The room was silent but the erratic breathing of Adriana's heart could be heard. His hand gilded its way to her backside and spank it gently. Adriana in return released a soft moan into his mouth.

She felt his lips slip out of hers and she let out a shaky breath. His grip tightened on her ass as he placed wet kisses on her neck. Stylishly, he pulled down the zipper on her dress and pushed the neckline of the dress off her shoulders. His fingers gently brush her skin, and she shivers at the contact.

The gown pooled at her feet and she stepped out of it, her nakedness welcoming Riccardo's eyes.

His eyes darkened at the sight. Clearly, he wasn't expecting her not to have a panties and bras on. His grip on her ass tightened fiercely that Adriana had to move her head so she could stare at him.

"Where have you been without your panties and bra on?" He growled out. The thought of another man seeing the perfect shape of her boobs, the bouncing of her ass got him furious.

His tone was filled with dominance, his eyes holding no smile in them. He was mad, Adriana could sense that.

"I was out… waiting for you," she breathed out slowly. Was he going to punish her?

Forcefully, Riccardo pulled her to his arms, her hands making contact with the suit he had on.

"Don't you dare walk around without your panties and bra anymore! I won't forgive you for that!" He growled. Adriana nodded repeatedly, his lips making contact with her neck again.

"Non condivido ciò che è mio, Mio amato{I don't share what's mine, My beloved}" he breathed on her neck. Adriana didn't have a chance to reflect on his words when he suddenly pushed her to the bed.

"Perfect!" Riccardo groaned as he ran his hand over her flawless body. He ran them down to her apple, grabbing a soft mold gently as he tickled her nipple.

Adriana whimpered under his hold. This was torture. Pure torture. Heavens know how bad she wanted this man before her, kissing him wasn't enough. She wanted more.

His hand freed her apple and he quietly rose from the bed, his eyes pinned on hers. His black suit was the first to touch the ground, followed by his black shirt. His broad shoulders and powerfully sculptured tattooed body was revealed to Adriana's eyes.

She plopped on her elbow and stared at him, her eyes trailing his full body. She watched him unbuckle his belt and pull down the zip of his trouser, his eyes not leaving her for a second.

Finally, his dress was off and his cock sprang out, fully erect. Adriana gulped down slowly as she stared at him.

Slowly, he got on the bed and resumed kissing her, sending his fingers down her thighs.

Riccardo pleasured Adriana till she saw stars that night. He tongue-fucked her tight walls, finger her wet vag till she could see no more.

Then, he thrusted in his cock into her wet vag. Adriana moaned as she immediately held him to herself. The feeling was heavenly.

"Sei così dolce!{You're so sweet!}" Riccardo groaned hotly as he drove himself deeper into her. Her nails dug into his skin, her head falling on his shoulder as he took the whole of her.

Riccardo groaned as he thrusted deep into her, throwing her over the edge until she convulsed on his cock. He sped up his thrusts, hitting the place that made her see stars.

Adriana fisted the sheets into knots, and writhed on the bed as her orgasm slammed mightily into her like a tornado. Her mouth dropped open when his thrusts became heavier and yet again, he flooded her womb with his hot cums.

Adriana breathed loudly when his head fell on her shoulder, he placed a gentle kiss while her hands went around him, smiling contentedly.

"Non ne ho mai abbastanza di te,{I can never get enough of you,{" he breathed into her neck. Adriana slowly caressed his back as the thought of things coming back to normal flooded her mind. He wasn't cold to her anymore, his attitude towards her was so sweet that she wondered what changed.

Riccardo suddenly raised her body and made her lay on his chest, his cock still buried deeply inside her.

"Go to bed," a naughty smile played on his lips while Adriana's eyes went down to their joint bodies. She glanced up at him.

"But your…" she trailed off as her cheeks burned in embarrassment. Riccardo placed a soft kiss on her cheek, cradling her naked body to himself.

"You talk too much, Mi Amata," he murmured. Adriana smiled lightly as her lids suddenly felt heavy. Her head fell on his chest as her eyes closed instantly. She drifted off to sleep with his cock still buried inside her, filling her up.

The night didn't end that way for the two, they had a middle night sex. The kind where you wake up entangled in each other and no words are spoken. Caresses turn into kisses and kisses turn into passion. After going on different rounds, the duo finally slept off in each other's arms.


Adriana lay in bed, a faint smile on her face as she slept. The sunlight streamed through the window, landing softly on her skin. She shifted slightly in her sleep, as if dreaming of something beautiful. Her hair was spread out around her, like a halo of gold, and her lips were parted slightly, as if she were breathing in the sweet scent of morning.

She felt a deep sense of contentment, as if her heart had finally found a home. She felt warm and safe, and her body was still buzzing with the afterglow of the previous night's passion. But there was also a hint of melancholy, as she thought about the future and what it might hold. She was grateful for the present moment, but she couldn't help wondering if this perfect feeling would last. Would the magic of the night fade with the morning light?

Riccardo was unpredictable. Just like the other night, after an intense lovemaking, he became cold to her the next day.

With these ideas in her mind, Adriana's eyes fluttered open. Her body was covered with a thick comforter, yet she felt she was alone.

To confirm her thoughts, she turned and there, the bed was cold. He was gone.

Tears brimmed the corner of her eyes as she touched the side where he slept softly. Did he really have to act this way towards her after making her feel things were great before them? Was she even important to him? Or, is he just using her to satisfy his sexual urges?

Different thoughts swirled in her mind but she found an answer to none. Slowly, she sat up with a groan as her body felt heavy. He wasn't gentle, he claimed her like a starved predator.

Adriana didn't care to know the time but she knew by the time she got out of the bed, it was late in the morning. She had to stay in bed so she could feel her numb legs.

After having a refreshing bath, she settled on the bed while Rebecca brought her meal to her filled with different kinds of dishes.

That morning, Adriana never caught a glimpse of Riccardo as he never returned to the room. She wouldn't lie that it concerned her greatly.



Alessia had taken the children to the fun park so as to relieve the thoughts of seeing their Mother off her mind. They were back, the kids were playing in their room while she sat in the living room, watching one of her favorite Spanish movies, 'Culpa Mia{My Fault}'.

She smiled at the scene when Nick and Noah engaged in a hot makeout in the pool. Her eyes were filled with envy, she wondered when she was finally going to experience the word LOVE with the right man.

Her thoughts were shortly disrupted by the sound of the door bell. Dropping her phone by her side, she walked to the door and opened it.

On sighting the person standing before her, her breath caught up in her throat and her eyes widened like saucers.



After taking a long stroll and hearing a shocking revelation, Adriana retreated to the room. She had heard some girls speaking about the disappearance of Riccardo who was on trip and she had confronted them before she could believe their words.

And they did. He was gone. He went on a trip without even informing her. Was that how much he despised her?

She heard the sounds of footsteps approaching the room as she hadn't even reached the middle of the room since she was just entering.

Her heart was suddenly filled with apprehension. She knew it was silly to think the way she did, but deep inside, she wished Riccardo was back. For her.

With her heart heavy with anticipation, the door barged open and her eyes welcomed her greatest fears. The three Moretti's brothers.

They weren't smiling. Their eyes were dark. Cold. It sent shivers down her spine.

"Vin… Vincenzo," she whispered as fear and shock warred within her. This was her greatest fear all along. She knew them for the love they had for each other and her leaving Riccardo shattered, would have made them furious.

And she was right. Because they weren't smiling at all, their glares were murderous.