Adriana's words died down in her throat when his lips landed on hers, clouding all her sense of reasoning. Here was the man whom she was mad at just a few seconds ago, now she found herself in his arms.

She felt his hand fondled her apple and like a wave of warmth, her body reacted to him instinctively. The once gentle kiss suddenly turned into a fierce and hungry kiss, one which sent her soul ablaze.

Adriana whimpered in his arms as his hand continued performing dirty things on her appleae0, pressing and squeezing it possessively.

Without breaking the kiss, Riccardo carried her and positioned her legs by his hip. Adriana clung to him tightly as she drowned herself into the sweetness of his mouth. He was damn addicting, he had always been.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door, and they both broke apart in surprise. Riccardo stared at the direction of the door while Adriana's gaze lingered on his lips which was so wet and tempting.

"Who the fuck is there?" Riccardo growled in an irritated voice. He hated the fact that someone had to disrupt the moment with her.

"It's Poison, everything is ready," Poison's voice was heard.

"I'll be out in a few seconds," Riccardo said loudly and there was silence which indicated Poison was gone.

Riccardo faced Adriana whose face burned in embarrassment. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against hers softly.

"Tornerò {I'll be back}," he murmured. He gently placed her on her feet and without any other word, he left the room.

Adriana released a shaky breath as she felt her nipples hardening against her chest. If someone hadn't probably intruded on their moment, she'd have given herself to him. Again.

She gently sat on the bed as she recalled she had almost spilled out the truth about her pregnancy to him. She badly wishes to tell him the truth about his children, but what if he chooses not to believe her? Considering what she did in the past, he might not give her a listening ear.

"Just a little more time," she whispered to herself. "A little more time and I'll reveal the truth," she added.


The mobsters sat around the huge table, looking fixedly at Riccardo, curious as to what he had to say for him to assemble a meeting unexpectedly.

"I'm going on a trip," Riccardo suddenly announced and the mobsters all stared at themselves before facing him.

"A mission in disguise?" Bullet asked. Riccardo shook his head.

"No. This is personal, and I'll be gone for a few days. Theodore, I leave everything here in your hands till I'll be back," Theodore glanced at him and slowly nodded his head.

"Do anyone have anything to say?" Riccardo asked after a short while. Ambra was absent since she was still in the infirmary, treating the bruises on her face.

"I believe there's none," Riccardo muttered when no one spoke up. He got to his feet and Bruno did too.

"Can I at least tag along? The world out there is not safe, I want to protect you," he said, sincerity dripping in his voice.

Riccardo smiled lightly before shaking his head. "Like I said, this is personal. And, have you forgotten I'm the Boss here?" His voice had an amusing tone laced in it.

"But still…" Bruno tried to say but another mobster beats him to it.

"We'll be expecting your comeback, Don," he said. After a little more discussion, Riccardo left the room. The other mobsters dispersed leaving Haunter and Theodore all alone in the room.

Haunter glanced at Theodore's direction to find him staring at his phone. She bit her lips before getting to her feet. It saddens to know she could only stare at him from afar with no chance of her getting closer to him.

Just as she attempted to leave the room, she heard his voice and her heart skipped a beat.

"Are you okay?" Theodore asked, inserting his phone into his breast pocket. Haunter turned and when she felt his eyes on hers, she immediately swallowed hard.

"Huh?" She blinked her eyes. Theodore got to his feet and closed the short gap between them. He raised his hand to her forehead just to feel her temperature.

The close proximity between them had Haunter's heart beating wildly against her chest. Here was the guy who had asked her to stay away from him two days ago, what the hell was he doing now?

"Your temperature is fine. But…" Theodore withdrew his hand and stared at her face keenly.

"Your face kinda looks pale," he muttered. He attempted to touch her face but Haunter was quick to step back. Instead, she cupped her cheek as she tried her best to avoid his eyes.

"I'm fine. Thanks for your concern," she rushed out in one breath. Before he knew it, she was out of the room.

Theodore stared at the door for a long while. "She doesn't look fine," he mumbled to himself. He shrugged before also leaving the room, fetching his phone from his breast pocket.

His phone beeped at that moment and he immediately checked the message he had just received. On seeing what the contents entailed, a small smile escaped his lips.

"Finally," he muttered.



Riccardo returned to the room exactly at 8pm. He looked around the room to find it completely empty with no sign of Adriana's presence. He walked to the nightstand and removed his wristwatch.

While he was at that, there was a knock on the door, and without waiting for a response, Ambra walked in, her face covered with white bandage.

"What do you want?" Riccardo asked when he noticed her presence in the room.

"I heard you're going on a trip," Ambra said. Riccardo nodded briefly and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Ambra watched him till he pulled the shirt and threw it on the bed. She swallowed hard as she stared at his built muscles and abs. Damn, this man here was a Greek god, she had always known but right now… hell, he looked like a devil. A hot devil.

Riccardo turned to find her staring at his chest shamelessly. He released a low scoff.

"What are you still doing here? Get out," he ordered. Ambra didn't move. Instead she walked closer to him.

"Do you want me to stay over tonight?" Her voice sounded seductive such that Riccardo stared at her for a short moment.

"I can keep your bed warm," she whispered the last part, her hand moving to his trouser and getting a hold of his belt.

"Do you realize who you're talking to?" Riccardo's voice was so cold that Ambra suddenly regretted saying those words.

That moment, Adriana walked in. Her steps came to a halt when her eyes took in the scene before her. Riccardo was shirtless and Ambra was before him, her grip on his belt. No one needed to tell her what was going on at that moment.

"Leave," Riccardo's voice boomed around the room. Ambra let her grip off his belt and scurried away not after glaring at Adriana.

Finally, they were alone. Riccardo stared at Adriana who wasn't even smiling. Her expression was grave as she stared at him, her face was also wrinkled into a frown.

"Where were you?" He asked. Adriana scoffed inwardly as she walked deeper into the room.

"You don't have to know," she replied grumpily. Riccardo stared at her in awe, she wasn't even giving him a glance.

He watched as she arranged the bedsheets before laying at the edge with her back turned to him.

Adriana's back was against him but she was conscious of his presence in the room. Earlier, they had almost made love and not so long after, she found him in another woman's arms.

She had preserved herself for him, but it seemed like he didn't. She should have known she wasn't important to him when he had held her captive and almost killed her.

"You don't have to battle with your inner mind, speak whatever is on your mind right now," she heard his voice. She shut her eyes tightly as she tried so hard to control her anger. She was boiling in rage, thinking of the fact that he had obviously made out with so many women made her insides churned.

Before she knew it, she was on her feet marching towards where he sat. Riccardo only watched her as she fumed in anger.

"I know you probably hate me for disrupting your all so lovely moment with your Mistress, but hey, I've got to say my mind," Adriana rushed out at once. Riccardo watched her with the corner of his lips curled up in an amused smile. She hadn't changed, not a single bit.

"I know you must have made out with a lot of women for the past seven years, but how'd you feel if I had a man in my life too?" She asked, trying her best not to raise her voice.

"You don't." Riccardo said calmly that Adriana had to blink her eyes twice.

"You're still tight… just the way I left it," Adriana cringed at his raw words. Why does this man seem so shameless? He could he…?

Riccardo watched her face flushed crimson red, but that didn't prevent her from running her mouth again.

"Oh great to know I preserved myself for you. And you? What did you do? You probably went around sleeping with other women and…"

"That's not true," Riccardo cuts her off. He got to his feet and walked closer to her.

"I've never made out with any other woman except… you," he bent to her ears and whispered those words.

"Stop being jealous," he added and then stood straight. Adriana blinked her eyes rapidly in shock as she stood still for a while with her eyes slightly wide.

"I wasn't…" she immediately lied when she found her voice. To her surprise, Riccardo laughed.

"You are… I know you, Anna," he said, addressing her by the name she had grown accustomed to. The name he always called her when they were still together.

Adriana smiled lightly as she looked into his eyes. This man here in front of her was the Riccardo she had known all her life. The one who's always calm and cool with her, the one who listens to her bickering and just calms her down with just a few of his words. His sudden action towards her took her off guard but surely, she has always wanted this.

The air was thick with anticipation as they both stood face to face. They were close enough to feel each other's breath, and Adriana could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the tension building, and she knew that something was about to happen. Riccardo reached out and gently touched her cheek. His hand was warm and soft, and Adriana felt herself leaning into his touch.

Slowly, he leaned in closer, until their lips were almost touching. Adriana could feel the heat of his breath on her skin, and she closed her eyes, waiting for what would happen next. Then, his lips brushed hers in the gentlest of kisses. It was soft and tentative at first, but then it grew more passionate and intense. Adriana felt herself being swept away in the moment, and she gave in to the kiss.

Adriana's heart was racing, and her body was on fire. Riccardo's touch was electric, and she could feel herself being pulled deeper into the kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he pulled her closer, until there was no space between them. Their bodies were pressed together, and she could feel his heart beating against hers. They were lost in the moment, and time seemed to stand still.

"Così dolce!{So sweet!}" Riccardo groaned into her lips as his hand made its way to her backside.