep kiss.

His grip on her was firm, solidly guiding as he placed her on her feet. He walked back to the shower and without any word, he washed the sweat off their bodies.

Adriana watched him as he carried her all the way to the bed. She didn't know what to think of at that moment. He was acting strange but she couldn't voice out a word, he had drained all her strength.

The only thing she could remember was the blue eyes on her before she finally drifted off to sleep.


Adriana woke at the touch of his hand on her hip. The cool light of a full moon streamed through the windows, casting deep shadows throughout the room.

She felt his lips on her shoulder, softly exploring even while he was asleep. She could feel the heat of his body against her bare back, the hair on his chest lightly scratching against her skin as he moved.

She laid there for a moment, luxuriating in the memory of their earlier passion. Finally, she rolled over to face him, her hand colliding with his chest as she balanced her body well.

He was still asleep with a tendril of his blonde hair dropping on his face. His arms were locked around her body as he slept soundly.

Did she mention this man here had changed a lot? No, he hasn't. He was still the same, he still had that cute innocent look whenever she was in his arms.

Adriana smiled lightly as she brushed the tendril against his face. Her touch on his face woke him up and their gazes locked.

"I….Er… Good morning," she stuttered, biting her lips awkwardly. She didn't even know how to react since they had both shared a night of passion together.

Riccardo pushed her body away from him slightly and sat up without a word. Adriana draped the quilt over her body as she watched him put on his shorts. He wasn't saying a word and it hurts her deeply, a harsh reality that things weren't the same with them anymore.

Last night felt like a dream to her. She couldn't believe she lost control of herself. What was she even saying? He was the only man who had a right over her body.

It's been seven years since their separation yet she couldn't find herself falling in love with another man. She had tried getting into relationships with other guys just to make her kids happy, but everything was futile.

Later that morning, Riccardo left the room without uttering out a single word to her. Adriana was pained by his actions, she clearly wasn't expecting that from him after the sizzling passion they had just shared.

As she prepared to get off the bed, a knock was heard and a girl who she doesn't seem to recognize entered the room.

A medium sized bag could be seen in her hands as she walked closer to Adriana with a smile on her face.

"Don sent me over," she introduced when Adriana couldn't stop staring at her.

"Oh…" Adriana mouthed. She watched as the girl placed the bag beside her on the bed.

"Here are some dresses for you, they seemed little but I guess Don is gonna handle the rest," the girl explained.

That seemed to relieve Adriana a bit. She hadn't brought her clothes along since she was held here against her will. But, Riccardo seemed to have put her in his mind.

She smiled. "Thank you….?" She raised her brow and the girl understood immediately.

"I'm Rebecca, a maid in this mansion," Rebecca introduced.

"Oh… thanks Rebecca" Adriana smiled lightly. She suddenly remembered something and her hand grasped Rebecca's who was about to leave the room.

"Do you know where Riccardo is right now?" She asked. He had just left without any word and she couldn't help but to wonder if he was around.

"Don is currently at the company," Rebecca replied.

"Company?" Adriana batted her eyelashes in confusion.

"Sir Riccardo is a Mafia, but he owns one of the largest companies in Italy. He's a Billionaire," Rebecca whispered the last part with a smile.

Adriana clearly wasn't expecting that. She had gone berserk when she discovered Riccardo was a Mafia. But, he's a Billionaire too? Just how much had he changed over the years?

"I'd like to take my leave now if you don't need anything else," Rebecca said, bringing Adriana back to the present.

"Hmm," Adriana nodded and Rebecca left the room.

As soon as Rebecca was gone, Adriana got off the bed and arranged the bedsheets. Then, she went ahead to have her bath before dressing up in one of the clothes Rebecca had brought to her earlier.

As she settled down on the bed, her phone rang from her bag and she immediately fetched it out. It was her kids calling, a video call.

"Hey kiddies!" She waved at the camera with a smile when Emelio and Emiliano's face popped up on the screen.

"Mommy!" The twins screamed while she smiled. How much she missed her boys. It's been three days and it felt like forever to her.

"Are my babies doing well over there?" She asked. Emiliano nodded while Emelio grumbled.

"What's wrong, Emelio?" She asked softly.

"I'm missing you, Mommy. I just wanna come back home and be with you," Emelio whined.

"Hey, are you gonna start again? Don't you wanna be with Alessia?" Adriana chided.

"Of course I want to, but I wanna be with you more. You're my Mommy, she's not," Emelio pointed out. That statement made Adriana laugh.

"Why don't we do this then? Should we come over today and then return to Aunt Alessia's place tomorrow?" That was Emiliano's suggestion.

Emelio's face brightened up while Adriana's heart skipped a beat. How was she to tell them that she isn't home but somewhere else?

She was still thinking of a way to convince them into staying there when she heard Alessia's voice.

"Hey sweeties, are you ready to visit the mall today? Oh… you're here," Alessia smiled when she saw the kids were on video call with their mother.

"Hey. How are you doing? I hope they aren't frustrating the hell out of you?" Adriana asked. Emelio and Emiliano both stared at Alessia, giving her an accusing look.

"Of course not, they're just the best," Alessia smiled.

"Right. A friend of mine visited your restaurant with the hope of tasting your meal but your shop was closed. Could there be something wrong?" Alessia asked. Adriana almost had a heart attack when her children's attention went back to her. What excuse was she gonna give now?

"Er… I took a day off, you know the stress and all," she quickly lied, covering it up with a smile for the fear of her kids finding out.

"Aunt Alessia, did you mention visiting the mall?" Emeliano asked.

"Are we gonna play some games there?" Emelio asked.

Adriana smiled when they changed the topic. Alessia was treating her kids right, she could sense it or else they'd have voiced out.

Minutes later, the call ended. Her breakfast arrived and she ate it in no time. Then again, she was alone.

As she laid on the bed, she discovered that staying in the mansion wasn't going to do her any good. At this rate, her kids might find out everything and it's going to be a disaster.

That moment, she made up her mind to escape the mansion that night. Rebecca had mentioned that Riccardo was working overtime when she had brought the breakfast to her, so this was a great opportunity for her.

She'd escaped when the mansion was dead silent. He doesn't know where she lives, so she'd be safe.

Little does she know she was about to make a greatest mistake.